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Everything posted by SiouxTupa

  1. Right, so that only strengthens the theory that Martens has some talent in there. Not only does he have the hands, but he's got decent hockey sense. Plus, I absolutely think he knew that's where Trupp was going. It worked out that Trupp was able to smack in a mid-air pass, but it's a pass that got to him none the less. Ryan doesn't have the greatest wheels, but there is little doubt Hak will ask him to step up next year. I could realistically see 5-10 from him...which is not a lot to ask from an upper classman.
  2. Some people who watch practice were telling me that Martens is one of the few guys who has some really fantastic hands. Brad's article after the Trupp diving goal sort of alluded to that. He can do great things with the puck if he gets time, and learns to create space for himself. I think he'll pot a couple for sure next year.
  3. Get to know them Ignoring the records from last year, and some other word blunders, this is a good read. They fall all over themselves for BC, though.
  4. Maybe they're considering 10-min Misconducts at the end of the game to be ejections.
  5. No way Kangas signs...but there were rumors of interest in Bachman. Aren't they both "older" freshmen, like 20 years old? I doubt either one will.
  6. Slightly off-topic, but will they be IN HD or just ON HD. Because last year, they were on the HD channel, but in 4:3.
  7. Not only did he move Kozek to that line, but he also moved Vande and Frattin around. Great coaches make decisions like these in big games to put the team over the edge. It was very gutsy, and it paid off big time. The question becomes what lineup will they field in two weeks? Whatever it is, Hak opened the door to some shuffling during the game, and that forces teamps to figure out some other matchups.
  8. In the nation? Didn't win it in the WCHA...
  9. You'd think they may have worked on making sure they DON'T take penalties against the one-trick pony. This guy is annoying too..."oohh you'll never get a better chance than that!" 5 seconds later... "ooooohh you'll never get a better chance than that either!"
  10. Clarkson feed works for me...just very loud and slightly distorted. However, STC radio repeated a 5 second clip until I switched.
  11. I'll be at BWW South, and have always had a good experience watching games there. It is noisy for sure, but the food is good, and the beer is cold. Most sports bars/restraunts with sattelite can pull in ESPNU, so not to worry.
  12. Hands down it was Vande. They moved Vande to have solid face-off men spread out through the lines. However, the size he brings can't be matched by Kozek and especially not Miller. Vande is good in the corners and strong on the puck. I like the lines with Kozek up there, but there's no denying how great that power-play line has been whey they're on their game.
  13. With that many teams in the regional...I would hope not. It would most likely be CCHA reffing, but I have no idea.
  14. SiouxTupa

    Brian Lee

    Remember that winning the conference tourney is a GUARANTEED birth in the field of 16. To some teams that don't make it every season that is a VERY big deal. Even to those that do, it's a trophy, it's a tournament win against some of the toughest competition in the nation. To me, that is often more fun to watch than the actual NCAA tournament...even if the stakes aren't quite as high. EDIT: this thread is SOOOO far off topic it's not even funny. Sorry to participate in that.
  15. I thought St. Cloud played on NHL ice?
  16. It figures ...I didn't get to watch that game, unfortunately, had to rely on text updates. Honestly, though, I believe Radke has matured a bit. I don't see him taking dumb penalties for the last 4 games of his career.
  17. Isn't that a family practice clinic of some kind? "Doctor, I ran all the way here to tell you my leg is really bothering me today."
  18. When was the last time Radke took a penalty at all??? It's like night and day compared to last season. He has really matured.
  19. This made me laugh... http://www.uscho.com/news/id,15600/BracketReaxUpdated.html
  20. If the Huskies play the same way they played yesterday, they will be packing it in after one game once again this year. No question the Gophers were the better team in that game. I bet they were outrageously relieved to win the game in regulation. STC is all about the power play, and really, a good defense can shut that down. Weslosky looked really shaken as well. I would love it if St Cloud knocked off a non-conference team, but as a 2 or 3 seed, they'll be playing another decent team in the first game.
  21. Or what about just a picture of the Gophers (or Huskies ) and the caption "March Badness"
  22. I say, no matter where UND goes, they'll have to be playing very well to get anywhere. The field of 16 will have only about 2 or 3 teams considered "patsies". If the guys are really on their game, they can beat anyone...including CC or Michigan. I guarantee that UND will have to go through one or more of the following: CC Michigan BC
  23. No NCAA wins WITH Goephert = DEFINITELY no NCAA wins WITHOUT
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