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Everything posted by watchmaker49

  1. No I am defending their right to their opinions from a large collection of hypocrites.
  2. Ryan Bakken writes a humorous column? That should be more like he attempts to write one. Could never stand to read his column since it always is lame,
  3. You are saying this to the wrong person, that is unless you did not read ScottM's post about Fetch.
  4. That is lower than anything I have ever posted here. Does it really make you feel better about changing your mind and turning against DaveK, Fetch, and Chewey by attacking them? A comment like this from a lawyer is not a very smart idea since you know as well as I do it is called libel. I just lost all respect for you.
  5. At the same time could it also not be a good thing for college players? Back to poaching players though. What is the real difference between the CHL going for the same kids as two schools going for the same kids? Besides are not the schools poaching players from the CHL?
  6. You are wrong here. 82SiouxGuy has written like this for a very long time now. He always linked sources and by now these are his words and if someone else used them in the same manor, or word for word, they would have to cite 82SiouxMan. This inter-fan squabbles is a great reason to retire the logo. A house divided....
  7. It was over 7 years ago and still people trotted on doing what you now are blasting Soderstrom for.
  8. Mostly because Chewey has not been around lately or I would have included him also. I get the new realities and the funny thing is I was in understanding of the new realities while you were still cheering on the logo like the people you now blast. When I mentioned a long time ago that the NCAA was the big dog who was going to get pissed at the Yorkie (UND Fans) nipping at their nuts they were going to get pissed and chomp a big part out of their ass and I was blasted for saying it. So don't bring up reality since you chose not to recognize it for years. As for Chewey he stood his ground while you praised him and lambasted him. You guys really are a bunch of hypocrites and don't start with the sanctions that will hurt UND so you changed your mind. We knew these sanctions were coming for years and all of you chose to ignore the fact. Now that you see the fact you all become so sacronistic (sp?) over the sanctions. Hence, discription of hypocricy displayed here on a daily basis. Furthermore, when a pack forms with the characteristics of narcissism is it still narcissism or simple group think then? Also why can't DaveK, Fetch, and Chewey beieve what they want since it will never hurt you or the university? It is their right to feel the way they want. How come I can have a respectable conversation with all three of them even though I have told all three that we are on the opposite sides of the fence? Simply because I respect their convictions. Try it sometime and see the responce.
  9. Sounds a heck of a lot more like Goon than DaveK.
  10. Hate to say it but BS. You did not switch until along time after the agreement along with everyone else here. You switched when you took off the blinders and joined reality where you saw the truth of the matter and what the sanctions would do. Time to head over to Pros Ranch Market for a tasty chorizo and egg burro with a strawberry agua fresca. Then to the library for some more books, followed by an afternoon of lounging around the pool since it is suppose to be 108 today.
  11. Then enforce the rest of the rules fairly and stop allowing the personal attacks on Fetch and DaveK. Thank you. Besides my analogies were on topic here. Unlike saying they are DaveK's meth dealer which you did not say anything about, hmm. You know where it says in the rules no personal attacks. If you do ban me for this and not the others your hypocricy would show.
  12. Do you sell the memory loss or denial pills to the rest of the posters here? They are getting them from someone.
  13. Not in the classroom was it a topic of discussion. The logo was never brought up for discussion at all either. As for a childish point of view is this your way of defending the viewpoint that you argued for years instead of admiting that you were wrong all along? The situation changed years ago, like back in 2005, and for the next 6 years who was it that was denying that the NCAA could do what they want? Oh yeah that would be all the logo supporters here who denied what Mac Schneider said and others as being truthfull.  Though now they are parroting the same thing like they thought it up. Give me a break. You guys remind me of Ralph being tough until he went crawling to the Gaming Commish to keep his license. I don't agree with DaveK and Fetch's stance but all of you here now talk about hurting the university and all along that is what you all were doing. Why can't you people admit that you were being the idiots instead of attacking Fetch and DaveK for what you had been advocating for yourself? Reminds me of Romney dancing away from RomneyCare. Or Newt being for a single payer plan before he was against it. You can not have it both ways. Besides the kids go to games for the social aspect and not really to watch.
