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Everything posted by watchmaker49

  1. NONRESIDENT LICENSES Deer – Firearms (18 & over) $140 .00 Deer – Firearms (youth ages 10-17) 13.00 Deer – Archery (18 & over) 140.00 Deer – Archery (youth ages 10-17) 13.00 Deer – Muzzleloader (18 & over) 140.00 Deer – Muzzleloader (youth ages 10-17) 13.00 Deer – Bonus Permit 68.50 Deer – Disease Management Permit 1.50 Bear 200.00 Small Game (age 18 or over) 84.50 Small Game (youth) 12.50 Wild Turkey 83.00 Sandhill crane permit 3.00 Wolf hunting 250.00 Furbearer Hunting (raccoon and bobcat) 160.00 Trapping (landowner only) 73.00 Wild Rice Harvest (One Day) 30.00 How does this compare to ND's non-resident fees?
  2. Every year there are great players in the ECHL. It is full of guys who played at good D1 programs who had great numbers there. Then you have all the Major Juniors who had great numbers there. For people that like college hockey they should like the ECHL. I would rather drive up to Vegas and watch the Wranglers than the Coyotes.
  3. You never know until you try. At least it would be more than just talking about it here.
  4. Thanks. What I am saying is to form a group outside of this board. Get together and discuss and then present. I think they really could use your ideas since their's are not working.
  5. Have you guys ever thought about getting together and forming a little group and coming up with a list of ways to get more people in the stands and presenting it to UND? You guys seem to care and are thinking of ways to get people in the stands it seems more than UND even is.
  6. There is that sign along I-29 that says Sioux Falls something like 287 miles. People see that while driving to Fargo, MSP, Phoenix (snowbirds), etc...
  7. No OHL in his future? Maybe no WHL in his future?
  8. of a copy of a copy... Couple more copies needed.
  9. That is really scary since many of those kids and their parents have never been more than 50 miles from where they were born in their lifes.
  10. Actually you couldn't. Housing median prices have climbed 30% in just the last year. Most anything under say 175K, or in that neighborhood, are being scarfed up by investors as rental property and the normal buyers are being squeezed out by the cash buyers. There are about 5 different groups that are buying like mad down here. The people from up there and elsewhere that bought in the areas I listed before that bought prior to 2012 are the ones that made out like bandits. Those deals really are not out there anymore. In 2010 you could pick up a 3/2 1,200-1600 sq foot for between 80K-120K that were new houses but not anymore. You really would not lke to commute though from there. It takes an hour to get from RT O'Sullivans old store in Mesa to watch a game from north Peoria, with no traffic.
  11. Last night U of Arizona was upsetting USC and there was a lot of empty seats at that game and it was beautiful outside. So who knows why people are not going to games. Here is a possible thought as to why. Could it be that it has to be "cool" and the "in thing" that attracts people to games? Look at the attendence of hockey games because it is the "cool" thing to go and see and be seen, like fashion, music, hair cuts, et al. This goes for students as well as the rest of the fans.
  12. We watched on a different TV than last year but it still seems like a weaker picture.
  13. I wonder if UND put any clauses in their contract with Midco over quality issues? Which leds to the question as to who is more at fault for this fiasco, UND or Midco? I vote for UND as being more at fault for not making sure that the quality would be good for their alums and fans around the country. It almost seems like UND sold us out for a couple of bucks. When the alumni foundation calls, or writes, asking for money maybe we should tell them to use the 500K instead of asking us for money.
  14. The video was no better on FCS. It is a second rate production at best. Even on the third goal it was very hard to see what happened.
  15. Nice that some of us could take advantage of it. Also they are not as cheap as you think. The lowest priced houses are way out in San Tan, Queen Creek, Maricopa, Anthem, Buckeye, way north Peoria, and Deer Valley. Those houses are really out there though.
  16. Exactly what are are these wrong facts that you speak of? While you sit and dream that you could have gone to Montana today to watch football, if you could have afforded to go, I will be sitting outside on a nice sunny day watching baseball in Arizona. For the next 5 months you will be complaining about the cold and the snow I will be sitting by the pool enjoying the nice weather.
  17. What is your problem? Did you ever even graduate from UND?
  18. The answer for the masses but I think a lot of you would still go even if they did not win.
  19. The difference between you and me is that I observe the group and you observe the individual. I compare the group to another group. You compare the individual to the group. That is what I develope my hypothesis by.
  20. Has the team really been that bad over the last 5 years? I have never really followed the football team. But then again I never follow football to start with, I don't even watch the Super Bowl. Last Saturday was the first game I have watched in years. It was an exciting game to watch even for a non-football fan. So if more games are like that I would think it might interest me and other non-fans and get the real football fans excited once again. That might bring the students back also.
  21. To the football fans here a question. How much of the design of the building do you feel may take away from the atmosphere? It kind of seems like there are almost two seperate groups there with one group on each side of the field. Somewhat like there is no continuity to the place. Can you really create a football atmosphere inside a building like this? It seems like it takes away from the mental images one would have of a college football game on a Saturday afternoon. What are your thoughts on this? PS: I am not trying to be a smart aleck with this question. When curious I like to ask people that have knowledge on the subject I am curious about. Who would be better to ask than die hard UND football fans?
  22. "tough part with things like "Jump Around" is that it almost has to be spontaneous to catch on - and can come across forced and not authentic or unique to UND. If the students came up with something (en masse) they wanted to do, we'd be all over it." What I have been saying all along.
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