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Posts posted by UND-FB-FAN

  1. there's been 7 verbal commits since signing day, one of which was Chris Carter who was ooohed and ahhhed about. Just curious as to why all the chatter just all of a sudden stopped.

    I'm afraid you're mistaken. Chris Carter signed ON signing day, just like every other commit UND received. UND had 27 commitments (including PWOs) last Wednesday and that hasn't changed since.

    Another tidbit, you can't have verbals after signing day unless they're graduating in 2015, because they would send in their LOI and become official commits.

  2. And it needs to start this weekend against the Montana schools. 8 games left in the season, 5 at home, NAU, SAC and SUU on the road. Defend the home court and get 2 out of 3 on the road and that should be enough to get the 2nd seed.

    There is something about March that Jones teams just seem to do well in. (well for the exception of 09-10, which was a flaming disaster)

    All the "difficult" conference games are over. Team needs to go 7-1 over this last stretch to lock up the #2 seed in my opinion (8-0 is possible I suppose).

    The most difficult games were the road games vs Weber St, Northern Colorado, and Montana, and well, we soundly lost all three. Well, we don't play Weber (until likely the conference tournament) and Montana and Northern Colorado will be coming to Grand Forks. Have to defend home court and get two big wins this weekend. Add on three solid yet plausible road wins and we could be in good shape (#2) going in to the conference tournament.

  3. Lots of turnover at lb. The younger guys are supposed to be bigger and more talented. I've also heard great things about leadership and work ethic. Who's gonna start? Will any upperclassmen get overtaken?

    Well, one thing to look forward to is Eric Schmidt will be coaching them.


  4. I hope they do this. The Al used to be very plain when it comes to UND football but has amped it up lately. Putting the Nickel, and the Championship trophy for all to see would be an added bonus.

    Absolutely; have a UND football history section to show that the Alerus actually cares about their primary tenant. And of course to best represent UND football!

    Would like a section that not only includes the Nickel and NC trophy, but also photos and old jerseys/helmets recognizing past greats!

    Of course, we know how the Alerus won't even let UND have a UND logo at midfield, so why expect the Alerus to oblige and actually represent UND football as positively as possible? Perhaps the UND athletics high performance center would be the best place. It's great that the team will be in there practicing by next winter!!

  5. National competition?

    Who cares?

    Let's talk international competition. Parise...captain of the United States Olympic Team. Toews wears the A for Canada. Dave Christian...I assume you have heard of him.

    National competition?

    Yeah... Not that big of a deal compared to the hockey players that UND has produced. Not even close.

    Again, it's all about numbers.

    There are 120 FBS football schools and 122 FCS football schools. There are only 59 DI hockey schools. So even if you throw in a few international hot spots for hockey, football competition, within only our country, produces more competition in terms of just making it to the pros (NHL v. NFL).

    With that said, the amount of professionals UND hockey has produced is substantial and something to be proud of. Again, I do not like pointing out the negatives of college hockey; I'd rather focus on the positives, but individuals continue to be illogical when presenting college hockey.

  6. When our football team or NDSU's football team is producing more professional athletes than UND's hockey I will think differently. I know i'm not belittling anything. Its just the truth. Football and Basketball will always be 2nd and 3rd for the fact that UND hockey produces more professional athletes than football and basketball combined.

    The amount of professional athletes produced is a ridiculous argument in my opinion. Who cares if the athletes go pro if the TEAM wins collegiately and competes for TEAM championships. Individual emphasis on players is not entertaining or what college sports is about. Go out and support THE University of North Dakota and its athletic TEAMS, not the individuals that utilize our top notch hockey program to go pro. If you really have to focus on individuals, however, then our professional football players (Kleinsasser, Dressler, Kuper) are actually more impressive considering the national competition they're up against.

  7. Outsiders are wrong. Football and basketball are king in north Dakota...whether that be at the high school level or college is irrelevant.

    Incorrect. Hockey and football are tied at the top.

