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Posts posted by UND-FB-FAN

  1. Yeah, and the best team in the state is the team that wins that one game? A National Championship doesn't say more than one game? I guess the games against NDSU are UND's and their fans Super Bowls.

    Another bullsh*t excuse. If you can't handle scheduling/playing UND, then your almighty national championships apparently are a big fluke and NDSU doesn't think they are as good as their record/championships show.

    And really, when it comes down to it, this is about a game that in all commonsense should be scheduled. Distance, history/tradition, statewide interest, etc. are all reasons why. That's why this game should be scheduled; not because this game would be "UND's Super Bowl", but rather because it only makes sense that it should be played all the time. The fact GT continually shuffles his feet and changes his stance on the game shows his lack of confidence in the NDSU teams moving forward.

  2. Can you read for substance. I said NDSU is like and FBS school "when compared to UND" right now. If you don't get that or agree with it, then you are not able to read for substance and have not seen one of the two teams, or both, play. Maybe I should have said UND looks like a bottom-feeder DII team to NDSU right now and you may have understood the meaning better.

    Wrong. UND is a FCS football program that is 75 miles away and has a long standing history and tradition against NDSU in football. If you can't see that for what it is, then you are just arguing for own sake, rather than objectively analyzing the situation.

    This should be an established rivalry, even now in the DI days. With NDSU being so holy and mighty, they should welcome the rivalry with open arms and want to *PROVE* on the field that they are the best team in the state. Instead, you argue national championships, Brian Faison's nonexistent negotiating issues, 12 game schedules, and countless other bullsh*t points. Bottom-line is that Gene Taylor continues to change his negotiating points because he can't just "straight-up" schedule a home and home game with UND. He is too afraid for his almighty/holy program and/or he doesn't understand the favor he would be doing for the state of North Dakota, including the NDSU faithful.

    UND doesn't NEED NDSU either. Watch as our program consistently improves each and every season under the leadership and passion of Bubba Schweigert. Ultimately, this isn't the same Bubba that you saw in SIU; he is now a leader at a place he is passionate about. He will bring UND back up to the top, regardless of the level of competition. UND deserves to be a top FCS program, and with Bubba, it will get there.

    As far as the scheduling goes, NDSU would make just as much revenue, and likely more, with UND coming to town instead of some other lowly FCS team. Everything Gene Taylor and you hopeless Ag School fans have been spewing out has been nothing but complete bullsh*t. Just accept the home and home and lets get this rivalry renewed. If you're too arrogant and selfish to do that, or accept that premise in the case of the fans/supporters, then we'll have to just meet in the playoffs where the circumstances won't be as favorable for NDSU.

  3. If you are referring to one game at NDSU, then, yes, we would take the UND game. If you are referring to a home and home, no thanks--see my post above for more details.

    Also, if I were a UND fan, I don't think I would be dissing on NDSU's schedule. University of Sioux Falls come to mind. Also, Ferris State would have handed you guys your jock strap this year!!

    Sioux Falls was in 2009; not during the Big Sky Conference years. Since being in the Big Sky Conference, UND's OOC schedule (in future years) is nearly complete, and, is quite impressive (includes H and H with Missouri State, South Dakota, Stony Brook, and FBS games with Wyoming, Utah, and Washington). NDSU's schedule is nowhere as impressive as NDSU fans say it is. Both UND and NDSU could and should use the rivalry as a way to fill a schedule slot. Switch home site every-other year/game - not that damn difficult.

    Also, in the Alerus Center, UND would've beat Ferris State last season.

  4. Gaarder had played at a higher level of competition going into his senior year and definitely looked to have some potential while watching him at Edina. Gaarder also played 2 years of junior hockey after high school which is something Johannesson probably wouldn't be able to do that would help him develop more.

    I'm quite positive Johannesson will be playing college football. He's good at the North Dakota high school hockey level, but not college hockey good. I'd imagine he goes the football route.

  5. One of North Dakota's most successful businessman started and grew his business right here in North Dakota with home grown talent, many of whom were NDSU graduates. That businessman is Doug Burgum, also an NDSU grad.

    NDSU is a top 100 National Research University, an accomplishment UND has never achieved.

    UND and NDSU are both very good universities. I have never said UND wasn't a good school, however many UND supporters can't admit to NDSU's strengths.

