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Everything posted by watchmaker49

  1. As for priority which would be nice for you there is one problem. The WCHA has no reason to handover mailing list, can't think of anything better to call it, to the NCHC. As for alcohol sales I thought the Minnesota legislature said you can't do that with the TCF stadium and you would think it would also apply to the X.
  2. I personally think that the girls deserve more than the Purpur though. Why should the be delegated to the lesser arena? If anything have it at the Great Plains in Fargo. If not then have it at the Purpur as you said the atmosphere was better. Like in Minnesota where the girls where playing at the Ridder (Minnesota's women's arena) which created the perfect atmosphere. But some parents sued that their girls should be playing at the Exel like the boys. The Ridder is a nice new arena and as I said made for a great atmosphere. So I am going to bow to you and your first hand experience and relations with coaching and support using the Pupur. How did practice work out in Jamestown between the girls and the boys high school teams? I am not familiar with the arena situation in Jamestown. Did the girls get good ice times?
  3. If the girls are having fun that is all that matters. People seem to forget just how hard girls work at their sports. Even cheerleaders and dance team girls put in just as many or more hours than the boys do, without receiving the respect they deserve. I could just imagine the time of day your daughter got the ice to practice on growing up compared to the boys. This may sound a bit radical but what the heck. Why not have one boys semi game in the afternoon followed by a girls semi game and the same for the evening. Then have the championship games follow each other on Saturday. I think the girls and their fans/parents would love this. Also it would be fair.
  4. How slow do you drive? I can be in Cass Lake in that time without driving fast enough to even get a ticket.
  5. This is going to make a great finish to the regular season.
  6. You said she was a "militant maxism" and from Sarah Palin and Sharron Angle speaches they are militants also. Do you even know who Sharron Angle even is? Or Aiken and Murdouch? Angle, Murdouck, and Aiken were Republican senatorial candidates that were defeated because of their radical militant ideas. Aiken and Murdouch were defeated in strong red states.
  7. Another congratulations there Rube. People here seem to give a big hoot and are very happy for you, your family, and your daughter.
  8. What is militant "maxism"? What about Sarah Palin, Sharron Mangle, Aikns, Murdouch.... What do you call their speech and actions?
  9. You are not making sense. Are you saying that the black community is suppose to be all fine with the klan when not much has changed in America. Example all the RWNs clamoring for Obama's impeachment?
  10. Yeah so my great-uncle was killed by the Japanese. Your point? You are comparing a war to this?
  11. I wonder if they send them out as they fill them or wait until they are all done and send a mass mailing?
  12. Is it anything like the 70s or the 80s?
  13. Rumors does have one real cute cocktail waitress.
  14. You can charge a cover charge for the pay-per-view if you want. As Randy Newman said, "It's money that matters in the USA".
  15. Spoken like a good white person. I would say they families of the black people killed by the klan. Or any minority. Or a person with a gray matter between their ears.
  16. Well his country did stop Hitler which the west could not have done without him. You should thank Stalin that you are not saying Heil Hitler. You know he defeated the Nazis before the west did.
  17. http://www.redriverradio.org/post/klansville-usa-chronicles-rise-and-fall-kkk On J. Edgar Hoover's rationale for targeting the civil rights movement "For years, [the FBI] target Martin Luther King, but they also target a range of what they refer to as 'black national hate groups,' which is basically anybody in the civil rights universe. And the rationale for this was that either Jews/communists were behind the movement — because, again, the movement wasn't capable itself of doing the things that it seemed to be doing — or the softer version of that was that African-Americans were so pliable in some ways that even if they weren't being controlled today, they were vulnerable to being manipulated ... tomorrow. So in one version or another you always have the sense that Jews and communists are controlling everything associated with the civil rights movement." SKEETER BOB AND HIS COUNTRY PALS: (Singing) Move them (beep) north, move them (beep) north. If they don't like our Southern ways, move them (beep) north. Our South has been invaded by trashy-looking (beep). They'll change our ways and take our schools away from me and you. It's time for us to make a stand to keep our Southern ways. We've got to give a helping hand, it's unity that pays. (Singing) Move them (beep) north, move them (beep) north. If they don't like our Southern ways, move them (beep) north. They're trying to start trouble by mixing up the races. They'd be a whole lot better off staying in their places. I like our Southland like it is, I'm sure that you do, too. Old Martin Luther thinks it's his. I know he's wrong, don't you? MafiaMan a group you would join? Or would you join a group that fought against this?
  18. What group would that be? The Tea Party?
  19. Good luck denying it is you in the picture.
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