  14. DaveK and Fetch really do have a point though. It is not like Wisc. or the Gophers are going to play UND in hockey much after next year, if at all. All the other teams really are only blood suckers like women's hockey (which none of you watch), football, tennis, golf, et al. I think the hockey team would survive even under sanctions. So if hockey survived what does the rest even matter then? After 9 years earning 3 bachelor and one master degrees I never heard anyone talking about sports to start with at UND. So the track team goes away boo hoo. The football team goes away. Again boo hoo who cares. I have realized one thing though. I have learned how to defined hypocrite. It is defined "UND sport fans on this board". DaveK and Fetch at least are not hypocrites. They have kept their same stance through all of this. Whereas the rest of you talked tough, like a little Yorkie nipping at the NCAA's nuts, until they took a chomp out of your asses and you found out who the real power is. Once you found out you all limped away licking your wounds and started a new system, or justification, for changing your stories. With this being the case I have more respect for DaveK and Fetch than the rest of you.
  15. There are a lot of great schools in this country that only play D3 or NAIA which is very close to not having sports. Look at the UWisc. system. A good student who plays hockey at one of the D3 Wisc. schools will get more scholarship money than a UND hockey player. A lot of these D3 schools are as big or bigger than UND like St. Thomas which is as large or dang near as large as UND.
  16. I think ATL is a little far for an RJ.
  17. I would rather see a flight to Detroit than Salt Lake. With SLC you can access to 30 destinations with one stop. Whereas with Detroit you get you get over 40 one stop destinations. Yes I actually did count them.
  18. Would being a restricted free agent be a good or bad think for Frattin?
  19. Is this really the CHL's fault or the inability of the college coaches to convince the kids to play college instead? What they are doing is no different than what the colleges are doing. Both are trying to put the best product they can on the ice and sell tickets. I would almost guess that a CHL teams success or failure is more scrutinized than an American college team is. All Canadian hockey fans know all about the CHL where as most American hockey fans know little to nothing about college hockey. Does anyone here with their vast knowledge about hockey know how many guys coaching in the CHL this year have NHL experiance coaching? Or AHL or ECHL experiance? What I am getting at is it seems that the CHL coaches are auditioning for pro jobs as much as their players are. Hence, why the play more like the pros. If a CHL coach can develope players for the pros it helps them. If I am not mistaken but at one time didn't NHL teams actually own teams in the OHL?
  20. Why? Because it was just a short time ago you were saying the same thing as DaveK and Fetch are. Besides at least they are honest enough to admit that after hockey they really could care less about the rest of the sports. Furthermore, they also admit that the school as a whole means nothing to them. Before you get into a huff everyone here, besides DaveK and Fetch, cares more about the university than the sports department. So simply their desire to keep the name all along was different than all of the other posters here. The rest cared, and still care, about the logo but not enough to throw away everything else to keep the name. In everyone heres hearts they will always be Fighting Sioux. But they will wear their alumni status forever no matter what the logo is. Which is highly commendable and says alot about the UND Family.
  21. Or at least they think they do.
  22. Could you and choyt3 act anymore like junior high girls with your responses?
  23. Could you act anymore like a junior high school girl with your response? Same goes for Choyt3.
  24. I am going to agree with Mariucci on this also. Minneapolis happens to sit right in the middle of a college hockey hot bed and has the facilities to host a tourney. Look at the amount of fans this year in St. Paul compared to the other regions.
  25. Sorry to tell you this but I spent 2 1/2 years studying this issue for a master's thesis and that is why I say it is a waste of tax dollars. There is no evidence that fares will lower or that it really gets you out west any faster. The only places that you will get to quicker is some smaller places and then only if you catch the right bank of flights. Furthermore, there is no evidence that air service leads to economic growth.
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