  8. Common sense?

    That's funny. FCS is, by all accounts, is tier II college football. You bury your head in the sand and refuse to admit it is as such.

    Over 30% of the NHL rosters are filled with college hockey players. FCS football doesn't even come close to that percentage in the NFL.

    Bohl is the reason that opinion piece was written. He's a Wyoming Cowboy now. He went FBS, but Wyoming isn't even a top FBS program, much less in a top conference in FBS. More proof that the university to the south isn't even close to being a top program in college football.

    Yup.. common sense dictates the truth. UND is a top college hockey school. FU isn't even close to being a top football school by any measure.

    Without question I acknowledged that FCS football is tier II football, but like I said earlier, due to the national status of football, I believe collegiate hockey is not superior relative to FCS football.

    Professional pipelines do not make FCS football a lesser classification and sport. Again, there is greater competition for the NFL because it is a nationally acclaimed game.

    I am not trying in anyway to criticize UND's hockey program, because it is a top 5 athletics program, and as a UND graduate and North Dakota resident, I am very proud of that; however, I also do not condone criticism of FCS football via NCAA hockey.

    There is a bit of a misconception here I believe. I am not stating that UND football is greater than UND hockey, but rather I am saying FCS football is on par with DI collegiate hockey. The average FCS program spends the same amount as the average DI college hockey program. In my estimation, the average FCS and DI hockey budget is around $2 to $2.5 million.

    In conclusion, to end on a postive note, let's all be appreciative that the University of North Dakota has a higher than average budget in both FCS football and DI hockey - that is something to be proud of.

    Go Sioux!

  9. What map are you looking at anyway? How about internationally? Look at the Olympics. Where are the FCS athletes on the world stage? I'll never understand why a UND "fan" would belittle the successes of the hockey program....or any of our programs for that matter. If we had a world class Croquet Team, I would not be going on UND chat boards, siding with FU fans, and belittling the successes of the Croquet Program using the misguided logic that it's not as important as other sports. SMH. Hockey is Hockey. Football is football. Croquet is croquet. Being the best at the highest level offered in your sport is something to be proud of, not something to be belittled by going full retard on meaningless stats.

    As I stated in my earlier post, in the United States (which is what I meant by "football, in general, is far more popular and successful than hockey within this country.") football is considered the more popular sport. This does indeed change when dealing internationally.

    Comparing collegiate hockey to FCS football is not "belittling" UND hockey, but rather it simply portrays two NCAA classifications (DI hockey and FCS [D-1AA] football) possessed by UND that both deserve recognition and respect. There is no reason to say collegiate hockey is greater than FCS football. With that said, UND is certainly a more established hockey school and that goes without debate.

    Again, bringing up different sports along with hypothetical situations does not prove I am criticizing UND hockey. I attend nearly every home UND hockey game and enthusiastically support the team each and every year. With that said, I understand it doesn't make UND hockey any more popular in terms of national perception.

    Lastly, I would like to say "going full retard" is perhaps a bit unnecessary and inappropriate. Statistics show that football is the most popular and successful sport in the United States, so why not embrace FCS football and UND football. I personally believe FCS football and collegiate hockey are extremely similar. Simply stating one is played at the highest level and the other isn't does not work in this case because of football's national status.

    • Upvote 2
  10. No. Let's do.

    Far more people attend and support high school basketball in the United States than the NBA. High school football than the NFL. That doesn't mean high school basketball and football are at a higher level.

    Insecurity about FCS is on you. Sorry you feel butthurt that FCS is tier II. It is. That's the way it is. I support UND in FCS. But, it's tier II football. The percentage of players in the NFL from FCS is much less than the percentage of hockey players from D-I hockey that are in the NHL. That's reality.

    UND is one of the big boys in college hockey. The University of Agriculture and Applied Science is not a big boy in college football. Fact. Not fiction.

    Drunk, fat and stupid is no way to go through life. Especially in Fargo.

    Perhaps we should try a little something called common sense.

    Football, in general, is far more popular and successful than hockey within this country.

