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Posts posted by scpa0305

  1. 33 minutes ago, ChadR said:

    Supposedly had like a 34 on the ACT also.

    Surprised he hasn't committed somewhere yet.

    The NA is not a really good league but it’s solid. The very top end teams could hang a bit in the USHL. They’re missing stars but the league is super old. WLB has offers unless his skating is really bad or something. Probably just weighing his options I would assume. There are at least 5-6 D1 committed on most NA teams and Oklahoma had 8. WBL was a top player on that team. He has offers.

  2. 10 hours ago, SuhakiYeahYeah said:

    I asked schloss about it, he said that he wouldn't be surprised if LB went the ivy league route

    Oh sure ok. Great numbers (albeit in an iffy league), captain too. I just listened to his post championship game interview…very well spoken kid. I’d be perfectly fine taking a kid like that to fill a depth role. But, if he’s thinking an Ivy that obviously makes sense too.

  3. I have zero idea if Lawson Body would be an option for Bubs but he just had a really nice playoffs for his NA team, won the chip tonight. In looking at his numbers, they’re really solid and he’s be on the older side. Local too.

  4. 1 hour ago, tnt said:

       Would bet the gophers and BU are right up there for #1 preseason.  Hopefully they are as high on themselves in the summer and through the season as everybody else will be.   Even though they lost major players on defense, they still have high end guys that have a year under their belt, not to mention they will be spending a lot of time in the offensive end with guys like Cooley, Snuggerud, Moore, etc.   Just funny how they have no problem welcoming back guys like Close that are older, when they constantly complained about Minnesota State's players.  

    Jaxson Nelson too, he’s a big guy. They turned over a ton on D but they’re young guys are studs too. Mittestadt played PP last year so I’m sure he’ll get a look at QBing that top PP. Mittelstadt, koster, Chesley, Rinzel…their D core should still be fairly high end. I’m sure they have some new guys coming in that can play. Gophs are reloading the right way.

  5. Just now, brianvf said:

    They’ll be a top 5 team again next year. And then the following year they’ll have Eiserman coming in to replace Cooley when he leaves. 
    Gonna be a good test early when we play them this fall. 

    I actually don’t think eisermann will ever make it on campus. He had a big U18 year this year….he’ll explode next year in year 2 and he’ll be the 1-2 pick. We shall see if he ends up there.

  6. 8 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

    I wonder how much the Phoenix vote (down in flames this week) impacted that, if any. 

    Cooley is an amazing talent but he won't have last years group of defenders covering some of his defensive lapses. 

    From a very very good source of mine, he was already planning to come back. Had a place and everything right after the FF. His intention was to come back but everyone knows how that goes. Players get that carrot dangled in front of them and who knows what could happen.

    The recent AZ news is a nice excuse not to sign though…but that had to be part of the decision I’m sure 

  7. 49 minutes ago, stoneySIOUX said:

    Hopefully this puts away any kind of doubt around this kid.... maybe also reflects a bit on our consternation around "culture" here recently, too.

    "I'm super excited," Strathmann said. "I was just talking to the (UND) coaches. They thought it was best for me to come back, develop another year, mature another year, and I love it. To be here with my buddies again, to have another year of developing, would be great."

    Strathmann said he talked through the development path with UND and his family advisor.

    "We're all on the same page," Strathmann said. "I'm just so excited about North Dakota. How could you not be?

    "Those guys are a really tight group every single year. The culture is unbelievable. Every time I've visited, they're very warm and welcoming and super good dudes. I'm super excited just to be a part of that."

    I was waiting for you to post this :) 

  8. On 5/11/2023 at 9:53 AM, stoneySIOUX said:

    I'm bored, so here's my line chart for game 1 this season :):

    Blake - Berg - Gaber
    James - Schmaltz - Perron
    Kunz - McLaughlin (I'd be cool with flipping 2C and 3C) - Strinden
    Johannes - Jammer - Emerson

    Pyke - Pehrson
    Wiebe - Zmolek
    Benoit - Livanvage


    I like this lineup…id agree with the flipping you mentioned. Schmaltz and Kunz had a good year in GB together. That second line with OM would be really really skilled. 

  9. 13 minutes ago, stoneySIOUX said:

    Three with solid history, two with great history. Then, three freshmen with potential. I like the mix, but the mesh needs to start NOW. Not in October. Now.

