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Everything posted by UND-FB-FAN

  1. You pay for what you’re gonna get. Are the current UND coaches actually underpaid? Quite the opposite in my opinion. The staff is basically made up of former players that have minimal to no outside experience. Inbred minimalists… the UND football country club. The salary pool should definitely rise, though, when/if the new staff is hired.
  2. It’s good to dream, otherwise the alternative is extending an out-of-touch coach after he goes 5-6.
  3. I agree. UND’s facility upgrades and ongoing construction only further exemplifies how incompetent the current coaching staff is at UND. The spotlight shines brighter on Bubba Schweigert's shortcomings, and the desperate need for a new era of coaching for UND football.
  4. Living in the past is worth a minimum amount, in my opinion. Successful programs keep their eyes forward, and don’t get caught up in the rear-view mirror.
  5. Unconditional support can be a wierd little concept, but it may become conditional here very soon for many.
  6. After a decade of the current plan, it’s time to scrap that plan. Ok to declare it a failure. On to something different … in 2025 at the soonest. 2024 will be lame duck year.
  7. Don’t know what’s more embarrassing … how UND played during the second half of the season after beating NDSU or how the FCS let’s Fargo/ag college do this to the field of competition year after year after year … Absolute atrocity.
  8. It’s easily the biggest issue with UND football right now … but there are others.
  9. nepotistic hire and here we are. Need to do better from the top (athletic director and hiring process) down. Wake me up when we have new competent leadership. Until then, I’ll be present, but sleep walking. UND football at present is so content with slightly above average. need major overhaul … otherwise I again suspect a lack of control at the line of scrimmage in 2024
  10. That’s a a positive. Next most important position is defensive line/edge, and that is where there is much to be desired. Need to do better at the line of scrimmage, specifically on defense.
  11. This is just hilarious at this point … never choose familiarity/tradition over talent. Congrats to Coach DeBoer.
  12. They can’t go FBS in light of recent activity. NDSU and their intentions aren’t as innocent as the Fargo-backers would like everyone to think …
  13. get better players and try to coach them / motivate them better
  14. It’s been repeated ad nauseam because it’s the elephant in the room. Ignore important issues much? Good grief.
  15. Talent is not only issue. The team I saw on Oct. 14 would still be playing in the playoffs also. But they couldn’t capture lightning in a bottle, due to piss poor coaching and leadership, once again.
  16. You’d think we would have learned talent is better than loyalty and familiarity by now with DeBoer being prime example #1. Yet here we are, at UND with a different AD, still extending coaches after losing seasons, still awarding loyalty/familiarity when clearly there are more talented coaches out there …
  17. Program also isn’t going anywhere different until there’s change with staff … Common sense … but we keep “hoping” blindly
  18. Never is, especially with the current coaching staff … But, by August 2024, we’ll all forget and be back ready for more bubba ball … ignorance is bliss, as they say, and time heals (most) wounds
  19. Bubba pisses himself anytime it’s 3 & 10+ … it’s only a favorable defensive down/distance for every other program in the country …
  20. (and yes, I know; not happening- nor should it)
  21. All the more reason to go out and recruit the whole damn country. No restrictions. Get good football players. now, of course this is a bit extreme, but und should be more extreme than what they have been.
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