    In terms of national research, UND is considerably more diverse and accomplished than NDSU. UND is a public research university entrenched in several academic disciplines; I'm afraid far more than NDSU. UND has been recognized top 100 in several areas, including rural medicine, petroleum engineering, and graduate business.

  6. I have no issues with UNDs standing. Its a very fine school. It was you who was putting NDSU down. So who wasnt recognizing a schools academic standing?

    My comments establish UND as a greater overall academic institution relative to NDSU; in no way did I "put NDSU down" and try to say it is an incapable university. As I said above, both institutions play an important role academically within the state of North Dakota. With that said, UND is more influential nationally, making it superior in my opinion.

  7. Playoff game goes to the higher seeded team...unless neither team is seeded. Then the Bison would host because NDSU would almost be a guarantee to bid more than UND. NDSU....will be hosting a lot of playoff games in the future....just like Montana. Moneymaker games for the NCAA.

    Incorrect; not under the crash and burn via Klieman scenario proposed by some.

  8. You seem to fit that bill as well. Beside your med and lawyer school you really dont have anything to trump NDSU academically. As far as your aviation school your students dont leave school and jump to flying for the big airlines. You can go get your private pilots license almost anywhere and then move up the ranks with flying time and qualifications. I would do more research on what NDSU has to offer so you at least sound like you actually received your degree from the school you are defending.



    If you won't take my word for it, then read some other sources.

    You can't tell me you honestly believe your better off going to NDSU if you want to get into commercial aviation. The aviation network is far, far more extensive at UND than at NDSU, so simply receiving your private pilot license and "working your way up" is not a very educated way of advancing one's aviation career.

    UND's business school is nationally significant. In fact, many aspiring farmers and ranchers consider UND because of this. I personally know North Dakota farmers who went to UND over NDSU. They went the "business route" at UND and are very successful in the agricultural field right here in North Dakota.

    UND's M.D. and law degree programs are substantial, but so is UND's nursing program relative to NDSU.

    All in all, it doesn't sound like you want to acknowledge UND's national academic rankings.

  9. Everything about that stereotype just pisses me off to no end...

    My brother-in-law and my sister both attended NDSU and graduated with degrees in architecture. They currently run a very successful business in the TC west metro and have immense talent in that field. They put their education to use not only for their business, but also in remodeling their own house as well. In addition, both served their country quite admirably as service members.

    My dad also went to NDSU and graduated with a degree in engineering. He worked a short time for Caterpillar in Illinois, then took his skill-set to use for the United States Navy on the USS Epperson in the late 1960's, before returning to North Dakota to take over the family ranch from my grandfather. While you may not consider him a "businessman" by your definition, I admire him like no one else. On any given day, he could fix five-ten miles of fence, keep 300+ cattle safe under his watch in the harshest of winters, and take apart almost any piece of farm machinery and fix it himself, all while providing and caring for his family, not to mention making some time to watch his kid play some basketball in grade and high school. I don't know how he ever found the time for it all...

    I can promise you this: If your car is ever out of gas, your tire is flat, or you need some general assistance on Highway 85 about 23 miles north of Belfield, he will GUARANTEED offer to help you in any way he can -- and won't say a word about your University of North Dakota license plate frame and Fighting Sioux Indian-head sticker in your back window. He'll no doubt turn down any money you'd like to offer him in appreciation, wish you well, and send you on your merry way. You can drive away mumbling all you like about NDSU ranch hillbillies...he won't care at all.

    I bet I could find dozens of UND law school students or graduates who would sooner book a summer crabbing in Alaska as opposed to work three months on my dad's ranch. The very notion that every graduate of NDSU who chooses farming or ranching as a career is somehow worthy of scorn and contempt from UND graduates like yourself makes my blood boil. In general, your commentary is "a joke." Anyone who doesn't believe that North Dakota consists of two very fine universities in UND and NDSU needs to have their head examined.

    Although I don't want to take your comment as a personal attack, I really have no choice but to take it as that. First off, I am a UND graduate, whereas the rest of my family is not; In fact, all of my other local family members obtained college degrees from NDSU. My immediate family is derived from North Dakota culture, dating back to the 1880s, and are farmers and ranchers of eastern North Dakota. I am proud to say they exhibit many of the attributes and attitudes you described your father and grandfather as having. It is important, I believe, to mention that they are not partial to either UND or NDSU, but the fact remains, UND is the flagship university of North Dakota. Anyone who objectively observes UND and NDSU will come to this conclusion. For example, UND was the first university established in the state of North Dakota and it receives the greatest financial support. Furthermore, the alumni base and academic options available at the University of North Dakota are more diverse than those available at NDSU - that's just the way it is.

