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Everything posted by SiouxTupa

  1. I enjoyed his answer to that Boston reporter who asked him to take them through the penalties at the end of the game. "No....nope, I won't." I'm sure he had a MUCH different answer in his head.
  2. AD already announced that he won't be fired after this season (though, plans could change.) Also, he has a natty AND a worldy!
  3. Unlike UMD, I'm hoping the team puts some focus on guys like Rodrigues. That guy torched them. He's talented and veteran.
  4. It was kind of a tongue in cheek comparison, but he did take a lot of penalties for not moving his feet. His compete level has increased a lot over the last couple months, which is exciting.
  5. I was just going to suggest that Luke Johnson is a shoot first kind of guy. Even if that shot is at the goal line, he's taking it. Hopefully those three recruits have the speed and hustle to avoid the same benching cries that LJ got this year.
  6. I think that has happened... Didn't St. Cloud host there a couple years ago? Or even Mankato, though if they did I don't believe they made the tourney that year.
  7. Anybody who watched the RIT/Omaha game knows that Blais has work to do over the next couple weeks. I thought RIT was the better team (maybe just 1 1/2 lines) for big chunks of the game. It wasn't all Massa. I'm sure he's pounding in their heads that those chances RIT got would likely be goals for stronger teams (not taking anything away from RIT.)
  8. I was just about to say that. No spin on direct quotes. Red is probably right, but publicly you wish your guy luck and move on. Sour grapes.
  9. UND got dominated in the dots against St. Cloud WITH Mark Mac earlier this year. Saturday, they won by 10 without him. I'd say they've been working on it. Every game is different. Zane brought that up in the post game presser when talking about the first goal. They work on faceoffs and study opponent tendencies.
  10. Wouldn't that be a great way to bury the "big game coach" talk? And a subtle passing of the torch of sorts.
  11. Even at the time I was thinking that early goal by SCSU could end up being a good thing. The guys really worked hard all night. All four lines were strong creating offensive zone turnovers frequently. Hate the two week layoff!
  12. If you watch Hak's press conference post-game Saturday, he makes reference to the fact that the guys weren't having fun. I think he also says that hockey is supposed to be fun, and there wasn't much of that.
  13. Not to mention it says he shot up from the high 20s from the last ranking. I like the prospect of getting another highly ranked forward!
  14. It bugs me to see guys that are clearly offensive defensemen win "Defenseman of the Year." Especially when the NCHC has a category tailor made for them in the "Offensive Defenseman of the Year." Why not give it to the best shut-down d-man or best all-around d-man in the league? I don't think time on ice is tracked in NCAA, so it would be hard to gauge some of these players without really watching the games. The NHL has that issue with the Norris trophy as well, putting way too much stock in defenseman points. When guys like Nick Lidstrom or Zdeno Chara win it, that's one thing, but when Mike Green is a finalist...
  15. If there was ever a game to throw up a dud, this is it. Zane hasn't been great, and the end boards have accounted for 5 of the 8 goals. The guys are still Skating hard and pushing to even it up.
  16. It's only been one game a week lately. If you average it out with just one or the other (NCHC.tv vs cable) I think you come out way ahead with the streaming package. So many away games are available that weren't in the past. I just get out of the house to watch the game on nights like tonight.
  17. Agree with those who say UND will be hard pressed to get some points tomorrow. The people that picked splits that way must be banking on the "no losing on Saturday" trend. I'm thinking it'll look more like this: 3-2 UND tonight 3-1 Miami tomorrow.
  18. Nothing kick-starts a rivalry like kicking a quality opponent when they're down. *Yes, MU did get a bit of revenge in the NCHC playoffs last year. It's a shame Mac will miss this upcoming series, as it has the makings of a classic. I didn't expect UND to be in position to only need one point to clinch the title outright. Last year, UND needed one win on senior night against WMU to clinch the title. They didn't get it. Hopefully the guys remember that feeling.
  19. The General had a one-punch knockout and got nothing supplementary. It would be funny if Gaarder got something, as was mentioned in the WMU thread. It would just add to his legend.
  20. 8 mins of penalties that period. Clean it up guys! Seems like Andy got to the refs before the game.
  21. Since I don't believe WMU has a TV broadcast, I'm betting they'll do as some other teams do and use radio play-by-play synced with the video. I remember in CC's case, that didn't always line up right, which was super annoying. I'm just happy to watch it though. When I had cable last year, though MidcoSN broadcasts were great, having to pay for away feeds (if they were even offered) was lame. Now I can basically watch every game. If they're not on NCHC.tv I can go be social and watch on TV somewhere. Last night, Western had tons of chances early where Zane or the D stood tall. After that, even though the shots were in Western's favor, I never felt the game was in jeopardy. Tonight should be intense, as Western was obviously a little ticked with the outcome last night. Go in there, take three more points, and come home! Let's say 5-3 Sioux.
  22. You and Hak also have the same number of Natties!
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