    We can continue to debate the FCS vs. NCAA hockey thing if you want, but I'd rather look at it like this.

    Tier II football equals DI collegiate hockey. This is because tier I football is way way out of the league of college hockey. No comparison.

    Furthermore, it is possible for FCS football to put our school and athletic program on the map nationally, even amongst your beloved tier I schools.

    Unfortunately, it's already been done 70 miles south of us.

    Take a look: http://mweb.cbssports.com/ncaaf/writer/dennis-dodd/24156447/no-fbs-fcs-north-dakota-state-is-fbs-top-25-caliber

  11. Seen it, held it. Easiest way to display it would be in a case that you can see it on all sides then there is no pissing match about what side is facing out. So the next question is where does it get displayed? On campus, the Alerus, the state museum in Bismarck?

    I'd like to see it in the Alerus Center next to the large UND football sign by the front door. Display it standing up in a glass case with a sign that shows the scores from every Nickel Trophy game.

  12. Better yet, let's compare professional sports contracts. Who has more players at the top level of their sport?

    Toews, Oshie, Parise, etc... All making big dollar contracts.

    Who is a "big boy" in college hockey? Why, UND, that's who! When college hockey is mentioned, UND is a known player in that sport.

    FCS is fine. But, it's tier II football.

    How about let's not. No one said FCS football is more successful than the NHL. Also, you obviously know the NHL is far more popular than college hockey. Simply look at national television contracts: NHL is well represented whereas college hockey certainly is not. Also, college basketball and college football are well televised nationally. Again, college hockey is not.

    For the players, college hockey is worth it because it brings them to the major stage: the NHL. FCS football may not have the same amount of professional athletes as college hockey, but that's simply because of availability. Far less colleges participate in hockey relative to football, so there naturally is greater competition. The reason more colleges compete in football than hockey: the popularity and revenue. Obviously that is a bit restricted at UND because football can only get so big.

    College hockey is great (especially UND hockey!), but there's no reason to belittle FCS football with it. FCS football is essentially identical to college hockey in following and support.

    • Upvote 3
  13. Just because more people now about something doesn't mean its better.

    National popular opinion drives collegiate athletics. Why? Just ask the NC$$

    Being a top 5 school in a particular collegiate sport is truthfully an extraordinary status for UND, but NCAA hockey has very little superiority over FCS football in my opinion. For example, FCS football gets way more air time on ESPN, Fox Sports, etc. because its just more popular. And that popularity directly affects revenue flow.

    As far as I'm concerned, DI football, whether it be FBS or FCS, will always exceed NCAA hockey because of its general popularity and financial involvements.

    • Upvote 1
  14. I love me some hockey and it's awesome to play but let's be real. College hockey is no longer what it was only a few years ago. The top prospects don't play college anymore. The big boys don't play hockey so it's a false statement if D1 hockey is referred to as 'playing the big boys'. Other than B1G and Ivy league schools what other major colleges have hockey? Oklahoma? UCLA? USC? Any SEC schools? Oregon? Texas? NDSU? Prpl. Oh but you get to play against CC Ankorage Ferris St Bemidji St northern Michigan Michigan tech RIT Alabama Huntsville and other storied sporting institutions. I love hockey but you hockey nuts need to get over yourselves.

    100% accurate

  15. I'm a UND fanatic, but I do realize that our football team won't be competing against the big boys. It's just the way it is.

    Hockey doesn't have "big boys" because it's not a popular collegiate sport relative to football, basketball, and even baseball.

    Also, our team gets to compete against an FBS team nearly season, along with playing top 10 FCS teams which are often just as good as half the FBS teams.

  16. I would disagree that T Rex is in the minority. There are less than 20 siouxsports.com posters who have pledged for this.

    I am with T Rex; if the athletic dept, with a budget in excess of $20 million, does not feel it is even worthy of a reply to Ira or gfhockey, then they don't need to tap into my meager resources to replace the jerseys they currently have.

