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Posts posted by UND-FB-FAN

  1. You have a great point. Grand Forks, just like most other places is full of fair weather fans. I was at the A&M Kingsville game which was the first game of our transition to D1. There was a great crowd and people were excited. Shortly thereafter we began the losing trend and attendance slowly and steadily began to drop.

    How else can one explain the low attendance when we are playing better competition? Grand Forks is full of Fair weather fans...just like Fargo.

    Couldn't agree more. If UND hosted a home playoff game, or if they started beating top 25 FCS teams along with a FBS, people would take notice and attendance would surely rise. However, like I've said previously, NDSU needs to falter some too in order for UND to have a significant rise in attendance. A lot of neutral fans up north bypass grand forks and go straight to fargo - that's why NDSU needs to fall a bit along with UND increasing production.

  2. Like I said.... That's cute. Just remember.... We are laughing at you.... Not with you.

    You realize when moo U falters, even likely this season, you are setting yourself up for a ton of criticism, right? NDSU won because of Bohl and their one tremendous class of players that now graduated; with both gone, don't expect invincibility any longer. UNI, SIU, and SDSU could all three be better than NDSU in 2014.

  3. Welcome to Grand Forks and the University of North Dakota! UND athletics has a great deal of tradition and our new football coach, Bubba Schweigert, will be leading our football program to great things. Again, welcome to UND and I hope you and your son enjoy the experience!

  4. Put me in that camp.

    Remains to be seen if he is =, >, < to Bohl and in my opinion he would have also been a major upgrade to Mussman. It will be interesting to see how the next 4-5 years play out as Kleiman has a pretty well stocked team right now and Bubba is damn near starting with a team similar to what we had in year 1 of our transition.

    He'll be < Bohl, that's a guarantee. Bohl had FBS defensive coordinator experience and then led NDSU to back-to-back-to-back national titles. NDSU should just hope that Klieman can produce 10 win seasons; never mind anymore national title hopes.

  5. Faison is a short timer and will retire soon, I don't believe he is the best man for that job. UND could and has in the past done better. I am starting to question the decision making ability of ROK. I don't believe he represents true North Dakota values. Hopefully he will be a short timer as well.

    Unfortunately, I may have to agree. I believe the University of North Dakota is capable of possessing better leadership on the administrative, academic, and athletic fronts. With that said, Kelley and Faison are both capable.

  6. Me too. If Faison fills the spot with NDSU fine, if he fills that and 2017 with a home and home of another DI team...even better.

    I wouldn't go as far as saying it would be better to schedule another DI team, because I'm not going to try hide it; UND-NDSU is the best matchup in terms of hype/revenue/attendance for both schools.

  7. The one thing a potential UND-NDSU game needed! And you have to love that both Bohl and Taylor will be gone; that will certainly hurt Ag school athletics! Heck, even Saul Phillips left! I guess NDSU isn't as irresistible and perfect as the aggie faithful declare.

  8. Mind explaining why Weber got a 16 seed if they were so much better than a 12 seed that actually won a game in the tourney?

    And while your at it.... Feel free to explain how Southern Utah beat UND? Lulz.


    As the above article states, Weber State was a 16 seed not because they were a bad team, but because they had a low RPI. An RPI is largely based on scheduling, particularly at the mid- to low-major level of DI NCAA basketball. Weber State was a very good basketball team, that also would have beat Oklahoma. The issue with Weber State, and rest of the Big Sky Conference, is that very little out-of-conference scheduling happens with other mid-majors. In fact, most of the scheduling is done with money games (big programs) and DII teams. UND has itself been guilty of this in terms of scheduling. If the Big Sky would schedule more DI mid-majors, they would allow their RPI to rise, both team-wise and conference-wise. For example, UND played Presentation College and Minnesota Morris last season. By playing only one of those games and subbing in another DI game, the chance for a greater RPI is now present. Nearly all of UND’s DI wins came from the Big Sky Conference, just as many Big Sky teams relied on in order to acquire DI wins. That is a recipe for disaster when trying to produce the best RPI possible. Doug Fullerton and the Big Sky are looking at ways to improve this scheduling dilemma.

    As for Weber State and their No. 16 seed ranking, they were way better than that. They would have beat NDSU, possibly quite handily. They lost to No. 1 Arizona by only 9 points.

  9. Which team won a game in the dance and which one did not?

    NDSU played Oklahoma; Weber State played Arizona. Are you proposing that Oklahoma and Arizona were equal teams? Use a little common sense, please.

  10. Proves you know nothing about sports. Womens softball when to nationals, Womens track had 6 go to Nationals. I'm predicting that you'll regain your last place finish in the BSC next year.

    So you, Bison Dan -- the self-proclaimed sports expert who consistently demonstrates the insecurity of his loyalty on this website -- are declaring I know nothing about sports? That’s quite amusing.

