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Posts posted by UND-FB-FAN

  1. In all honesty, the absence of a spring game promotion is a bit concerning. I wouldn't expect a big turnout for this year's game. Only exception would be if people are interested in seeing Bubba's early product out on the field, but I don't think that will take effect until fall.

  2. This team will already be improved next season, so in that way, there won't be any growing pains. However, by improved, I don't mean a winning season or playoffs. Last years 3-8 season was an embarrassment; that won't happen this year and we'll get 4 to 6 wins. It may take a couple years for playoffs though.

    • Upvote 1
  3. After watching the practice today I am going to start the "Bring back Coach Lotysz" campaign! I realize the defense is usually ahead of the offense but wow, the offense was bad and it starts with the line. They didn't run block worth a crap and they were worse than that at pass blocking. I think one pass was completed and they may have netted 1 total rushing yard. If we can't move the ball against our defense (and they can't be that good), then it's going to be a long season! I have my own opinions about the o-line and that revolves around strength. I don't think Baukol does enough upper body work with lineman. Hopefully some eyes were opened today!

    Coach Knuaf is a former Wisconsin Badger - he'll get the offensive line where it needs to be. Would help to have a bigger RB too. All in all, the OL is short on talent. Thankfully, there will be additions come this fall (both JUCOs and freshmen).

    As far as the defense goes, don't sleep on Coach Schmidt and the new philosophy of this team. The defense could make a turnaround quicker than you think. Personally, I believe having a solid defense is better than having a solid offense, if you can only have one or the other. Defense wins championships.

  4. The Minnesota State thing is a joke and personally, I would send all of those kids packing with their !@#$ attitudes. Way to much entitlement these days. I also agree with you about Jackson....he was a punk who had his ass kissed by Schleusner. Galladay on the other hand is a good kid and a real talent. I think he will do well. I have said this before and I'll say it again...Young is a very good receiver who should have been on the field. Having McGill back along with Young gives us two very good (but unproven) WR's. With an increased emphasis on a balanced attack and actual use of the TE's, I am more worried about maturation at the QB spot than anything else.

    I'm hoping, as I'm sure the coaching staff is, that with a balanced running game, the QB's responsibilities will be less difficult in 2014. Can't beat having a solid running game and solid play-action passing game if you're a quarterback.

  5. Plus this thing is in 2 phases. The football field etc, is phase 1 and the locker rooms etc, is phase 2. I don't think all of it will be done by fall...maybe just phase 1.

    Although the new locker rooms, coaches offices, and meeting rooms will be huge (take a look at NDSU's meeting and coaching facilities), having the indoor practice field will be equally as huge for next winter and spring. I'm looking forward to the phase I completion this summer/fall.

  6. Some more names of interest.

    WR Emanuel Jenkins Menasha, WisconsinMenasha 6'3" 185 N/A

    QB Isaiah Ramsey Omaha, NebraskaSkutt Catholic 6'3" 200 4.7

    LB La'Ryan Johnson Kenosha, WisconsinBradford 6'0" 225 N/A

    I like to see athletic LBs and WRs are being looked at. Nebraska is a good Midwest state to get involved with in terms of recruiting.

    Also, it sure appears Rudolph favors dual-threat quarterbacks in his offense. I would expect plenty of QB runs to complement the primary ground game in 2014. Mollberg?

  7. No use living in the past, but it sure would've been nice to have Jackson and Golladay on this year's team.

    Nevertheless, they weren't team players and team chemistry is the main point Bubba is trying to get across during spring ball. Also, with the running game emphasis, the WR position isn't going to be as utilized. Of course, we need some WRs to step up in order to block and make clutch receptions when needed.

    Personally, I think Casey Young, RJ McGill, Tyrhe Ivery, and Aeron Carr can all gel together and produce a productive group for 2014.

  8. Common sense. Not sure what you're expecting from a team that is losing over 2/3's of its minutes played and almost 80% of its scoring, but it sounds unrealistic. I'm expecting a record right around .500 and making it into the Big Sky tournament and winning at least one game. Would I prefer better? Of course, but I can also take a look at what UND is losing and be realistic about it, something that seems to be lost on a lot of people. If Nash is someone granted a 6th year, I would definitely raise my expectations. Like I said, I think it will take an absolute disaster for Jones to be fired after this coming season.

    Leading returning scorers: Hooker (4.2ppg), Stefan (3.9), Antwi (3.1). These three plus Tyler are going to need to step up in a big way along with our bigs being productive and hope that Shanks can come in at the break and be the player everyone saw in high school. Still wouldn't be surprised to see one more JuCo scorer to go along with Coleman.