    The past two seasons the program has been able to produce a complete set of uniforms; why would they not be able to only afford jerseys for this season?

    As far as the popular opinion, Bubba stated that he has heard from many alumni and former players that they want green jerseys. He himself also stated, on the live chat held during national signing day, that he wants green home jerseys. Also, just because there are only 20 willing donors on this site, that doesn't mean it's a minority opinion. It simply means that there is a limited amount of people willing to make a monetary donation.

    Also, it is my understanding that they replied to Ira and said they are looking into alternative fundraising options. Not that they don't want to raise anything.

  17. I'm actually against doing this. New jerseys never won a football game. Yea, they look great, but it's more eye candy for the spectators than it is for the players, and all this will do is suck money away from other badly needed areas. So, unless the old green jerseys are nothing but tattered rags, I'd say put the effort into other areas.

    You certainly are in the minority. Let me try to convince you otherwise.

    UND has wore green home jerseys for the vast majority of the football program's existence. Nearly every spectacular and historic moment of UND football is associated with Kelly green jerseys (e.g., 2001 National Championship, finally defeating NDSU in 1993, last Nickel Trophy game, etc.). Also, as Bubba recently said, Green and White are our school colors - we should be wearing them!

    Ultimately, the new coaching staff believes we should be wearing green jerseys at home and I agree with that. The proposed plan was to raise enough funds for a new uniform set and helmets, possibly green jerseys, green pants, and black helmet, or something along those lines. The way I look at it, the helmet and pants portion is just extra. The bottom line is we need new green jerseys that match the same style as the black and white jerseys. They need to be tight fit like the new black and white jerseys - not extremely loose and old-fashion like the current green jerseys (which we didn't wear once last season because the players hate them!).

    If we can somehow get new pants and helmets, that's great! But I really just want new green jerseys! Match them up with white pants and our green helmets and we would be fine! Plus we have black pants/black jerseys for alternates. I think the black pants/white jersey combo should be for the road and the green jersey/white pants combo should be for home.

    Let's get these green jerseys ordered!!

    Go Sioux!

  18. http://www.inforum.c...icle/id/426000/

    Why not have it in the Alerus on display with the Sitting Bull Trophy?

    Kolpack is correct...NDSU is over us. :silly:

    I'm going to revisit this ridiculous topic again only in minor detail. In my opinion, the game not being played annually is nothing more than complete childish behavior on the part of Gene Taylor. There also is a sense of entitlement and arrogance in Fargo that prevents it from getting done. If/when NDSU sinks back down to mediocrity over the next few years, the game will hopefully look more appealing to Ag School AD employees.

    Otherwise, the focus will need to be on us (UND). NDSU-topics are the only school-related topics that spark debate with the UND-faithful other than UND-centered topics themselves (realistically, other "rival schools", such as Montana and Montana State, haven't got there yet). If that in itself doesn't persuade individuals that the rivalry is a sleeping giant, then I don't know what will.

    As far as Kolpack goes, he's nothing more than an NDSU die-hard in the Fargo media. There's absolutely zero neutrality with him. Nearly ANY student currently at NDSU from North Dakota would know about the [former] UND-NDSU rivalry and the Nickel Trophy. As a North Dakota resident, I know the rivalry talk still goes on strong within the state, and I presume most 18-22 year old North Dakota kids are also well informed of the rivalry.

  19. Recievers?? Guys....we are a power running team now!!! Those are the players we should be talking about!! (Wait....do we have a RB on the roster over 180 lbs???) Ok nevermind....back to talking about recievers!! :)

    You still have to throw the ball some! Have you watched the Minnesota Vikings lately?

    Anyway, we will be emphasizing the run moving forward, and I agree that is winning football. Having Cedric Simmons (who is 215 lbs) and Sharp (should be around 190 to 200 lbs) will go a long way; however, as Bubba said during his last press conference, we will be aggressively searching for a downhill FBS transfer running back. Add an FBS transfer at 200 lbs + into the mix, and we would have a nice backfield to get the job done.

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