    With that being said, given my agricultural background, I appreciate what NDSU does for the state of North Dakota and its citizens. Don't try to make me look like the ignorant individual who has no appreciation for the culture and history of North Dakota. Ultimately, I stand by what I said earlier in that UND is a superior institution relative to NDSU; however, I certainly value NDSU's role in establishing agricultural, engineering, and managerial employees, among other similar professions, in North Dakota and the United States.

    Please, don't jump to conclusions. I myself am a product of long-time North Dakota farmers and ranchers who have by far more in common with NDSU graduates than UND graduates. Nevertheless, when looking at the big picture, I find UND to be a more valuable institution than NDSU. Don't mistake that for me saying NDSU is invaluable. Just because gold is more valuable than silver, that doesn't mean silver is invaluable.

  10. Get over yourself. That !@#!$ diploma is worth more that a UND diploma. Plus, they didn't have to spend 4-5 years of their lives in Grand Forks to get it.

    You're a fool and a perfect example of someone exhibiting an inferiority complex. NDSU is wonderful if you want to farm, whereas UND is exceptional if you want to be a lawyer, commercial aviation pilot, physician, businessman, biomedical researcher, historian, etc. In general, NDSU is a joke relative to UND. You seem to be having such a hard time dealing with that, and as a result, you come on this website and try to overcompensate for NDSU's lack of national relevancy.

    Not to mention, many of the people who claim Grand Forks is unpleasant also don't care for Fargo either - they want Minneapolis, Chicago, etc.

    Congrats on NDSU's run of FCS titles, it is impressive. But those seasons are over now, Craig Bohl is gone, and UND football has better leadership and will put up a fight in recruiting. NDSU's days of dominance are over, so get use to it.

    As far as this game goes, it should be played every year! The schools are merely 75 miles from each other and they have a long history of playing. Retribution agendas and precautionary philosophies are the only reasons this game is not being played, and well, its an absolute embarrassment. The recent article demonstrates Gene Taylor's inability to serve the state of North Dakota as a whole. All Fargo and NDSU supporters can use as a counterargument is that NDSU offered a game in Fargo and that UND should've taken it. I say to that: NO. NDSU is not so d*mn holy that they can't travel to Grand Forks every-other season or game. The fact Gene Taylor has that mindset is ridiculous. UND will continue to improve on their own with Bubba's leadership, and within the Big Sky Conference, UND can and will rise again independently of NDSU.

    Good riddance and I now digress.

    • Upvote 2
  11. Not that this has anything to do with anything, but does anybody know whether Johannesson's (sp?) dad is from Edinburg? There was a guy with the same name who was a high school basketball teammate of Scott Guldseth. Just curious.

    You are correct; I can confirm.

  12. So Faison will travel to Idaho and lose money but won't take 200 grand to go to Fargo? Maybe he has some credibility problems.

    Idaho vs NDSU? In the state of North Dakota, as far as the fans are concerned, that isn't even a comparison. Stop siding with the ridiculous argument made by Fargo in that the Ag school is so much more relevant than UND so UND should have to follow their terms. That's bullsh*t.

    If Gene Taylor can schedule home and homes with Montana and Weber State, there is absolutely no reason a home and home can't get scheduled with UND. Taylor is doing a disservice to the State of North Dakota and the rivalry's tradition. UND doesn't need NDSU either, so don't get that idea. Bubba is on the brink of adding tremendous passion to our program, and as a result, were gonna only improve significantly each and every season. Watch as we continue to recruit and combat NDSU's recruiting interests. Regardless if the game is played, UND will improve, NDSU will decline, and the playing field will be even real quick.

    • Upvote 1
  13. Say what you want. Google it and see what school keeps coming up in the news related to that story. Like it or not it is what it is. But you must be mental not to see that :lol:

    That story has nothing to do with University of North Dakota athletics, in fact, it has very little to do with UND at all. The similarities between athletic department arrogance and cultural/civil respect are minimal at best. Good try - nice to see you represent your Ag school well.

  14. Yep. If the game is so dang important to the UND faithful, start emailing Faison begging him to take the guarantee game.

