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Everything posted by watchmaker49

  1. Since when have high school star athletes ever been held accountable? What were the start athletes that graduated from Red River in 1980 doing? Having keg after keg which they operated like a business. Real upstanding citizens selling beer to underage kids. If one of those kids had died would they have been held accountable? Only in your wildest dreams.
  2. It is just a bs high school game that means nothing. He did what millions of people wish they could do. Flip off the boss and walk. There are two games left. One regular season game and one "one and done" playoff game. Neither of which he would have played in. He tried playing by the rules and that did not work. So then game on. Comparing this to a job is a stretch on your part. I will give you a comparison that is as far off as your's. During the Vietnam War how many times did enlisted guys ignore their Lt. because having listened to him would have gotten everyone killed? So by your logic they should have just listened and died instead.
  3. Thanks for the link. Considering how many viewers a lot of those crappy bowl games drew NDSU's numbers really are not that impressive. I wonder if it included the channel surfers that stopped and said, "What the hell is a NDSU-Sam Houston game?" Click on to the next channel.
  4. What about coaching with character? That sophomore goalie played as many JV games as varsity. I don't think you can play both in one night so one night JV next game varsity. Some people talked about the goalies numbers. Without knowing which goalie played against what quality of an opponent the numbers mean little. When you do not have much of a team to start with then why not play the kids who were there for years instead of sitting them on the bench?
  5. Only as smart as the operator. I stay away from those things. But then I think watches should not have batteries either.
  6. Unlike Pearson Hardman I don't think Soderstrom's firm hires their associates fro Harvard.
  7. Try the one in Crookston that use to be a Pizza Hut. Good Mexican food there. Try the chili con carne that will not be what you are expecting.
  8. In other sports it would be. But not hockey though. Were they getting $250-$300 a ticket at the Kohl for all those empty seats? Evidently not since the seats were empty.
  9. If the picture is good like the link Jayson gave as an example would it really matter if the games are on tv? By the way Jayson it is Saturday enjoy your day! Don't come here and post. That can wait until Monday. You have done enough for us already this week.
  10. While the attendance plummets. The amount of fans that will come could fit into the Bloomington Ice Gardens or the Purpur Arena. Without Minnesota and North Dakota in the tourney to buy all the tickets they won't need a big arena to hold it in. After all of you were in Omaha how would that be for a site to hold the NCHC playoffs in? Would it work for a tourney? Or stick with a neutral site in Minneapolis?
  11. Your coach would along with all the rodents fans defending why they won't play UND claim the big rival is Wisconsin.
  12. Why do your posts always have too make so much sense?
  13. Online only. If I brought my laptop to the bar and hooked it up instead of theirs would this be a good or bad idea?
  14. That is interesting since Jayson did not even seem to know what is all in the contract.
  15. Don't let fetch see this. It might cause a medical problem.
  16. If Wisconsin is the rodents big rival then why do they not play like it? That was not a rival game.
  17. This what I was thinking but I thought I would run it by people that are smarter than me on this subject.
  18. No but they do have those dumb wireless trivia games going. I am really leaning to the fact that they have too much going on with their computer they are using.
  19. Thanks everyone. This makes me think that there are one of a couple of issues at the bar. A: Not enough speed in their feed. B: Maybe the computer they are using has too much junk running in the background using to much memory and that is causing the problem. C: If B is the problem would someone who is more savvy to this tell me if I brought in a laptop that streams fine at home might fix the problem.
  20. I take this as meaning that even if Midco went on Direct or Dish they still could not show games. So if I am right then asking Direct or Dish to carry Midco still would not get the games on Direct or Dish. I am going to email Denver and ask them where this deal puts them with Roots.
  21. Is there such a thing as a regional if a system that is nationwide carrying their broadcast? The games may have a regional flavor to them but they still would be broadcast nationwide. Where is ScottM when you need his legal opinion? Why would CBS pay what they did to be trumped out by a so-called regional network? The bought the rights to show the NCHC nationally.
  22. That does not answer cratter and my question though. Even if they had their own channel how would Midco be able to show games nationally when CBS owns the rights to broadcast the NCHC games nationally?
  23. I would think that they could not or why would they not continue to be on FCS.
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