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Everything posted by watchmaker49

  1. How many people that post here grew up in Western ND?
  2. Yes but Brad did not do a story until it was broken here first. So his patting himself on the back is not that impressive. Now if he had done a story on it back in early December in lieu late January that would be different. He dropped the puck on this one. Gopher fans should remember when their goalie was charged with a felony and played that same night. I am pretty sure it was Jeff Callinan.
  3. Red found a way to negate UND's strengths and capitalize UND's weaknesses. Simply Red outcoached Hak. Hak had a deer in the headlight look that whole game. Purely speculation here but I wonder if Eades tried telling Hak they needed to do something different and Hak's ego would not listen?
  4. Does that local station carry things in streaming?
  5. I think a kid who was going to play bb would play bb. A kid who was going to play video games play video games. Maybe more kids don't play or quit is because they do not like living their parents childhood over for them under the guise that they are getting more opportunities than their parents had.
  6. Ah the typical reaction of one who stuck their foot in their mouth and can not figure out how to remove it.
  7. Not as if Omaha is a wonderful winter vacation spot. I think a lot of people are thinking as you are Big A. People can maybe afford one trip a year and Omaha does not make it. As for 2000 fans from UND showing up what school would ever bring more?
  8. Because I do not like high school coaches being bad mouthed with no reasoning behind it. He is entitled to his opinion. But when you make your opinion public be prepared to back it up with facts and not conjecture.
  9. He made the claim and I am asking him why. He really can not say and that is why he is dancing around so much now.
  10. Yes they can easily. Great players do not always makes great coaches. Think Gretzky here and Phoenix. Understanding the game and being able to teach the game has nothing to do with how high they played.
  11. Quite trying to backtrack. A high level is not freaking high school hockey. There are not even many kids there whose dad's even played high school. Seng did but the Garritson kid's dad did not, don't try and say he did because I have known Larry, Ronny, and Ricky for years (also their cousins and cousin's spouses). I did not move the line. You keep changing your statement and still have failed as to explaining why Bina is a bad coach. I bet you never even played high school hockey yourself.
  12. So then what parents played at a high level besides Dennis Johnson? Your words and not mine.
  13. How about a reason as to why he is so bad?
  14. Your words that he is a bad coach and still waiting to find out why. And if he is so bad then why did Steve Johnson have is kid switch from Red River to Central? Were not most of their stars the last year Central won kids that should have gone to Red River?
  15. So again what has he done wrong?
  16. Jeez you are a spinner. You said fire Tony Bina and I asked why. You said there were parents that had played at a high level and I asked who. You finally came up with one person. Clap Clap. But you still have failed to make your argument as to why Bina should be fired.
  17. Poor driver. Tip that man well since I am sure he will deserve it!
  18. Now there is a coach with a ton of playing experience. Oh wait he never played past Pee Wees. Now before anyone gets in a tizzy I have known Billy since kindergarden or 1st grade. Billy never may have played but he always was a serious student of the game and knows the game great. As for his character if I had a kid playing hockey I would want him playing for Billy. By the way his mom is one helluva a great lady.
  19. I don't know. You brought it up. So you have a brother-in-law on the team? You still have not told us as to why Bina is such a bad coach. Just admit that you opened your mouth and inserted foot and now are trying to extract said foot from mouth.
  20. How about the top 10 jokes? Wind? You don't know wind! The Perkin's flag stands up like a old man on Viagra at a strip club.
  21. Since you brought up the 7 less chances thing I have a question. Since Red River came to be who has won more titles Central or Red River?
  22. See the thing is we never said he was a good coach. So how can we defend nothing? Whereas, you made the comment multiple times that he was a bad coach. When asked to elaborate you have chosen not to. Which in turn leads me to believe that you have no idea what you are speaking of. Furthermore, you also have failed to respond to which parents played at a higher level. Did you even grow up n GF to know anyone who actually played at Central at one time or another? Also do you even know any of the current players parents? Didn't think so.
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