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Everything posted by watchmaker49

  1. Too important of a thread to let get sidetracked.
  2. Don't get me wrong I think the deal sucks as much as anyone. But I can look at the bigger picture and see why what happened did. UND had TV money but the rest really had none. The league saw a revenue stream for everyone and not just one school. We have been spoiled with the coverage that we got. UND needed the other schools to go along with them and this was the carrot. Otherwise what real incentive was there for the rest to leave the W or the C?
  3. I can agree with you on the UND numbers. Like Don Corleone said, "A lawyer with a briefcase can steal more than 100 guys with guns." Though it is public record and they would have to give anyone a detailed accounting when asked.
  4. Do you mean that one school can tell the other 7 schools in the league what to do? This was not UND's deal.
  5. That is what Gino said when he was the league commissioner. But using your math that is 1.5 million gate revenue. Ad space on boards, program ad space, all belongs to the Stars.
  6. http://college-sports.findthedata.org/q/10945/3448/How-much-profit-does-the-University-of-North-Dakota-Ice-Hockey-team-in-Grand-Forks-North-Dakota-make
  7. For signing a deal that allows UND to broadcast so many games on Midco?
  8. According to Gasparini when he was the head of the USHL the Stars took in more money than UND did before they moved to the new arena. The Stars are a little gold mine. They make $50k gate sales for their home games. All concession sales and they sell 72 kegs a game according to Gino. That adds up real fast.
  9. How soon can they start at the Silo Tech school?
  10. If you could own a hockey team and your choice was between UND and the Lincoln Stars, based on profitability, which team would you want?
  11. Kind of what I thought. Next question though is there anything that would prevent Midco from signing a deal with Direct?
  12. No different than UND's deal with Midco. What I am curious about though is if Midco owns these rights to broadcast games what keeps them from selling them to FCS? Are their broadcast rights limited to a geographical area? From looking at Denver's schedule Root only carried 6 game all season. It will be internet city next year.
  13. What if grandpa funds a couple of scholarships? Though I do hope he develops into a player that would be an addition to the team. Would be fun to see a grandson of a legend play.
  14. Yah think? He would not even need to be any good just like his dad.
  15. Nothing I could find when I looked an hour ago.
  16. My thoughts exactly. It is not safe to drive yet. Enjoy that SD hospitality for another night.
  17. They still have these same infrastructure costs even when selling at the ticket booth. I am curious as to how ticket brokers have tickets before they even go on sale all the time? What type of backdoor deal do they have worked out with Ticketscalpers? That is far from a free market. By the way if I want concert tickets I can already get them free for GF shows.
  18. I-29 still closed between Watertown and Fargo.
  19. With the drifts and the wind even if they plow through the drifts the wind should blow them shut again. Tell them to enjoy another day in Sioux Falls.
  20. No one would put up your bail? That or you need a new lawyer.
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