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Benny Baker

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Everything posted by Benny Baker

  1. Were stratton’s numbers that poor? Just under a point a game. Or is it more his age?
  2. This^^^ A big cause of the nickname controversy are those who get unreasonably triggered by the sight of a Sioux logo and can't let it go. "OMG, there's a Sioux logo hidden away, underneath our new $6,000,000.00 scoreboard!!!" Why is this even an issue? These people would probably also turn down a free $6M mansion merely because the seller wanted a bathroom closet to remain painted green.
  3. Definitely need those types, but it was also nice to have 2 first rounders on the CBS line.
  4. I did too, until I realized they were all BU, BC, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan recruits. Hopefully some 1 and dones.
  5. Maybe with “N DAKOTA” diagonally.
  6. They were too busy saying hello to his assistant coach’s kids.
  7. 4 million from Englestad Foundation and 2 million from REA reserve fund.
  8. Eight stars on the side of the helmet. Add a ninth after this season.
  9. It'll be interesting to see Ryder Donovan's stat line next year whether or not Berry makes room for additional incoming players.
  10. More akin to funeral attire than business suits these days.
  11. Any chance you can get your boys to adopt this as their mantra for the weekend? We'd appreciate it.
  12. So Stanford's had the most athletic success of anyone despite notorious infighting among alumni, fans, and administration about their school's Indian nickname and logo . . . Hmmm
  13. Yup. And suggesting that internet message board banter is the reason UND does not have successful athletic programs is the most illogical thing I’ve heard this week.
  14. He meant that merchandise sales help fund all athletic programs, not that merchandise sales “alone” are enough to fund all athletic programs.
  15. Right? Now the victims are complaining about REA’s management! Ahahaha.
  16. Actually, I read on here earlier that the football team paid for the hockey locker room renovations and all of the scoreboard. So you need to go educate yourself, my friend.
  17. And UND either failed to renegotiate a favorable contract for itself; or more likely Realized the benefits provided by REA far outweigh the athletic department keeping 52% of ticket revenue for six football games in 2018.
  18. Yes, the news that UND was unable to renegotiate what it claimed to be a favorable contract for itself.
  19. I think I'm following you, but its still not REA's fault that UND perpetually fails to renegotiate a favorable contract.
  20. The bigger crime Bucci should investigate is how the women's team managed to win not a single playoff game in its entire history.
  21. Yes, I am happy UND didn't have to pay a single dime for the REA's $105 million price tag that the Engelstads paid for instead. On the balance, UND saved anywhere from $10 to $105 million by not having to build a new hockey arena, and the impact that alone has had on other programs on campus has been an immeasurable success.
  22. I literally see dozens of posts on here every day contemplating the D-1 facilities arm race and the need for UND to improve its athletic facilities.
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