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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. That Mackinnon kid sure is talented....he was fun to watch last night.
  2. Mark has some quotes already in which he mentions next year....he gives the impression he's back. His production isn't anywhere near where it needs to be to leave, in my honest opinion. I do think he averages over a pt per game next year though.
  3. I'm thinking he's going to focus on getting this semester finished then he will leave. I believe Florida's A team is done so he wouldn't be playing hockey anyway and signing would just be a distraction at school. I think he's gone.
  4. Agreed, and toews played with two high end players....so did kristo. There hasn't been too many high end players for the Sioux that we weren't able to match with other players with some offensive ability.
  5. That can happen when you have to absolutely carry two other players on your shoulders every single game.
  6. This is sweet! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xtAeB7EhGv4
  7. Don't get me wrong I like him as a senior next year.
  8. Rocco always seems to be compared to gerbe, although their height is very similar I've heard that gerbe (and St. Louis for that matter) can barely fit in a pair of jeans. They are tree trunks. When I saw Rocco he was just small.
  9. Never was sold on pattyn, i think you are correct with gaarder, I've heard he's shy though. I have always liked how Rocco conducts himself. He seems very mature. Not sure how he is in the locker room though
  10. Yup, and Johnson was really struggling in the circle, I started noticing it during the st Lawrence serious. Your statement made sense though. I was talking about Rocco's development though, as a winger. He only played center before he came to und
  11. I agree....guy needs the c or a next year
  12. Who did kristo play with while he was here?
  13. A tad harsh, he was the best offensive talent out our team. You have to remember he played with a freshman and bottom 6 player. Those that think he wouldn't have out up better totals with parks and Mac are not right in my opinion. Hak had to split them up as we would get torched with our lack of depth. However i do think another year or two would benefit him greatly.
  14. Yup, he's more of a college player anyway. I would be blown away if he ever played in a nhl game
  15. Yeah he'll play wing as he is so small. He was playing wing this year for developmental reason until Hak realized no one else was winning draws (and Rocco was out top faceoff man I believe).
  16. I agree, Rocco needs another year or two. Making to the NHL is no easy task....he should get his degree.
  17. Great news! I don't feel as good about Rocco anymore. I sure do wish he would play one more year, however, when we got him I figured only 2-3 years. Anything more than that would be lucky.
  18. This gfhockey guy is completely made up. The fact that he says he is "associated" with any group of importance is a joke. You have to make a tad more than $100k to be on faisons donor radar.
  19. Ok, I guess I'm confused as to what the initial point was now. We can agree to disagree....although I'm not exactly sure if we are agreeing or disagreeing
  20. Ladue isn't going anywhere.
  21. The WMU kid did the same thing, Koules did too didn't he?
  22. I get what you're saying....I'm just saying that it has a chance of happening. Why would a kid play in the USHL for a year or 2, show up on campus and then subsequently bolt to the CHL with only one year remaining? Why not just go immediately at 16?
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