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Everything posted by watchmaker49

  1. For one thing I do not drink and never really have. In fact in the last 20 years I have had maybe 3 sips of beer and no other alcohol. What I posted is fact.
  2. That right there is the problem with the arena. They never thought about this when assigning sections.
  3. He was drunk and the story in the paper according to a teammate,. who I got to know pretty good, of his the story he told was pure BS. He was trying to get away from a pissed off boyfriend.
  4. Having problems with academics is strange for Carter I think. He attended two excellent college prep high schools. Or was he that good of a player they just used him?
  5. Does anyone know why Don Carter is not on the Bison team any longer? He would only have been a junior this year.
  6. But they block the view of the money in the suites. Who really are not watching that much to start with.
  7. Dontcha remember all those illegal voters stole it for him.
  8. Maybe murder by having the right lawyer and judge. A good criminal defense lawyer does not work cheap. How are they paying their tab? The July arrest should have made the Jan. deferment kick in. Then even if the July arrest was deferred the Aug. arrest should have inacted the July deferrment. Then again even if the Aug. arrest was deferred the petition arrest should have caused the Aug. arrest to kick in.
  9. Thanks for seeing my oversight.
  10. Should players be suspended for a game, or more, whenever charged with anything? I vote yes.
  11. I thought that is what Gothberg and the other freshmen were charged with?
  12. Why could not the company that hired them charge them with theft? They did take money by deception.
  13. Saturday's game is on Fox Atlantic, if that helps anyone.
  14. Nothing flows upstream. The envy flows downstream from NDSU to UND.
  15. My business sends me checks for doing nothing while I lounge around the pool, just waiting on some more wheat money and soybeans to come in. I see your's must be pretty busy also since you seem to find plenty of free time to post here.
  16. Are they the ones you feel obligated to invite for Christmas? Like the ones who show up to the potluck with all their kids and nothing to contribute?
  17. But not busy of enough of a business to keep you from posting here.
  18. Hey we have agreed a few times before. But seriously reading that announcement really gave me a bad feeling. As 82Siouxguy was thinking as the same time that I was reading the announcement and you are thinking also this is not going to be good. I would say Twamley and the rest of the administrations around the state are thinking "thanks you sobs for thinking that winning football games are more important then the education of the students in the state's universities system". Even though the hockey players were punished they are going to use that also. They can not help but not to. It only takes a snowflake to start an avalanche.
  19. What are these football players going to have learned from all this? Nothing beyond the fact we got away with it. Now the people in North Dakota government that want to take control of the universities from the SBHE have some real cannonballs to lob in the next session. They tried with the nickname and failed. But football players running amuck and obstructing the democratic process is something that they can really latch on to with emotion. Bison fans may be happy about the outcome but they are only a small percentage of the population. Most of the rest of the state will not be very happy that they pretty much walked away with nothing. Easy to sell a new program to people with NDSU's lack of control and punishment.
  20. That Bisonville forum is funny as hell. They blame everyone but the players.
  21. I wonder what the graduation rate is for the Bison football team?
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