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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. Wow completely opposite in relation to this site In regards to the Rough Riders nickname.
  2. One decent omission to me is tommy novak. Not sure what happened there, he is a projected second rounder. What is that Eason kid doing over Novak? Gersich too, you'd think he would get a tryout.
  3. North Stars seems to be gaining steam. Not very many folks here like it though.
  4. What I find odd, is that when you read the Facebook tag, the comments are overwhelmingly in support of remaining ND as a name and there was not many comments regarding Rough Riders. Which makes me think someone on the Rough Riders bandwagon (someone from this forum) is the keyboard warrior or warriors. I'm not saying the big swing from last night wasn't some no nickname keyboard warrior though because that was a pretty big swing overnight.
  5. Haha, yeah I saw that this morning; major swings. That entire poll is too funny.
  6. http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/education/3768806-staking-claim-name-und-nickname-options-include-local-high-school-mascot
  7. My brother in law doesn't like UND athletics at all....he's loving this. He's cheering for sundogs hard. He wasn't invested until he heard the final 7.
  8. I haven't noticed that whatsoever. More people are laughing at us for these names.
  9. So similar to every other post...you want rough riders . Don't worry bud, it looks as though that one has a strong chance of winning.
  10. Funny stuff, someone is sitting on the inforum poll continuously voting for Rough Riders.
  11. Sure that makes sense. I simply thought there would be a couple interesting names that would come out of this. There are none.
  12. Sure, but to many on this site it is already Rough Riders or no dice right? If anyone says anything else but Rough Riders they get mocked. I guess where I'm coming from is that the collective listing of nicknames is so bad the masses are almost forced to choose Rough Riders. It is our state motto but it is already used. By hiring consultants (and I would still like to know the $), I would have thought there would be 4-5 finalists we are all fighting over. There really isn't, there are like 2-3 and that fight is not a good one. We are settling. Some people have said all the good nicknames are taken, or you should come up with a better name. If the university has spent top $ on a consulting firm there should be, at the very least, 4-5 names that sound pretty decent. That is not the case. Of those final 15 and even the final 7, many of the nicknames are borderline awful.
  13. I'm talking more about the consultants....the people who typically cost big bucks with little results. I work in the banking industry and we have to use consultants all the time. They are hit or miss. They come in preaching the world but when you look back at their body of work it is usually average at best.
  14. Agree 100%. They are spending all this $ (like it grows on trees) only to potentially lift the local high school's name. I like the name but I think that is what's bugging me the most. Anyone have a total related to the spend on this project so far?
  15. I actually didn't find it that hard to say.
  16. Very true. I still lean more towards ND, NS (or some variation of Stars), or Nodaks.
  17. To be honest, neither does Rough Riders. It meets some of the criteria but not being unique. RR, Cedar Rapids, Saskatchewan., etc. Point being that none of the nicknames meet the criteria listed.
  18. If I looked at that correctly, only Fighting Hawks and Nodaks had no negatives. There you go.
  19. You are absolutely correct. I have been pretty outspoken with the Rough Rider nickname solely on the points you made in your post. However, I could definitely live with that nickname if ND, NS, and Nodaks are not one of the finalists. And I wouldn't complain, I'd jump on the bandwagon instantly.
  20. Crawford played awesome tonight; what a great turnaround from the Nashville series.
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