First off you forgot NHL Goon and fight loving. Nobody said we were lumping you with the PC zealots who want to change the name, I.E. Russel Means et al_____insert your anti-name activist here. I am blaiming this silly issue on Poltical Correctness run amuck on EXTREMIST LIBERAL PC ZEALOTS, you are probably not an extremist. You can not blame this issue on anyone else, there is no dancing around it. Just like Dems are LIBERAL P.C. Zealots, Not all conservative love guns, or George W. Bush, or listen to Rush Limbaugh. I think he is the less of two evils. Frankly I doubt the three members are team North Dakota are either, but it's time they stepped up to the plate and got off the fence. If they can bring in UAV's they can stand up to the NCAA in my opinion.