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Everything posted by SiouxTupa

  1. The UMD game is on ESPN2 along with the DU game which starts in 20 mins.
  2. I didn't realize this, but the article says that UND is the nation's ONLY team with two 30+ point blueliners! Congrats to Chay and Miller, quite an accomplishment. Just think about the first month of the season when UND was the LAST team in the league with a goal from defense.
  3. All other play aside, I agree with Siouxman...both teams looked very beatable, and neither really wanted anything to do with offense in the first two periods. UMD won solely because Nico Sacchetti did not hit a gaping net, but instead beat Stalock 5-hole (way wide of the net ) I really hope to see less of a trap fest tomorrow night. I'll be there in person
  4. On the contrary, maybe the 1 seed was locked up in 2005, but in 2006 Wisconsin leapfrogged UM by beating them in the 3rd place game. Granted, UW went from 2nd to 1st overall (and vice versa for the Gophs)...that made a pretty big difference for UW, and for UM...as their season was done the very next game
  5. Would like to stay at 8 or above to keep a #2 seed and get the last change as "home" team. UM is going to be a dangerous team in the next couple weeks. Provided there is an upset or two, which is a huge wish for them, I could see them winning the F5. Otherwise, as most play-in game winners, they'll probably run out of gas by the end of game 2 if they make it that far. Here's to avoiding BC permanently this year! fingers crossed
  6. It's definitely important for Hak to get on them starting now. Playoffs are upon them, and it's a one and done situation. The upper-classmen know really really well what that's like BUT I have to point out what someone else said, that in 1998 UND beat UMD to clinch the cup and then lost on Saturday 8-0. That was with Blais behind the bench. They'll be ready for Tech, and hopefully I'll be there Friday for the cup!
  7. Was anyone able to get an answer from Cable One in Fargo regarding last night's game? I'd like to watch it on television tonight rather than on webcast...although it was pretty nice and easy to get the webcast setup.
  8. Maybe, just maybe, we have them distracted enough to where they'll chase the guys in green around trying to hit them while UND knocks in a couple quick ones. In all seriousness, if Denver brings their legs and heart, we could have the series on our hands that we should have had with the Gophers. It should be a couple 3-4 goal games. I'd prefer to keep the tooth-knocking business out until we have a 3 goal cushion.
  9. I wouldn't expect a sweep either way. This series is usually a hard fought split. Even when the odds are really lopsided (2001-2002) the underdog usually manages a split. I can think of several situations in this rivalry that the underdog actually swept, and maybe just a bit fewer where the favorite swept. Which is why the overall series is near .500. I would put the odds at... Sioux SWEEP: 15% Gopher SWEEP: 25% Split: 50% Either team w/ 3pts: 10%
  10. What are the odds that Senser's will have either game (or both)? I'll be in the twin cities and definitely want to head to Bloomington if I can see them.
  11. Where's Miller?? I thought Hak was pretty high on him. Though he did say that the leadership was not there yesterday.
  12. Seen this Verizon commercial one too many times
  13. From a lot of us if they don't get this going soon...
  14. I'm still staring at zambonis in an empty arena.
  15. Any idea on TV coverage for either of these games? I'd really like to watch if possible. Radio is something I can live with, but only if necessary.
  16. According to Brad's blog he's a 14 year old 8th Grader!
  17. The Kohl Center can seat about 2000+ more than the Ralph per game, and somehow UND won that comparison this year.
  18. Imagine the drama if another MJ team decided to say eff it and just drafted Clarke anyway.
  19. One thing that isn't getting much press yet is that Duncan has yet to miss a game in a UND jersey (I believe). That counts for a lot. He has also been extremely consistent averaging right around a point per game. When Toews and Oshie were majorly slumping (for them) early two years ago, it was Duncan who was burying the puck. That is one of the main reasons he won the Hobey. Even though his numbers dropped last year, he improved as a player, and his assist numbers stayed relatively stable despite rotating line mates. His marksmanship is really a thing of beauty. I think he will sign a free agent contract when this year is over. Hopefully he has a degree by then, as I understand he is a pretty decent student as well.
  20. I think that's pretty doubtful. In fact, he may be overhyped. That is not a knock on Brad, as he seems to be a great find, and a very solid goaltender. It is just very hard to come in as a freshman goalie and be a star. I truly hope he does come in and play solidly, but would not be surprised to see struggles here and there. If anything, Walski is being sold short for lack of playing time behind a hobey caliber goalie. I think we're in a good situation with someone who has been in the system for a few years to compete with the heralded freshman. Maybe Walski doesn't have game experience, but he's been in practice and with the team longer than Eidsness. In any case, this is a bit off topic. Having big Joe around for another year would definitely be a good thing. It is very tough to replace experience, especially on the blue line. I don't think he'll be back, but it would be nice.
  21. That portion doesn't make any sense...you are essentially comparing a senior JPL to a freshman Brad Eidsness. I guarantee Walski gets a few games in this year. Eidsness may be the eventual number one this year, but I just don't see him playing every minute of every game (like Muse). Walski has been in the system a long time, and knows what it takes to be successful. He could be a good mentor for Eidsness.
  22. Not necessarily a UND-related Oshie moment, but what about the hit he laid on the Russian player in the WJC a few years back? That was pretty great itself.
  23. I think we can give this a rest now. I'm pretty sure even I discredited Notre Dame early in the year when someone suggested they'd be top-half of the WCHA. At this point, I'd say they probably would have been. The CCHA has definitely established itself over the last couple years as more than just Michigan.
  24. Careful, you're starting to sound like Danny Irmen after losing to HC. The bottom line is that UND could never get that close again. It takes a very special team, and a very special set of circumstances, to win a title. It's a pleasure watching the team get so close year after year, and I honestly believe they'll get one in the next few years. That, in itself, is enough to make me smile, and it makes me proud to be a fan.
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