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Everything posted by bigskyvikes

  1. Not the article, what the attorney Brotherton is attempting. He was on KNOX Ryan Cunningham show Thursday.
  2. yep, half is inaccurate, my bad, the other half is not! What does that change in this? Nothing...
  3. Ok, good for you, but what does that change? Answer , nothing, he is representing Sioux people! Who are truly invested in this and are losing from this. So again, what you said he needs to make a case, he has. Yes maybe I mis-typed, but the point I made is still true. Hope he succeeds...
  4. He does, he is Sioux! So are the people he represents...
  5. You have to be half baked to think this is reality? Are you fried?
  6. Yea I know, you know everything and I dont know anything! Same old BS from you on this issue. If you listened to KNOX today you heard what I was talking about....yesterday. How "incorrect" is that for you? Lmao...I can tell it pisses you off when someone might know more about something than you... And God forbid the name will be something other then what you want. Of course you will never admit that, so go ahead tell me how I'm wrong or the thing I'm talking about is wrong, and you can lay out all the truth! Go Sioux!!
  7. I just gained one forsure and possibly two more votes, Fighting Hawks or Nodaks? Decisions decisions... Quite the push trying to get ND back in the vote also...
  8. All I have to say about your comment is....56 shots on net!
  9. Maybe, but your comment about a goalie taking the team far or not far, proves to be very accurate every year by most teams. Saying the coach is to blame for losing one of the last two games of the season is just plain silly to me...
  10. You better proof read your comment, it sounds terrible...
  11. You know Hak getting that huge contract to coach in the pros makes you and others that say things like this, look like complete morons?!
  12. My daughter showed me a side by side of prince charming from Shrek and Boeser, I blew a nut laughing...
  13. Fighting Hawks then Nodaks. They are close for me and will be tough to choose one when I vote! Say no to RR's, just because of all the stupid whiney reasons everything else is "not good"!
  14. No worries... That was a hell of a performance.
  15. Greenbay finally doesn't look like a scoring machine and the Vikes look for real...! Come on Vikes, finish this game with Denver! 20-20 5:00 left in the game!
  16. I find this hard to believe, but I admit I dont know how the system works. I found this article that says great things about him coming in, but he himself admits playing time will be tough to get.. http://undhockey.areavoices.com/?p=94332 I couldn't find much about Cam..
  17. I remember the hype when Hyrnihk came in. Bet he would love to hear he is a "practice goalie". Let's not forget how good the #1 was the last two seasons, just because 2 and 3 didn't play doesn't necessarily mean they are practice only goalies.
  18. Not when it has to do with the history of the team. What MM is wanting would be showing the history of that title. The banner would show the logo they wore when they won it. Who could ever stop that??? I'm for that idea also.
  19. Lot of critics on Cam early? I had a front row seat to all 3, #2 was soft, the other two he had no chance. After the soft one he looked relaxed. The freshmen were fun to watch, I don't know if anyone else noticed Boeser get hit in the knee? He favored it the rest of the night, and still flew! Hope he is not hurt!! Seen some old time Fighting Sioux hockey after the cheap shot on Cam, way to fill the captain skates Ausmus! This is going to be fun to watch!!
  20. Yes, all troubling possibilities... I don't remember any hype about Wisco's freshman class though when they came in, like UND is getting. They are predicted in the top 5 with all these freshmen. I hope you're wrong, we shall see....Go Sioux!!
  21. Why the depletion prediction? I see a back to back championship team. I see two seniors gone that will hurt, anymore is a coin toss.
  22. Nodaks is still growing on me.... http://www.grandforksherald.com/opinion/letters/3851032-letter-espn-may-not-recognize-nodaks-now-it-will Doom and gloom people start in 1-2-3...
  23. Wait....what? We have an absolute opposite prediction of this season, can't wait to see who is more accurate. Have you done any reading on the talent coming in? The studs with experience on D. Goalie is a ? But what I have read about Tomek, no worries... I cant wait for this to start.
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