Slap Shot good to see you back; however, I have a black helicopter to take to fargo I just hope now that the final five is here we will finally see some objective officiating, the league has a big problem that needs to be fixed in the off season, come on we all know its true, whether we want to acknowledge it or not.
Of course some fans will poo poo it, but the reality is that the officals have a credibility problem in this league and the status quo is no longer good enough, especially if for some reason Randy Schmidt is wearing stripes next year. Its time to drain the swamp and start over, Brian Thul should be the rule not the exception. Of course youre going to get push back from the coaches of the have nots in the league because they probably like to see the whistles swallowed by the refs that allow for the clutching grabbing. Are all teams going to have to adjust to the games being called tighter, UND will as well... I just hope the WCHA teams are not going to be in trouble come NCAA time.