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Everything posted by watchmaker49

  1. And what one service does UND offer that most other schools probably do not offer? ELS.
  2. You opened the door. Does post number 3 ring a bell?
  3. He does not believe in science.
  4. In time that is going to be one of, if not, the top line in college hockey. Think what these guys will be like when they are juniors or senoirs. You would think no matter what they should be kept together for the future. Let them learn, grow , and meld together.
  5. From the Herald article it seems that the payments will be starting soon if they have not already. What a waste of tax dollars.
  6. They also have a much smaller population. Now if compare dollars to population ND would be right there also. Though there are numerous industries that need what ND can not provide that keeps ND out of the bidding. How much did GF give United to provide service to Denver and how is that working out?
  7. Single malt? Then you should visit Sander's since they have like 39 single malts.
  8. Which is better Dish or Direct? Or is it personal preference?
  9. How are people suppose to respond to your link? Anyone who pays attention to more than sports would respond the same way that I did. As for your comment North Dakota is averse to providing incentives re-read your link or contact Greg Hoover and get a copy of how much money GF has gven away and never were paid back. ND plays the same game as everyone else does.
  10. I was getting them from the printers for pretty much nothing. They had a huge stack of them that had not been paid for.
  11. Does this make them makers or takers? Look more like they are the takers Romney and the GOP are talking about. What became of this free market they talk about?
  12. Forget the fine. What happened to their future drafts is going to hurt them for a real long time.
  13. Probably will sell as well as the one in 87 did. That one bombed.
  14. I also believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny, God, the Bible, the Quaran, the Book of Mormon, and all of the other accepted myths. I forgot and Hamm building that department out of the goodness of his heart and not a backdoor ploy to get his way.
  15. The worst thing is Jackson is flat out lying. He could not see the puck because his view was blocked by Saunders. Remember the Notre Dame bench was to Clark's left and UND's to his right. Hak could see the puck. But no way could Jackson have seen it.
  16. I doubt they would give out the kind of money he needs. His job working in a parking lot did not pay him much. The beer man wants his money on delivery and the hard stuff guys give you 30 days. Cisco gives you lots of time and lets people dig themselves real deep holes, like 50K to Dave Norman and his run in Whitey's. I would venture he is leasing the golf machine.
  17. It is ok to use since it is a microsoft program. Your computer's spyware or whatever is asking you if it is ok. Yes it is ok.
  18. Whose money? He has not worked enough in 10 years to make it himself so that means he has someone backing him.
  19. The problem is I was not trying to be funny. I was only stating a fact. Now enjoy your day at the kids table and someday maybe they will let you move up as you mature.
  20. Yes, you did ruin the thread with your mindless little attempt at being funny. By the way if you had bothered to even read the article you would have seen that their attendance figures was mentioned. So my comment, unlike your comment, was pertinent to the topic being discussed. Back to the kid's table with you and let the adults talk.
  21. I wonder what Minnesota's numbers would be if they counted the people who walked in the door and not tickets sold. For years they have announced attendence of over 9,000 and you could see that a good chunk of the areana was empty.
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