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Everything posted by SiouxTupa

  1. What sucks is that they weren't showing this fb game at 6:58, it was just the dtv logo.
  2. Henessy said that Knight got a cut on his foot. Thorough his skate. Not sure how bad, but he was able to come back and play.
  3. Wait UMD LOST an ot game!? Crazy. Good win. I think the guys will be more technical tomorrow. Dell was very solid after some questionable rebounds in the first.
  4. Knight is back out. Looks fine
  5. Great save by Dell from in tight. Glove robbery. Very little work for him this period. Lots of blocked shots.
  6. Someone other than Frattin and Genoway needs to try shooting.They're really forcing the play to those two. ... and Kristo
  7. That was Kristo, Mario, and Marto. PP here.
  8. Hak doing a lot of line shaking.
  9. Came up hurting, but was back out for next shift.
  10. If Lee's going to hold the puck every chance, those will be key. Great shot.
  11. Ripper off a FACEOFF by Frattin! Woohoo
  12. Could have been 7-1 Atkinson had a breakaway goal called back (would've been his hatty.)
  13. I stand corrected. Faceoffs are 13-12 UND. Lee is doing a much better job with rebounds though. Dell needs to clean that up. Tough goal with a really bouncy puck.
  14. I bet the faceoff stats are pretty brutal for und. They need to pick that up.
  15. For those with directv, pre-und game you can catch a couple decent non-wcha games: Boston College - Boston U on 613 Michigan - Ohio St on 610 Both start at 630, Our game is on 623 at 730. I'll say 4-3 Sioux tonight, Rodwell, Cichy, Blood, Knight :-) Go Sioux!
  16. Right-click > Zoom > Full Screen Good video, crappy audio (oh well, just a bit too hot.)
  17. What time does tonight's game actually start? This site and USCHO say 6:00cdt, but the directv schedule and fightingsioux.com say 6:30. Directv also says it's in HD, but that's not as important as getting the start time right.
  18. Halak isn't much more experienced than Howard. Price is the guy they'd get rid of. Gainey was completely set on Price as the goalie of the future, but Halak has always had the better stats/performances. Based on his full year of work, I'd hope Howard is the Wings goalie for years to come. For a first ever playoff run, he can hold his head high. I picked him up halfway through my fantasy hockey season, and he led me to the title.
  19. BC has scored all of their goals off the rush, and they're really keeping UW at bay defensively. They look like the much better team, sadly.
  20. I don't know if all the Frank-bashing is because he's a Gopher homer, but if you watch the broadcasts, he's really very complimentary of other teams at times. Sure he's a homer, but apparently not enough of a homer according to the brass. Bottom-line, I loved his play-by-play timing/voice/etc. I hope he continues doing hockey somewhere.
  21. No disrespect to Bison fans, but SERIOUSLY? 17 years, and one day you just up and pull the plug? I have no doubt that Sioux football and hockey will find its way to Fargo radio, but this is a pretty sad move. There must have been some "back room deal-making" and other shennanigans...it doesn't sound right.
  22. Brad is reporting that Kamloops in the WHL will try to get Fienhage to defect. It wouldn't be a really bad choice, but an unfortunate shake-out...especially when you consider that it's a Major Junior league he'd be going to. http://www.areavoices.com/undhockey/?blog=74947
  23. Agreed, but if his numbers are there, they can't help but put him in the running. Bochenski had a few pre-college issues. Hensick wasn't really known for his gleaming character either. I think he'll be in the discussion, but probably prevented from winning as you said. I hope Gregoire is a monster next year.
  24. I'm pretty sad about this actually. Frank has an outstanding voice for play by play; just the right inflection when needed. LaPanta I can't stand. Gives me one more reason to not like the Gophers. Although lately it's been less about hate and more about pity. I agree with the dislike of Sweeney's voice. Scanlan is really not a good color guy, though. Fabian was GREAT when he was in there. Not the best articulation, mind you, but he had good comments and insight. The amount of work and knowledge Sweeney brings to those productions is something I truly appreciate. FSSN may not have been started without him.
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