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Everything posted by SiouxTupa

  1. "Leave it to the NCAA to screw up a game. They need to learn, you can't check." TH 5x3 BC for a long time.
  2. First penalty on UND, then matching minors to put UND down 4x3. Big test here, even though we have the lead, the guys need to stay out of the box.
  4. try the Yahoo sports link on the front of the "other games" thread. It won't be UND announcers, but at least it's the game.
  5. Mc Mahon to Porter SCOOOOOOOORRRRRREEEEE1!!! 2-0 UND
  6. penalty is killed. 5x5, sounds like the horsemen are out....good chances.
  7. Radke is getting some time tonight. May go back to just 5 on the BL, but for the moment he's getting some time. Gotta get his feet wet you know
  8. More formally... UND @ :42 of period 1 Zajac (16) from Fuher (not sure about that) just listening to Tim. 1-0 UND 4:00 in
  9. Zajac (possibly) scores (again, possibly) 1-0 UND (maybe)...COUNT IT BABY!!!
  10. WOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!! maybe**
  11. Still only one mistake. Picks looking good.
  12. There we go! Picks in tact...except for MN...damn.
  13. yeah, I noticed that there is now an active link for that game. Once somebody pots one in this game to end it, I'll probably stop on over and check it out. Need to catch Hennessy for the pregame, though, so hurry up cats.
  14. Yeah, that's where the USCHO page took me. If that's the case, I don't envy UM fans....having to pay $7 for an audio broadcast. Not to mention the likelihood that it ends up having troubles for the game you buy. I heard 2-0 UM after 1 on the Harvard UNH broadcast.
  15. Any CC audio? I'd rather listen to that game. I can't find it on USCHO or Yahoo sports. Thanks again for any help.
  16. Thanks a lot!! It will give me something to pass the time till UND-BC. For anyone that cares it's 6-3 WV over Louisville...ugggghhh.
  17. Since I'm stuck at work with only NCAA bball on tv here, where can I get internet audio of the UM-UM game?
  18. You may want to re-read that. It really doesn't make sense. That, or I'm really tired.
  19. What it could mean is that he is at a point where he needs to concentrate on living his life rather than playing hockey. Unfortunately for Tyler, it got to this point and I wish him the best.
  20. You know, what kind of tournament bracket would it be without home team enthousiasm? There's a few things a bracket needs to be successful. One big upset...since DU has the concensus "easiest" bracket, I've got them not making it out. It happened to UND last year when the worst we did against DU was a 1-1 tie prior to the tourney. I'm hoping they feel arrogant, because they should...they're good. Since seeing them live earlier in the year I continue to think they are the best team in the nation. I thought that about UND last year, but a lot of the time it's who's playing well at tournament time. We'll see what happens, but I'm not saying this to knock DU... just read up a bit. Either UNH or Harvard takes them out. I think CC gets past MI, eventhough its home crowd and on NHL ice. I think they have what it takes to move on... Come to think of it (not likely, however) if things go as I rationalize home crowds won't be happy. Finally, when the home team is playing well it gives a person hope. Maybe, just maybe, we can get the job done. In a one game shot anything can happen. Here's to a BSU/Mercyhurst final!!! No, really UND/CC. #8
  21. True, students will be gone. But hopefully the building will be near full. We need a loud crowd for this one...they will be getting fast exciting hockey. So if there ever was a time to show up and cheer, this would be it.
  22. They've only shown glimpses this year. However, one of those glimpses was against Duluth. I think they can light the lamp a few times, especially with a home crowd behind them. We'll see. I hope Brady and Colby are ready! They are KEY.
  23. Hopefully not, he's had enough injury trouble this year!
  24. I'll be there too! Not Friday, as I'll be at the game, but definately Saturday and Sunday, if necessary. Let's make it loud!!
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