    Right I don’t mind it after the fall out from last year. But…def some question marks. Zmolek is a wcha recruit coming off a fairly significant surgery. Hasn’t played in a long time. Just saying, it’s not even what we had last year…not really even that close. I like Livanavage and Wiebe long term though. Hopefully this core gels early.

  10. 2 hours ago, stoneySIOUX said:

    I'm bored, so here's my line chart for game 1 this season :):

    Blake - Berg - Gaber
    James - Schmaltz - Perron
    Kunz - McLaughlin (I'd be cool with flipping 2C and 3C) - Strinden
    Johannes - Jammer - Emerson

    Pyke - Pehrson
    Wiebe - Zmolek
    Benoit - Livanvage


    Boy…that dcore. First half should be interesting 

  11. 3 hours ago, tnt said:

    But I don't think offense was going to be the issue.   I don't know that the last few weeks are going to make a huge impact as far as solving any defensive deficiencies they want to work on.  I imagine if he goes back, he has the chance to be part of the leadership of the team, and that could help him down the road as well. 

    He’s already an assistant captain on the team. He is in the leadership group. Being a captain wouldn’t hurt though I suppose.

  12. 1 hour ago, stoneySIOUX said:

    Exactly, so I just don't understand why he would listen to you, or anyone else for that matter, as he makes the decision. He and the staff are on the same page. I understand there's some precedence, but those previous two situations seem very different than this one.

    This isn't a shot at you, in the least bit. It's just a confusing conversation. He doesn't think he's ready, his advisors don't think he's ready, and UND is completely fine with him staying another year.

    He comes in this season, he's in a suit nearly every weekend, burning a year he'd be here. Another year of seasoning and he comes here next year with plenty of ice time opportunities

    This is a forum where folks give their opinions on all things Sioux hockey. I was simply responding to a poster that I somewhat agreed with (re. the (minor) concern of him choosing to go back to juniors to play games 120-170). When you post regarding the fact you (and others) don’t think he’s ready I never respond, unless I am tagged.

    He’s the top dman on clearly one of the top ushl teams (best junior league in NA) and he’s just wrapping up two years at that level while playing 100+ games.  My only point is that I do not agree with this notion that “he’s not ready”. He could play college puck almost anywhere next year. I also don’t agree with the thinking he’d be in a suit next year. I like what Bubs and Co have done with the dcore, but that’s only on paper and there are still many question marks from playing in lessor leagues, to not playing at all, and having a bunch of freshman who I wouldn’t think would be better than Strathmann.

    But…if he and his advisors think he should go back…perfect. I completely agree there. Hopefully I covered all angles :)

    • Upvote 3
  13. 17 hours ago, skateshattrick said:

    I agree as long as what he is saying is accurate. I recall that Rizzo initially said he was okay waiting another year, but then waited another year, decommitted and went to Denver. Morrow didn't like the coaches telling him to play a year in the USHL and neither did Stephen Halliday. As long as Strathmann is okay with it and it is his decision, it makes sense. I just really don't like losing high end recruits. 

    If the season doesn’t go great next year and Strathmann is playing ushl, I’d be a bit concerned that he flips to UM or MSU (home state/B10). Based on what he’s doing in the USHL, he comes across as very ready for the next step. If his team wins it all and he’s logging these huge minutes. Id say bring him in to be safe. 

    But as others have mentioned, going back to juniors would not hurt him, he was a bit streaky at times. Could work on his D game more I suppose. His +\- has always been solid bit that metric can have its flaws when assessing players D. I mean…Sam Rinzel played juniors this year and was a 1st rounder. Situation was vastly different however.

  14. 53 minutes ago, tnt said:

    Strathmann also had a goal last night.

    Yep, most of the news has been focused on Perron but Strathmann and Swanson playing really well right now from a production standpoint. Great to see. 

    Swanson having a super good year. 

  15. 11 minutes ago, tnt said:

    I don't know that he needs exposure, as I am certain everyone knows about him.  Brad Hunt and Zach Whitecloud made out o.k. playing at Bemidji State.  I actually think it is refreshing if he keeps his commitment to BSU. 

    I’m just saying he’d get more exposure at Und (or any other big school) and would be playing with more talent. Which can be fairly important.

    But you are correct, it has been done before.

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