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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. The only way UND will stay relevant with the big programs is to keep pace with the NIL. Plain and simple. Unless the shift their recruiting practice to only focus on overagers (think kato). Other all blue chips (and that next tier) will be heading to the Big 10.
  2. Strathmann will go in the 2nd-3rd rd and his a much higher end prospect. Littler is intriguing though. Dad is a hockey guy and gets it…he’s a very late rd draft pick and there is zero hurry to climb the ladder. I mean he’s going to be playing junior hockey still 2 years after his draft year. Take the slow route and it will pay dividends. He could very well be a nice player for us.
  3. When watching both of them, Power definitely has the edge offensively, a bit more skill. But…Hensler is the one we want. Definitely.
  4. Just UND…but he has another year at the Program so we’ll need to cross our fingers. They aren’t too keen on Nodak and could push a big ten school.
  5. Hensler follows UND and Brad specifically
  6. I think you’d have better odds at the powerball
  7. I guess my point was we used to be able to take 1-2 local kids (even if they were role players) because our recruiting was so heavy. Those “local role players” were offset a bit by blue chips. I’m not saying WLB should be on the team…very much in that bubble territory given the age/league he played in.
  8. Me too. Back in the old days we almost always had spots for the local standouts. Times are a bit different…margins are slimmer
  9. Oh the team should be fine up front. The question marks will come at D and G.
  10. Interested in Weibe too. Good size, marinated a bit at junior. If given a look he could run with a role. Biggest question mark is Livinage…he’s either going to overachieve by grabbing a PP role early or he’ll play here and there. I don’t think there’s any in between.
  11. Perron is a stud. He’s a compliment though, has to play with good players.
  12. Celebrini’s a one and done. Why not do that at Nodak
  13. I heard from an extremely good source he was planning to come back well before the AZ arena situation was announced. I think it was a good excuse for him not to sign however. Now money talks so who really knows with 100% certainty. But again, the plan was for him to come back all along.
  14. https://twitter.com/nahlhockey/status/1661216596046536704?s=46&t=Zs4iOiCkpY7A9IC_cAV_WA
  15. The NA is not a really good league but it’s solid. The very top end teams could hang a bit in the USHL. They’re missing stars but the league is super old. WLB has offers unless his skating is really bad or something. Probably just weighing his options I would assume. There are at least 5-6 D1 committed on most NA teams and Oklahoma had 8. WBL was a top player on that team. He has offers.
  16. Oh sure ok. Great numbers (albeit in an iffy league), captain too. I just listened to his post championship game interview…very well spoken kid. I’d be perfectly fine taking a kid like that to fill a depth role. But, if he’s thinking an Ivy that obviously makes sense too.
  17. I have zero idea if Lawson Body would be an option for Bubs but he just had a really nice playoffs for his NA team, won the chip tonight. In looking at his numbers, they’re really solid and he’s be on the older side. Local too.
  18. Strathmann with the Clark Cup. Nice accolade…hoping he goes in the 2-3 rd range.
  19. Jaxson Nelson too, he’s a big guy. They turned over a ton on D but they’re young guys are studs too. Mittestadt played PP last year so I’m sure he’ll get a look at QBing that top PP. Mittelstadt, koster, Chesley, Rinzel…their D core should still be fairly high end. I’m sure they have some new guys coming in that can play. Gophs are reloading the right way.
  20. I actually don’t think eisermann will ever make it on campus. He had a big U18 year this year….he’ll explode next year in year 2 and he’ll be the 1-2 pick. We shall see if he ends up there.
  21. From a very very good source of mine, he was already planning to come back. Had a place and everything right after the FF. His intention was to come back but everyone knows how that goes. Players get that carrot dangled in front of them and who knows what could happen. The recent AZ news is a nice excuse not to sign though…but that had to be part of the decision I’m sure
  22. As expected, Cooley back at MN next year
  23. Strand will bring in his own coaching group, that’s typically how it works.
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