    No one said this game is only important to UND fans (other than delusional yellow buffalo supporters); rather, it's the fact that the emails reveal a deal was made on UND's end but NDSU and Gene Taylor continue to deny it. Even after various compromises by Brian Faison and UND, there are no concrete responses from NDSU. It makes NDSU and it's administration look like even more of a joke.

  15. McFeeley says UND shouldn't be picky in trying to fill out their schedule. UND should just play one game in Fargo and leave it at that for the time being. NDSU is the one that probably shouldn't be so picky. NDSU has had a lot harder time trying to fill out their schedule than UND has had. Thus NDSU is going on the road to Weber State and home games with Ferris State and Incarnate Bible school. Remember McFeeley is into NDSU's kissing butt just like KVLY is.

    What a joke? McFeeley needs to get real. Its not anymore of UND's responsibility to get this thing revived than it is NDSUs. NDSU and UND need to act like respectful civil institutions and just agree on a home and home. The fact that Fargo gets the first game could still be looked at as Gene Taylor getting his way, but that's gonna have to happen in some way,shape, or form due to Taylor's arrogant and untrustworthy attitude.

    Agreeing to only a single game in Fargo would perhaps be the respectful sacrificial thing to do because were dealing with the incompetence of NDSU, but why go that route? NDSU will have to first lose a bunch so they can get their heads out of their asses and see the light of day.

    Playoff meeting it is...

  16. Glen Taylor and NDSU remain adamant in demonstrating why they are simply a school of agriculture and applied sciences and not a real flagship university, like THE University of North Dakota.

    UND has never NOT wanted to play, but NDSU uses the perceived notion that they are so holy and untouchable, that they don't have to play the game. That is just ignorant and incompetent thinking. Two rivals only 75 miles apart should play each and every year - anything less is simply an excuse. As the emails show, Taylor is the one using the excuse. Faison has tried to carry it out, but Taylor continues to turn it down. Its the simple "everything to lose, nothing to gain" mindset at play here. A loss to UND could completely switch the positioning of UND and NDSU in the FCS landscape, and apparently Taylor is scared of that.

    Eventually, in two to three years, NDSU will be around 0.500 and UND will be over 0.500, and then, NDSU will want to play. Its the typical arrogant attitude that I would only expect out of NDSU athletics.

  17. You mean like that time that one school sat on multiple contracts for several sports which they publicly and privately promised to sign only to publicly and with great fanfare cancel the whole thing at the last second, leaving the other school to find out from the media? You know, publicly lying to and misleading the other for the sole purpose of causing damage to their department? Yeah GT is totally in the wrong here and his position is without merit.

    I'm glad you understand.

  18. We need JUCOs. If we played with mostly freshmen, and won only one or two games, everyone would be pissed and complaining then.

    This is simply a way to make-up for the all the players that left, and well, also the horrible makeup of this team via Mussman.

    If we win, then this is what we should do. It's all about winning.

    I agree that recruiting is the main source of success when it comes to college football, but development is very very important. If this staff can develop players, which I think they can do through passion and dedication to UND, then UND will finally be successful. Key to FCS football is recruiting players that had interest from FBS schools but weren't quite good enough, and then turning those players into big-time DI football players.

  19. 2016 will be year #3 of Bubba Ball, and will be a favorable schedule as Montana and EWU are both absent from the schedule. I'm already calling it: North Dakota 2016 Big Sky Champions.

    2016 Big Sky Conference Champions: A very pleasing, and quite realistic, prediction.

    Likely will have a senior QB and veteran defense by then. Everything looks to be on the rise for UND football.

  20. From what I've read on Gopher Hole, it sounds like the kid we got from Minnesota could be a real difference maker on defense the next three seasons. Could be a great get.

    I honestly expect great things from him. Talent-wise, he may be the best d-lineman we've had since going DI. Hopefully everything falls together just right.

  21. Who has a better shot at the NFL a guy who played for an FBS team with 8 wins or a guy (Greg Hardin) who played for an FCS team with 3 wins? If a guy has a kick ass year the team record doesn't matter it's exposure that makes a difference. If scouts hear about him and watch him he a good chance. It's all word of mouth.

    If you can play, scouts will find you. But I dont think anyone will argue that being a top performer on a top team (whether that's FCS or FBS) is always more fun for the fans than having a top performer on a poor team, like you alluded to with Greg Hardin and the 2013 UND football team.

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