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Everything posted by Goon

  1. I think it is a great idea Jim...
  2. Goon

    Final 5

    Well time to enjoy some good hockey. Hopefully we will see a little more offense and a little less defense. Teams: Sioux, Huskies, Tigers, Pionees and Goofs.
  3. Dean Blais would be a great league commish. I think an NHL guy should supervise the officials.
  4. That is where Puffy Dubay is going to be on remote on Friday doing PA and Dubay.
  5. Should be Shepturd.
  6. Yeah that was funny.
  7. Yeah ok
  8. No that's not what I said, I I said nothing about the goal, I said that the reffing was poor in this game and Shepherd purposely let it go when he shouldn't have. Even the two television announcers said he is going to have to call penalties. Sheppard reviewed the goal to cover his ass. I still think the refs in this league have done the fans a horrible disservice and need to be fired all of them except Thul.
  9. *It was funnier than hell.*
  10. Look for the Goofs to not win another game the rest of the spring. Heck the excuse is already in place.
  11. From what I say no, because Shepherd didn't want to give the Mavericks a PP that would have given the Mavericks a chance to win the game. The league was crapping its pants in fear that Minnesota wasn't going to be in the final five this season. After this weekends game Sheppard should be fired he is a Horse S!** official. It is lucky that someon didn't get killed out there tonight.
  12. It looked bad, his head hit hard without his helmet on. It didnt look good.
  13. I can't imagine how tired these guys are. Double Overtime again.
  14. Yep go Mavs... Pretty good game again.
  15. Kind of makes you wonder if the WCHA teams are currently dying on the vine, there probably won't be 6 teams in this year. I think Wisconsin is going to be out too.
  16. I think MTU was a pretty good 9th place hockey team.
  17. Hum, I wonder what the Cup-Cake Hockey Association fans will have to say about that?
  18. The Sioux better pick it up or they will be home next weekend.
  19. Oh boy aren't we lucky we get Todd Anderson, I find it funny that Russell didn't want Thul for tonight's game. What a joke. I can't figure out why you would take the best of the worst of the leagues officials and exchange him with the worst of the worst.
  20. I would be nice to steal another blue chippar out of Lucia's back yard.
  21. I think dirty is hoping so.
  22. No kidding it is so F'N rude when people do that. If you don't want to stay in the arena leave while the play is stopped don't get up and leave while we are trying to see the play as it happens.
  23. Goon


    It will be interesting to see what happens as the games play themselves out. I find it hard to believe that Wiscosin and Minnesota are that solidly in after both losing their games tonight. I still think it is only going to be 5-6 teams getting into the big dance. BU won tonight and dropped in the PWR.
  24. Here fixed your post and I agree.
  25. I think the Thul is the best of the worst. That isn't saying much.
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