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Everything posted by zonadub

  1. Do you think the Schweigert and DeBoer families are exchanging Christmas cards this year? Maybe more to the point, do you suppose that Bubba and Kalen have been comparing notes on their trips to Grand Forks?
  2. My wife had an OBGYN that knew we wanted a girl, so he told us it was a boy. That way, if it was a boy, we weren't disappointed and when it was a girl we were surprised and happy. Are you doing the same thing for Bubba supporters? If its DeBoer, you have softened the blow by saying what they did not want to hear, but if it is Bubba, everyone will be happy and not get mad at you for telling them it was the other guy?
  3. You just can't rush into decisions like this.
  4. see New Mexico State's football program for historical reference
  5. a huge what if... what if, after the face-to-face interviews over the weekend, Faison decided not to hire either Schweigert or DeBoer and wants to keep looking?
  6. happy that its DeBoer, but happier yet that it appears this will finally be in the rear view mirror and planning for 2014 can get underway.
  7. Faison may not be good at expediting the process, but he is very adept at keeping leaks about the decision getting out.
  8. zonadub

    2013 Playoffs

    do not think it is a coincidence that Bohl is leaving now.
  9. a year to go... time to take control of the destiny of the name, rather than allow the PC crowd to come up with a name like Blizzard, Flames or Spirit.
  10. 5 Championships in 7 years under Leipold. He will reach 100 wins years before 10 losses. Wisconsin-Whitewater obliterates Mount Union to win Division III title disclaimer: we will still support the team, whomever is chosen to become the next coach
  11. The position was posted with $150k minimum. Faison said he was able to add $70k. That gives him plenty of room to double it :) .
  12. Hello, Coach Leipold, would you like to double your income?
  13. from the SIU board: their board is not very active about this subject, only 16 posts in that thread. does their apathy say anything?
  14. thought I remembered reading this...
  15. sorry, thought either ira or vince had posted that BB had been contacted and was not interested, but I'm old and memory is not as good as it used to be. my apologies.
  16. "Bubba's dream job" on this board seems much like the comment that Bollinger "bleeds green", but wore red (red of one of UND's biggest hockey rivals at that) and turned down the job at UND. Not hating on Bubba, just agreeing with jdub about that particular comment.
  17. definitely still on the DeBoer bandwagon. on the other hand, if Schweigert is the choice, defense is where the Sioux need to concentrate their effort, so would be ok with Bubba as the choice. can't imagine, however, how a "National Search" comes down to 2 finalists from the same school that are coordinators for UND's last coach.
  18. UND: 66 (offense) and 90 (defense) last year according to Darell's post earlier today.
  19. Using Northern Colorado as the measuring stick??!!! How far has this program dropped?
  20. Would you rather have a long tenured head coach that puts a good, not great, team on the field? Competitive almost every year, maybe a conference title or three, playoff appearances but no national championships? Or would you prefer a coach who, because he brings conference championships and national championships to UND, is gone to bigger and better things like Wyoming in 5 or 10 years? Is this the choice facing Faison and UND at this point? The question seems relevant. Schweigert, according to gfhockey, bleeds green and the UND head coaching position is his dream job. There is little to no reason to doubt him, his sources have been pretty good so far. DeBoer would be using UND as a stepping stone (same source), but since he has 3 national championships under his belt in 4 years (albeit NAIA), the upside potential seems greater.
  21. Agree that point does not exist. Players, no matter how good they are, are on the team for a maximum of 5 years. Coaches can be in place for more than a decade.
  22. maybe this is why New Mexico State's football program is a bad while the rest of NMSU's teams aren't...
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