    The flaw with this statement is that the last two seasons, with experienced teams, Jones has failed to produce better than .500 seasons. That is attributable to the inability of his teams to win out-of-conference road games. That is similar in environment to winning a Big Sky championship tournament game - something I don't ever see Jones accomplishing. Therefore, I'd rather see a new coach, who is capable of taking UND to an NCAA tournament game, hired sooner rather than later.

    With lesser experience this upcoming season, the maximum output this team could have would be another 0.500 season with a loss in the Big Sky tournament. I'm not satisfied with that ceiling. And, of course, the possible low-end of this upcoming season could be very bad. I hate hoping for loses, because, well, I support UND athletics. But, I'm just not convinced Jones has what it takes.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Everyone says we need to pay our coaches more. Well that's great if you are the coach, but I believe that you have to earn that pay increase. Has Jones done eb nough at UND to keep his job....a couple GW Tournament titles and 2 top 3 finishes in the Big Sky....I would say so. HAs he done enough to earn a pay raise? I don't think so. .500 records aren't gonna make you $175,000 a year. Win a Big Sky regular season or Tournament Champioship, then you can start talking about raises.

    Keeping Jones around only further digs UND's basketball program into the ground. Assistants are not only leaving for money - they see the writing on the wall. Jones is a wounded duck. After a poor season or two, he'll likely be gone. That is unless Faison is content with being #2 or #3 in the conference. I can see next year's team finishing third, maybe even second, but they won't win the tournament. In order for that to happen, we need better coaching and players. It all starts with coaching, though.

    Just get us a new coach. I personally would like to see an NCAA tournament appearance someday.

  10. correct me if I am wrong here, wasn't there a lot more media coverage through the spring practices last year. I seem to recall watching practice updates all the time. mostly the "epic quarterback battle" and the "best receiving corps in FCS" which were so hyped. Would Bubba be controlling how much media coverage goes on the nightly sports? just curious.

    Incorrect. UNDsports.com has covered each practice quite extensively. Last year's disappointing season (thanks Mussman) has killed the media interest, not Bubba. When people see the results over the next few seasons, everything will change.

  11. It's the traditional response because it's true.

    Let me know when a Jones team doesn't finish top 3 in the big sky and at that point we can start talking about the hot seat. Until then, I think he has earned his salary and the fans support.

    The extension Jones signed last summer brought his salary to $100k this past season, so he is not well below that mark. He's obviously fairly paid at this point otherwise he would have bolted, paying him more isn't going to all of the sudden make him a better coach. I'd expect he'd get a raise, rightfully so, if UND made a trip to the NCAA tournament. He has a lot of proving to do over the next two seasons to show what kind of coach he is, especially now that he has had a few years to recruit the players he wants with no obstacles put in his way. If Jones leaves or is let go, I fully expect Faison will allocate the proper funds to hire a new head coach as he has done in the past.

    USD had no choice to pay Craig Smith what they did, they made a great higher and he accepted a slight paycut to come there.

    No clue why NDSU game Richman the salary they did, seems high for the experience he has. He wanted the job, has been at NDSU his entire career except for one year at NDSCS and never been a head coach. Smith from USD has coached in the B1G, the MWC and has head coaching experience, including being national coach of the year in the NAIA. Congrats to him for getting it though.

    I will add the caveat that it is tough to use USD and SDSU's salaries as comparisons as they are only one year deals. If things go south, they don't have to be concerned about a buyout situation.

    The traditional response doesn't work. Schools that strive for greatness in a particular sport don't tolerate .500 records. Eventually, they cut ties and hire someone who is capable of taking the particular athletic team at hand to the next level.

    Jones doesn't deserve a raise, I am not making that point. The point I am making, however, is that UND deserves a men's basketball coach that is on the same level, both coaching- and salary-wise, as NDSU, USD, and SDSU. Nothing more, nothing less.

    Although Jones has twice finished in the top three of the Big Sky, he has yet to considerably exceed a 0.500 season record and win a post-season tournament game. Not to mention his out-of-conference record is atrocious. All the last couple years have demonstrated to me is that the Big Sky Conference is a weak basketball conference, with the top of the conference (Weber State and Montana) being the exception.

    Lastly, the fans should support 0.500 basketball? That tells me the expectations of the university and/or supporters for men's basketball are below where I want them to be. A 0.500 basketball team will always have difficulty making the NCAA tournament. We can maybe finish in the top 3 in the Big Sky Conference, but trying to win the conference tournament will always be a different story.

    I also would like to put on record as to saying, as history showed last December when Faison hired Bubba, that I believe Faison would increase the salary if Jones is fired and a new coach is hired. I just hope the hire is comparable to the coaches of NDSU, SDSU, and USD. 100K is not comparable to 200K...c'mon man!

    • Upvote 2
  12. I love it when people freak out about low salaries of Jones and Mussman. Both were hired before UND was d1. Should they have received a 100% raise just because und moved up?

