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Everything posted by SiouxTupa

  1. The Kozek game against DU where they overcame 3-0 and 4-1 deficits. The BC game with Bochenski's 4-goal performance. For bad, a sweep by MN in which one game was a 6-0 beat-down. Those are the ones that stick out in my mind. And I was in attendance for each.
  2. Really glad Chyz popped one in late. He appears to have found his role. His energy and tenacity were great, especially on the kill.
  3. The forecheck was awesome from late first on. Wore PC down quite nicely! I thought Poolman looked pretty apprehensive early on, but clearly improved as the game went on. His goal was a beautiful move and better shot. I was actually surprised by the chippiness considering an unfamiliar opponent. It appeared there was ample chirping going on. Tomorrow will be intense!
  4. They killed the feed right after it ended. Just like last night.
  5. 5pp 2shg... Mac called that he would score 7 goals this weekend. He has 5 goals and 7 pts so far.
  6. That hit reminded me of Fratts. Dangerous though.
  7. Yeah Olson might have some nightmares about his chances.
  8. Nearly a hatty for LaDue. Wonder who was (if anyone) the last UND defenseman to get one?
  9. The extra bright white ice is a camera problem. The person running that one needs to learn: iris, white balance, focus, don't leave your shot until off air. If the quality is dropping mid action it's probably your Internet or wireless. It's auto-adjusting to keep the stream going.
  10. They came out flying to start that period, but waned toward the end. Blown coverage and overall sloppiness on the breakaway, but that's obvious. Pick it up in the 3rd, no letting off the gas. Also, nice to see them scores couple on that 5min. Didn't happen much last year with that PP.
  11. Last night's game was great, other than the crappy broadcast level cam. TV can't replace the value you get with all of these away feeds. Even a dedicated network wouldn't be able to show every game, every night. It's awesome, and I'm confident they'll iron out the kinks.
  12. According to Twitter, the NCHC is now aware. They're looking into it.
  13. Yep same thing that happened to the Duluth game yesterday.
  14. Stetcher has been very engaged, looks good. The team as a whole is winning lots of puck battles, but is taking tons of penalties. Marble-theory riffing tonight.
  15. Yes, sometimes jarring difference between cams. Anyone have audio? I don't, but might be my fault.
  16. Feed out of Duluth is phenomenal... Except it froze and I can't get it to play past a certain point. UMD looking good early though.
  17. The western picture quality is great, but it goes pixilated pretty often. Sound was really bad/non existent in the first, but hopefully that's ironed out now.
  18. I haven't tried it. It should be possible, but I highly doubt the video would be in sync, and image quality may suffer.
  19. Yes, exactly. The nice part is the influx of these relatively cheap set-top boxes that can do the job. I built myself a small HTPC which I use for the games, but may end up repurposing that as a server/NAS and buying something small like a FireTV or NUC for the living room.
  20. I bought a Chromecast right around its release, and love using it for music and Netflix. I tried it for Sioux hockey last year, and had a similar experience casting a tab from Chrome. The pc's graphics have zero impact on this, but your local network (not specifically your internet) speed and quality have a lot to do with it. From what I understand, the cast-a-tab extension for Chrome has gotten better, so maybe I'd have a different experience if I tried now. However, a wireless connection is not ideal, especially one that has to share a casting session with the internet stream. A dedicated Chromebox, HTPC, laptop, etc connected to your TV should work much better and they free up a device that you'd otherwise have to cast from.
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