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Everything posted by watchmaker49

  1. This leads me to wonder then how can they charge so much more for only doing one extra step in the sale. The price of a postage stamp.
  2. They could probably get it fixed before another bus could even get there.
  3. All I can think of is that someone wrote the schools some large checks.
  4. Who came up with this fiasco of an idea and how much did each school get paid to participate in it? Furthermore, I lived for 47 years next to an outdoor rink in Grand Forks. Over the last 15-20 years I am left wondering why they even make these rinks anymore. There is never anyone there.
  5. Minneapolis or which burb? There is a big difference.
  6. Since the rodents won't be in Pittsburg from what golf course are you going to send the postcard from?
  7. Which can be anywhere from a 40 mile drive to a 300 mile drive.
  8. Don't blast me for what Schloss brought up. Blast him for writing it,
  9. He would take on anyone no matter their size.
  10. Can't remember if Mike is his dad but his dad is from Warren.
  11. From Schloss's blog: Speaking of Turgeon, there’s plenty of buzz out there that he’s willing to fight UND’s Stephane Pattyn in the series finale. We’ll see if it actually happens. Willing? I'll give 4-1 that Turgeon kicks Pattyn's ass. I'll also give 4-1 that Turgeon's aunt would kick Pattyn's ass. GeauxSioux also knows Turgeon's uncle and I think he would agree that if Tony is half as tough as his uncle the odds are right. It is not just their strength. It is their mind set also. Tony's uncle is about the same size as Virgil Hill, maybe 10 pounds heavier or so. But in a bar fight I would bet on Tony's uncle over Virgil. Even when Virgil was the title holder. I am not exaggerating at all.
  12. Because as I said before if Turgeon is anything like his family he is tough as a box of nails. Like when Mario thought he was going to mix it up with Turgeon. Bad mistake for Mario. Turgeon would have destroyed him. Turgeon's aunt would have killed Mario in a fight with no problem. If you guys knew his family you would agree with me.
  13. The Lancers use to draw 4000 plus a game. Maybe you have the Lancer fans and the UNO fans splitting the ticket.
  14. Perfectly clean hit. As hard as Turgeon hit him and if he is built like his dad, aunt, and uncle Jimmer would not have gotten up. Well he would have after he woke up.
  15. For those who have already left please don't take the chance to drive home Sunday. We kind of would like to see you again.
  16. Better words if you are going to Omaha stay until Monday.
  17. If there ever has been a company I would love to see go away it is TicketScammers. Gripe their fees had 30% to the ticket or more.
  18. If you invite a rodent over for lunch they stay for dinner. Then breakfast, lunch, dinner, and the next thing you know they live with you. Can't give them nothing.
  19. Yes. Fetch where have you been? We have been discussing this for over a week.
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