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Everything posted by UND-FB-FAN

  1. That’s why the talent talk is futile. The leadership of the student-athletes is where the problem lies.
  2. No, more apathetic at this point. Are you happy?
  3. Swaying too far away from the realm of possibility. But I agree in principle with what you’re laying out.
  4. New AD? This sounds all too extreme at this point.
  5. Schmitty would be considerable, but my guess is he’s not leaving Washington and that good situation, unless Chaves opens up the damn pocketbook in a way never before done at UND.
  6. At this point we just need to reflect and somehow come to the realization that 7-4 and no playoff wins is the current perennial reality. It has been, and will continue to be, a hard pill to swallow. Come next fall I’m sure the rinse and repeat of excitement and disappointment will reoccur.
  7. Unfortunately, I don’t believe this to be true based on inside sources. There’s far more complacency within the program than folks would like to believe. “Leaders” are far too comfortable right now. No pressure, and as such, limited success.
  8. Team always goes into them with no expectation to win. Pathetic leadership.
  9. New coaches. New ideas. New voices. New philosophies. Joel Schwenzfeier has no business being defensive coordinator. Bubba Schweigert has no business being head coach still after putting UND through 3-8 (2017) and 5-6 (2021) seasons … should have been relieved of his duties by athletic administration years ago if there was any foresight at all.
  10. UND football is not run by the right people. Simple reality, and yes, the sky is cloudy as such.
  11. Unfortunate because there’s a lot - and I mean a lot - of UND students, alumni, and fans who want to support football and basketball rather than just hockey yet UND athletics blatantly ignores them. How do they ignore them? By not bolstering these programs with championship expectations. The expectations currently are basically “participation award” level. Coaching extensions after a losing season (Bubba extended after going 5-6 in 2021?) … c’mon! Promoting staff members to coordinator positions they don’t deserve … c’mon! No outside influence, just “inbreeding”. The reality is simple; football and basketball are more popular in this country than hockey. It’s fine that UND emphasizes hockey to differentiate itself and honor tradition, but ignoring the opportunities that DI football and basketball present is irresponsible.
  12. Ok Mexico. Your post is filled with assumption and supports the status quo, which should not be acceptable. It all starts with expectations, which I agree at UND is larger with hockey, unfortunately. That can change and evolve, though.
  13. Very evident for years. He can’t elevate his players. He can’t motivate. He can’t captivate. As such, can’t secure the commitment of good enough players and can’t get his teams to rise to the occasion in big games. NDSU game this year was a pure fluke; proof in point the very next week versus UNI.
  14. Correct. Pathetic “leadership” for the last decade-plus.
  15. Would be a better strategy than what the current staff has been trying …
  16. Both personnel and scheme … any program will do better if they have better players, but that is always limited to a certain degree. Need to make up the difference with coaching and scheme.
  17. turns out the motivation was, again, lacking
  18. Yes, that is obvious, and also, a division I athletic department has $$$$. What they want to do with it is up to them.
  19. Unlikely they figure it out now at this point. This type of blind hope - not from you but the administration - is hurting UND football more than anything
  20. Not the big question in my opinion. Smoke and mirrors: distracts from the main issue. New QB won’t fix the defense or play calling or road woes.
  21. Good. Things are swaying in the right direction, finally, but need the administration at UND to see the big picture, also.
  22. Cotton-tops might respect him, but the players - whom matter the most - don’t. They might give lip service that they do, but their unmotivated performances suggest otherwise.
  23. Need a new approach. Pretty obvious what needs to be done, just need the numbers (and common sense) to work out.
  24. Reality is reality. I don’t like to put lipstick on a pig. When UND’s athletic administrators wake up, then I’ll be a nice little positive joy … just for you.
  25. 2020/2021 spring season with several asterisks next to it, but it did happen. Still signified major road woes, as per usual.
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