    I know head-to-head UND women’s athletics has done exceptionally well versus NDSU over the past few seasons. Other than that, I do not want to know anything more about NDSU women’s athletics. You may say that is an ignorant stance, but in all honesty, the accomplishments you just listed were quite petty and not worth noticing, and as such, they reinforce my point.

    By spending time on this website and criticizing UND supporters, you are simply demonstrating your own lack of knowledge, ironically. Nearly every NDSU fan on this website resorts to personal attacks, and as the basics of debate state, that indicates nothing more than a lack of competence and ability to persist the argument.

    In conclusion, you may notice I do not spend a significant amount of time on NDSU fan forums because, primarily, I do not feel it is necessary to defend UND athletics. The history and present stature of University of North Dakota athletics implicitly does that for me. On the other hand, NDSU supporters apparently feel they need to take an active stance in terms of defense.

    • Upvote 2
  11. Only thing I remember from basketball season is my boys winning the tourney.... And then beating Oklahoma in the dance..

    What do you remember.... Another rough season but you beat NDSU so that's neat.

    Big Sky Conference was a better league than the Summit league due to Weber State; therefore, UND probably would've made the tourney if they would've been in the Summit. And how is finishing second in the conference a "rough season"? You've lost your mind.

  12. Your right. NDSU is so bad at other sports that they got a 12 seed in the dance and win a game... And the softball team (I'm not big in women's sports) won against multiple rated teams.

    Well NDSU's women athletics are an embarrassment, so it's understandable. How did the 2013 UND-NDSU men's basketball game go again?

  13. The point is except for those 2 sports the rest suck. And not just a little but bad. Look at your standing in the all sports rating in the BCS. Ah you did move from last to second from last this year.

    No Danny, the point is that NDSU only has football. All of NDSU's other sports are bad.

  14. No, NDSU beat UND in softball during the fall season, but I believe those are all exhibitions. That's what he was saying.

    If softball was exhibition, then I apologize to Mr. Corey. UND was after all undefeated versus NDSU this season in all regular season games. Sports were baseball, men's and women's basketball, soccer, and volleyball.

  15. Not that i care,but i'm guessing that part in bold is false.

    So you're just assuming I'm incorrect in my research and acquired facts? That certainly demonstrates a lack of consideration on your part.

    Nevertheless, if you consider softball, which I don't know why you wouldn't, then yes, it's misleading.

    UND beat NDSU in every game played of volleyball, baseball, and women's/men's basketball during the 2013-2014 season.

    NDSU did beat UND in softball during the fall of 2013.

    Blame Dan Corey, not me:

    @DanCorey8: North Dakota is now a perfect 6-0 against NDSU in the 2013-14 sports year.

    • Upvote 1
  16. And you act like Bubba is the second coming. Lets see. Which coach was more successful in their previous role of assistant coach?

    Regardless it has yet to be seen how they will perform as a head coach.

    Klieman did nothing. Bohl built and led the team, and the defense that led NDSU to three national titles was originally assembled by Scottie Hazelton.

    Bubba brings passion and DI experience to UND - he will engineer successful teams. The defenses he led at SIU were respectable. Nevertheless, he never had a chance to lead at SIU as a head coach; he has the potential to be a great head coach here at UND.

  17. Break it down for us. Is he a downgrade from Bohl or not? How about your OC?

    Anyone who doesn't think Klieman is a downgrade from Bohl is delusional; then again, most Ag school fans are.

  18. I believe they signed agreements on baseball, basketball M&W, volleyball, soccer, and they have competed in golf tourneys, track meets, cross country meets and will probably compete in softball down the road. UND won most if not all last season. Also you don't capitalize since in the middle of a sentence. That's only a mistake a Minnesota grad would make. Personally I don't think there is much that you could do better that I would be satisfied with, but there is always hope! :bigsmile:

    UND went undefeated against NDSU last season in all areas of head-to-head athletic competition. Secondly, the University of Minnesota is a prestigious university with high academic rankings. In most academic disciplines, the University of Minnesota possesses greater academic rankings than the University of North Dakota; therefore, due to transitive relation principles, the University of Minnesota possesses significantly greater academic rankings than the North Dakota State University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences.

  19. Yeah do that as everyone knows that UND coaches have been so successful in recruiting the last 7 years.

    Hey clever one, UND has a new coaching staff for this season.

    UND coaches from last 7 years =/= current UND coaches

    get it?

    Oh, and NDSU's new coaching staff may be a dud.

  20. I wasn't very impressed by the hire to began with, just based on the info I got about him from a guy who played when he coached back in the day. The more I hear about him the more excited I get for the future of UND football.

    Interesting. Nearly all the former players I spoke to from the early 2000s were very happy about the hire. They believed Bubba would bring back passion and a positive defensive mentality to UND football.

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