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Everything posted by UND-FB-FAN

  1. Agreed. Be nice to see Bubba use his MVFC connections to pull in some assistants. Having a staff of only former UND players is not the way to go, in my opinion.
  2. When did I say we ARE currently a top FCS program!? I said, if you look and read yourself, that we need to become a top FCS program through Bubba.
  3. Absolutely not - stop trying to sugarcoat everything the university does. Criticism and exceptional expectations breed success. You think every FBS assistant makes over 150K? Wrong, sir. Go look at the top FCS coaches and their resumes. Also, UND is in a top FCS conference, so If they don't become a top FCS program like EWU and the Montana schools, UND will rarely win the Big Sky and make the playoffs. Get your head out of the gutter of mediocrity! It's "supporters" like you that keep UND a hockey-only school. With that said, I believe through hard work, not experience, Bubba can turn this program into a top Big Sky program.
  4. Bubba will have to prove he can produce a top FCS program. I'm disappointed that an experienced FBS assistant wasn't hired and that the process was so lengthy. With that said, I will continue to support UND football while hoping Bubba turns this program into a contender.
  5. “We will put forth great effort to facilitate positive relations with fans, alumni, the community and the student body,” Schweigert added. “We look forward to playing exciting championship football in front of thousands of loyal fans as we strive to win the Big Sky Conference championship and, ultimately, reach the pinnacle of FCS football.” Quote from Coach Schweigert; I love hearing that kind of thing! Already a dose of confidence we never got from Mussman!
  6. Those boosters are friends of mine, and I myself am a booster I guess since I support the university and athletic department the best I can each and every year. A part of their displeasure with Mr. Faison is due to the success of NDSU and Gene Taylor. Gene Taylor has made Faison look quite incapable, relative to NDSU of course. When you're from North Dakota and have been associated with UND for a while, you can't escape the NDSU comparisons, and to think otherwise is ignorant.
  7. Unless you personally know the players, you cannot claim you know why they left. There's a lot of variables at play - don't over simplify that. And yes, if a new coach would've been in place by Dec.10, there would've been less players leaving. The nearly complete lack of communication between the athletic department and team has been very appalling. Through discussions I've had over the past week with some reputable boosters, my opinion on Brian Faison is beginning to change drastically.
  8. Three national titles and a coach of the year award aren't impressive?
  9. Ph.Ds and crap? You really are incoherently babbling.
  10. Relax, if it is DeBoer, we'll be fine. You win three national championships at any level and you know how to coach. And Bubba's head coaching record is mediocre at best.
  11. And who was our offensive coordinator? How'd that work out?
  12. UND-FB-FAN

    2013 Playoffs

    jealous jealous jealous
  13. This is just the reason why local talent is so important. And of course good leadership from the HC to hold the recruits from outside the region together, because we'll need some transfers/JUCO players to get this thing where we want it.
  14. We're trying to put lipstick on a pig here. Bottom line is Bubba was mediocre as a head coach but we're all "hoping" that his dedication to UND and defense will turn the program around. From a national candidate standpoint, Bubba is average at best. DeBoer on the other hand produced considerably as a head coach and I believe he has a higher ceiling. If you were one of those people who wanted Bollinger, you should now want DeBoer. Yes he coached at the NAIA level, but he still produced. I'd take the chance on DeBoer. He's only been exceptional as a head coach, which is not the case with Bubba. In either case, the FCS/MVFC experience they'll bring with them will be a positive for the program moving forward.
  15. After a couple seasons at NIU with former UND assistant Rod Carey and the system he runs down there, Golladay should get a legitimate shot at the NFL.
  16. If going word for word, both of those announcements are unattainable.
  17. That's kind of stereotypical. You obviously would never be able to produce a starting lineup composed entirely of transfers and junior college kids, but adding a few every year to key positions would be fine IMO.
  18. Looks like you're on to something there. After looking at SIU's roster, it looks like they really value JUCO and FBS-transfer players. Their top rusher this year was a transfer from Oregon State, their second leading rusher was JUCO, and their third rusher was a transfer from Georgia. Their top two defensive backs, in terms of interceptions, are JUCO. And their top two tacklers are JUCO LBs. With the way UNDs roster is looking right now, I would actually like to see that philosophy installed, and it looks like either DeBoer or Bubba would do so. Of course, the whole roster can't be that way, so you "fill in the gaps" with local, hard working kids. Bubba would be great at that. After this season's results, I would love to see some big bodied, physical transfer players at runningback and corner/safety!
  19. Hope that's some verbal irony, otherwise that might be one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. Rather have someone loyal then back-to-back national championships? Long time coaches don't exist in the FCS unless they're mediocre. So saying goodbye to a FCS head coach after five years usually means your program is really good or really bad. In our case, we're really bad.
  20. UND has had talent...too bad a bunch of it just transferred away. Nevertheless, the point is this team has had more issues than just sub-par talent. No discipline and "fire" from the players would be a start. On top of that, Big Sky coaches were "out-coaching" the former staff all the time it seemed. Players were out of position on defense quite often, and there was no physicality to the offense - just the ability to give the ball away to the other team. Those sort of things go beyond just the players; the coaches need to establish a winning culture. But, of course, recruiting is very very important as well, and I think Bubba understands the type of athletes that DI football requires from his time at Southern Illinois.
  21. Workouts are a given for this off-season, but I've heard he's negotiating a full-blown contract. Make no mistake, he'll get his opportunity.
  22. Make no mistake, I honestly believe both Bubba and DeBoer are better leaders than Mussman. I'm not sure about the recruiting part, so we'll have to see about that.
  23. Most Subjective Post of the Day Award goes to...
  24. Never thought I would say this, but with how long this process has dragged on, you have to think it may have been better to have just retained Mussman. Oh well, that's water under the bridge now.
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