    Faison opened up the checkbook to buy out Mussman and hire Bubba. I see no reason why he wouldn't for men's basketball.

    It's a good thing nobody here is the AD because at this point we would be on our fifth coach in two years, Brewster would have been fired last year and our football teams play book would include chucking the pigskin.

    Of course, the traditional "D2 - he hasn't earned it yet" response.

    There's no reason we should have to go through a couple losing seasons before we actually get on par with NDSU, USD, and SDSU coach-wise.

    Currently, our head basketball coach makes less than half of what the other regional coaches make. That isn't an issue?

  13. Recently reported that Dave Richman, the newly named men's basketball head coach at NDSU, will make 190k per year at NDSU.

    USD's recent hire will get 185k and SDSU's Nagy makes 200k.

    Brian Jones is making well below 100k a year. This is concerning to me because it demonstrates our lack of commitment to basketball.

    We did what we needed to in football, by raising the salary a bit and making a quality hire. Now, we need to make a hire for men's basketball that is also worth an $150,000 deal or so. It's only a matter of time before a new hire is made - I'd give Jones a year or two at the most. Of course, when Faison decides to hire someone new, it depends not only on the performance of Jones, but also the athletic department's available funds for making a new hire. If we're gonna be dually a top football/basketball school in the Big Sky Conference, we need to show it financially.

  14. If anything, I think the general change in philosophy will be the one thing that allows UND football to be successful again.

    Having a Wisconsin alum coach up the O-line and an offensive coordinator who wants to run the football and use play-action off of that is key. It will both help our defense with improved time of possession and keep our turnovers down. Not to mention it will best utilize our recruiting pipelines and allow us to "out-physical" the more finesse teams of the Big Sky.

    Add in the desire to pressure and "get after it" on defense, and the defense should hopefully improve and get more takeaways.

    All in all, the philosophy that Bubba Schweigert is implementing will lead UND to more success. Why Mussman ever thought a pass-happy offense and conservative 3-4 defense would be successful, I'll never know.

  15. Just don't see Bubba relating well to an 18 year old kid. Maybe 10-15 years ago it would have been different. He seemed to have more fire back then. Maybe he will prove me wrong. He just seems to have that "aw shucks I'm just an old farm boy" attitude. He'd be a better D2 head coach than D1 head coach. You can win with different types of players at D2 than you can at D1.

    Early candidate for B.S. statement of the year right here.

    Bubba has the potential to a better head coach then Klieman. He's already made a splash in recruiting so I don't know what you're talking about. Good luck handling the loses this season.

  16. The last time they had to hire a football coach, and the last time they had to hire a basketball coach it doesn't seem like it really hurt their program.

    As a North Dakota fan, I guess it really doesn't affect me all that much.

    Really? That surprises me.

    So everytime NDSU hires a coach, the coach will be a future FBS or major program head coach? You're really giving Gene Taylor a lot of credit I guess.

    This "ignoring NDSU" thing is a joke. If you're a UND supporter and/or North Dakota resident, it's nearly impossible to just "not care" what NDSU does.

    • Upvote 2
  17. Is the offense running a different formation than last year? I hope they buried that Pistol Offense.

    They are multiple - under center, shotgun, and pistol. The pistol can be very effective if run correctly. We'll see a lot more runs and PA out of it this year and it should work nicely.

  18. you would think that with all that has happened that a guy like butler would FINALLY see the field in the secondary and then Bubba goes and moves him to olb....in bubba we trust!!!!

    Both starting OLBs from last season (Bennett and Finley) are gone. Butler at OLB will likely give him that playing time he deserves, perhaps even a starting spot. Safety spots will likely go to Carr and Reyes, or possibly JUCO signee Chris Hannible.

    I think Butler is the kind of player that needs to be on the field a lot for the defense to be successful. He has the frame and athleticism to make a very good OLB.

  19. Let's see what Bubba and Maurice are made of. I hope we can still get this guy. Maybe the playing time will be enticing enough for him to come here?

    Although I would love to see Wade attend and play for UND, I really doubt he'll take UND over Southern Mississippi. One is FBS and the other is FCS, plus the weather is a bit nicer down south.

  20. So Wade verballed and that is it. And anyone that verbals or signs a letter of intent is to be considered very iffy from this date on in the Spring and Summer. Is that right? I guess we will just have to wait and see who shows up in the Fall.

    National Letters of Intent essentially commit you to a specific program. If no NLI is sent, then there is no legitimate commitment to a school. That is the case for Dashon Wade.

  21. S Dashon Wade never submitted his NLI. He is not committed to the University of North Dakota.

    On the other hand, CB Dominique Blackmon did submit his NLI and he will be here next fall.

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