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Everything posted by SiouxTupa

  1. I don't care if it's long...that pretty much sums up a lot of peoples' feelings. Granted the tourney format was different back then. That's still really sad.
  2. Doesn't it cost money to provide 10,000 thundersticks? Obviously shirts would cost more, but it's also obvious that some sponsors are willing to put their names on free giveaways.
  3. Having been a student in recent years, and sat near the band in all ways, I can say that I love having them in the lower bowl. I think it's great that they are seen (not hidden), and creates more excitement for students who want to be a part of it. Where would cowbell guy be without the lower bowl seats? Not that I am particularly fond of him, but some people were. It creates a fun atmosphere. Just look where Wisconsin puts their band...front and center. (having never been to the Kohl Center, I am completely guessing). Granted, it would suck to be supplanted for their mistake, I understand why they did it. Plus, it's amazing you still got lower-bowl seats out of the deal. I really hope the Ralph will be rocking, and am glad that the band can be a part of it! WAAAY more glad than I am about the thundersticks (which I hate). Just give out plain white shirts, XL or XXL, and have everyone wear them. Perfect idea.
  4. I'm betting he tweaked something, and didn't feel he could play at 100%. A little PT, some ice, and I'm sure nobody wanted to risk it with the playoffs so close. Osh knows how important the next month is...it's a good chunk of why he stayed here in the first place.
  5. I particularly like this part... I don't know how you could put ND ahead of those teams, really. However, on the ice this year, UM, UW, and UMD have been super streaky...thus their records. I'm fairly certain that this is what Mike was getting at. I really don't think this team holds a candle to Notre Dame from a year ago.
  6. They do make money webcasting it...or at least someone does. Go here, and you can watch the My45 (KSTC) webcast brought to you by B2 Networks. http://www.kstc45.com Edit: I am apparently a slow typer.
  7. I agree it really shouldn't matter if a kid is that strong of a candidate, like Duncan. I doubt anyone was really questioning Miller's numbers. The best part about it was silencing him in the Semis...KG with a shutout of his own.
  8. Sometimes there's not one "best player". Each player brings something unique. Since you can't split the award, if there is not one stand-out candidate, I like it going to upper-classmen. Otherwise...was Panzer really robbed?? I know we all like to think so.
  9. That was from several weeks ago. But either way...I'd give it to Gerbe over Bachman. I'm typically a purist, thinking that it's a junior/senior award. However, I was rooting hard for Duncs last year!
  10. http://forum.siouxsports.com/index.php?sho...0&start=520 May want to check there, as there are updates about the current crop of recruits. There is also a much larger thread for Prospective Sioux Recruits.
  11. Joe Gleason for Edina, I believe, is the last one left standing.
  12. I guess the main thing I was pointing out was that rule that I was unfamiliar with. Another thing to think about is that UMD needs wins to get above .500. Therefore, the UMN/UMD games have that on the line. If either team gets swept, it's probably lights out. Also...some may already know this, but look at UND's overall goals scored vs goals allowed... http://www.uscho.com/standings/?type=d1?ty...16&gender=m UND = 104 - 59 CC = 117 - 73 DU = 99 - 75 It's amazing that we have only allowed 9 non-conference goals in 7 games!
  13. That's from the front page at USCHO... If the Gophers lose ~3 more games, which is likely unless they win the F5, their PWR will not matter. And for that matter, neither will a few WCHA teams with near .500 records.
  14. Didn't CC travel out to UNH too?? Seems like a lot of reciprocal traveling going on.
  15. Basically, yes...though they really don't count for much. Maybe I'm wrong on that though.
  16. Only accounts for ~1% of the final committee vote. I'm not too worried. It's a popularity contest, which is why guys like Chris Connor and Colin Murphy did so well in their day, but I don't believe they made the hat trick.
  17. What's insane is that one more tie for UMN (likely against UMD) would give them 10 on the season. DOUBLE DIGIT TIES!! How frustrating is that for a gopher fan?!
  18. Yeah, I don't think good teams ever "let up" on an opponent. You're out there to score goals, and prevent your team from getting scored on. If the score gets out of hand, it's basically the playoffs, so there should be no quit in these guys.
  19. Probably fairly accurate except for one big caveat. There is no way 8 WCHA teams will be getting in. As soon as teams start beating each other in the F5, the losers will probaly drop out. 5 or 6 is more realistic. Either way, I think CC will get screwed with some good teams at their regional. Hopefully UND gets a break from MI/BC/UMinn for once.
  20. I agree. Once the guy develops some instinct (from experience), he'll be a force. He's got good hands and feet, and a great range.
  21. Trupp has a really bright future ahead of him. I think it would be best if he was out of the lineup unless he is 100%. It protects him and it protects the team. I love watching Trupp play, but it would be horrible to create a nagging or aggravated injury to that leg. The team is strong, and anytime you miss a couple players it affects that chemistry. The bright side (at least in terms of the Genoway injury) is that we get to see more of Marto and LaPoint out there. For at least today, I think this would go down in the minus column for LaPoint. He didn't have the greatest weekend, IMO. But that's a different debate. I wish them both a speedy AND FULL recovery.
  22. It's great to see the hunger this team has in overtime. They come out and take the win, which makes it extremely fun to watch. Also, how many diving goals are we going to have this year? Two more tonight...that shows great effort!
  23. Well the Cinderella run from 58th place after week 1 to a 2nd place finish was a lot of fun. It's really tough to cheer for one guy on your favorite team and against another (especially when they're on the same line). Truth be told, I could never cheer against Oshie . I'm happy the Sioux are on this run, and really happy to see it continue no matter who's contributing. Thanks to AZ for hosting. I'll probably play again next year. Long live the Fire Ants...and long live the Fighting Sioux!!
  24. Except that the last several times we played Duluth, the games turned into slugfests. 8-2, 5-2, 7-4, 8-3, 2-4...there were others in there as well. I'm thinking these will be somewhat similar. Probably a pair of 4-2 games, though.
  25. I imagine we're throwing out tonight's Maverick's game against Nebraska-Omaha? Otherwise they get 3 games this week.
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