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Everything posted by Goon

  1. I am considering it myself but it is right during the time I am working the over night shift. Sleep is necessary.
  2. I like how some people thought just because a certain writer from the college hockey news said Wheeler was coming back and people thought that was it he is coming back.
  3. I would assume that he will drive out of town.
  4. I hate to think how long the list will be league wide. There are 8 departures already. Yikes...
  5. This seems like a pretty tempting event.
  6. Like we said earlier, I am going to take the word of the FBI over you or people like Little Johnny Hoff. Just because you keep saying something is true doesn't make it so.
  7. I think there is a good chance of it happening.
  8. That would seem reasonable since we have seen where its been said that big joe will play out his elgibility. Time will tell soon.
  9. There goes seeing him and Finley square off at center ice.
  10. I agree that was a nice post.
  11. Great post, no matter what people say the Holy Cross was a awesome win for the Holy Cross hockey team and it still makes me snicker when ever I think about it. The fact that PA from KFAN plays it all the time for Puffy makes it significant. I could care less if a Gopher fans wants to wear that God awful hockey jersey that is their problem.
  12. Every chance I get.
  13. Norton must have been in the scotch.
  14. So it would appear these incidents have nothing to do with their sports teams moniker then. Hum, that interesting.
  15. Again Ralph was cleared by the FBI and was ruled not to have any fascist leanings so I am going to trust them or any of the people smearing a persons name excessively. I don't care if Pro-name change people, Left Wing Professors, Little Johnny Hoff or you wants to keep saying that Ralph is a Nazi, it just isn't the case and it doesn't make it true...
  16. I will send you a list of questions to ask eaves.
  17. It would almost make him look like a bit time whiner by the fact that Eaves is still complaining in April and May long after the season is over. The league officials suck and until there is a change in leadership there will be no changes in the way the on ice officals conduct themselves in reffing games.
  18. Frankly that woman is an idiot. That is not a form of art. I heard about this on the radio the other day and it is distasteful.
  19. Great minds think a like. My picks over on hockey buzz got killed. I can't wait to watch the Pens and Flyers.
  20. That is funny. On a different note I am thinking of getting a holy cross shirt just because it offends some of the hyper sensitive fans so much. I liked watching HC play football I might have to go over to the online store and buy one.
  21. That's ok Leah I think most of us caught it.
  22. I can imagine you will see him in the ECHL next season.
  23. Just for the record Long Island Frazee was shelled in his appearance in Lowell. He gave up 3 goals on 25 shots and played 2 periods.
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