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Posts posted by UND-FB-FAN

  1. 7 minutes ago, 77iceman said:

    None of this matters, really . . . but I still don't think the logo is as far off as everyone thinks.  I just added a little

    shape and form with some black and made the D more D'like.  And I'll add that the only reason I'm doing this is because I actually do like the new logo, if the logo were for a bank or real estate agency.

    (and in no way shape or form is this actually going to get anywhere, i'm just having some fun on the inter web)

    ND v.2.png

    I really really like the details you've added. Slap that on the helmets and uniforms and eventually people will get use to it, especially if the teams wearing it are winning.

    Go UND!

  2. 15 minutes ago, InHeavenThereIsNoBeer said:

    You're obsessed with blaming this entire thing on the hockey program, which contributes way more to this university than the football program in terms of dollars, national exposure, championships etc. but you want to focus on this logo as an example that they don't care about the school whatsoever. You're enamored with the football vs. hockey crowd which is just getting really old. I feel like I'm talking to a St. Cloud hockey fan with a little brother complex.  Here's Berry's quote from the logo reveal. No, it wasn't an impassioned speech like Bubba but they are different people with different personalities.

    "We've been here 130 years. UND has been called the Nodaks, the Flickertails, the Fighting Sioux and now the Fighting Hawks," Berry said. "Transition and change happen in life and it's about moving forward..."

    The hockey program is stuck up, fortunately they produce big time so they have a long, long rope. Nevertheless, limited humility by the hockey program. Last time I checked, the University of North Dakota is not in Canada (although many think it just as well could be) and hockey is not the be all and end all. You want to expand notoriety, you expand football and basketball; hockey is already maxed out and has no right to complain and b*tch.

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  3. No one is supposed to like this logo right away - it is succeeding a tremendously popular logo, but what makes a logo special? There are several collegiate and professional logos across the country that are simplistic in design and color scheme, yet they are widely popular (e.g., Dallas Cowboys, Texas Longhorns, Green Bay Packers, etc.). Why? Here's my opinion:

    "A picture is worth a thousand words." Well, perhaps a logo can be worth a thousand emotions, but only when it stands for something, as Coach Schweigert so brilliantly alluded to Wednesday. Alumni and supporters are comparing a neutral, brand new logo to a previous logo that represented so many past traditions and accomplishments, so of course it is not going to stand up to that. However, in due time, if everyone involved (student-athletes, coaches, administrators, alumni, fans, etc.) puts in the necessary work, novel accomplishments along with certain positive emotions can also become associated with this logo, representing the University of North Dakota Fighting Hawks. 

    Right now, to most, the logo only represents a watered down marketing campaign and a failed nickname selection process. However, as Bubba said, if UND football now establishes perennial Big Sky dominance while wearing the logo and/or UND men's basketball makes the national DI NCAA tournament while wearing the logo, the logo will start to stand for something more than just a foreign and bland mark. It will evoke thousands of emotions that include those of winning, accomplishment, hard work, dedication, commitment, perseverance, and pride, among others. Give the logo a chance and, again, as Bubba said, support Fighting Hawks athletics and make it special, because the sooner UND Fighting Hawks athletics starts accomplishing milestone achievements under this logo, the sooner alumni and fans will appreciate it and be proud of it.

    The logo can represent a winning FCS football program. The logo can represent a winning men's and women's DI basketball program. The logo, although this one will take more time, can eventually represent a top-notch NCAA hockey program. All of this is possible with success and winning while doing things the right way with this logo. Support UND Fighting Hawks athletics, expedite this process, and make the Fighting Hawks logo stand for so, so much more than just a failed selection process.


    GO UND Fighting Hawks! 

    • Upvote 4
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  4. 18 minutes ago, siouxfan512 said:

    Agreed, I think Schaeffer would have handled it much better; but I've never like Kelly. Hawks it is, but the logo they provided is just pathetic. I can accept the name (at least for football and basketball; it'll always be Sioux Hockey to me), but they need to at least put a better or alternative logo out there. This would be ok, if it wasn't the only one, but they definitely need an alternative. I really just don't see this being a great "helmet" logo. Like I said, some of the concept art I've seen has been much better than this.

    I'm sure it will improve with additional logos and changes over time.


    10 minutes ago, geaux_sioux said:

    This new logo would make a nice secondary logo in the future. We can do better but could have done much much worse. Like a lot worse.

    Agree with all of this. The current logo isn't horrible if it's considered under the context of a secondary logo. But as a primary logo, there certainly are some deficiencies. I'll embrace it, but I sure would like to see some color alternatives for this (it's going to be on a kelly green helmet, so revealed color scheme won't work) and, eventually, a primary logo developed that features just the hawk with more detail. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, mksioux said:

    No. Per Bubba, they will have this new atrocity on their helmets this coming season.  I guess technically there is an N and D somewhere in that logo (arguably), but you can't dispute that this is a remarkable departure for the football team, which has used pretty much the same logo on its helmet since 1969.  And before that, they just had numbers on the helmets.  The football team has never incorporated the nickname logo on to its helmet.  It's disappointing that they will use this new logo to do so. 

    It'll look fine.

    Just win with whatever damn thing is on the helmet. At least the colors will/should match ...

    • Upvote 5
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  6. Bubba disclosed at the release that the new logo will be on the helmets starting this season. It should add nice color to the matte grey alternate helmets. I like it for the helmets.

    Go UND!

    • Upvote 3
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  7. 43 minutes ago, geaux_sioux said:

    Does anyone know if Mercer is actually good? There's only his highschool film that I could find and that was pretty useless since he was playing qb. I guess we'll have to just assume he's good and trust the staff.

    We'll find out. Definitely helps increase competition at a very thin position group, so this was a necessary move. I like it.

    2015 stats at Teaxs State: 19 catches, 235 yards, 2 touchdowns

    He wasn't the top receiver, obviously. He may excel with more opportunities at UND. Remember Alex Tillman and even Clive Georges when healthy last season...

    • Upvote 1
  8. 1 hour ago, ArchyAlum11 said:

    If they did something like the Herald suggested in this article then I might be presently surprised. Still I am not optimistic, I would bet that SME just cashed the check and threw out a couple of generic logos.They are not going to spend too much time on a mid sized FCS school from the Midwest.



    They seemed relatively committed while spending time here in Grand Forks. I'm going to be positive irregardless, unless it is downright horrible. 

  9. 1 hour ago, jdub27 said:

    Can we do an over/under on how many vote before it is released or don't change what they already have decided since they have their minds made up already?

    Good chunk of "fans" have already jumped to such conclusions. Really unfortunate because they are doing nothing but hold UND athletics back. It's time to be forward and look for some novel accomplishments. The UND Fighting Sioux never won the DI FCS championsip or played in the NCAA DI men's basketball tournament; these are all things the Fighting Hawks can do. It's time to be forward thinking. Nevertheless, these "fans" believe they are somehow standing up for all that is "right and just". 

    Supporters support, not criticize at every opportunity. Constrictive criticism is fine, but this premature b*tching is completely different. 

    • Upvote 2
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  10. 6 hours ago, darell1976 said:

    He is eligible to play right away since its FBS to FCS correct?


    A nice tro of Luke Stanley, Clive Georges, and now Demun Mercer for 2016. Of course, don't sleep on Alex Reed or some of the younger receivers. 

  11. From Twitter: 

    #Transfer Demun Mercer @Mac_Mun 4merly Texas State set to transfer to @UNDfootball

    Should be a nice upgrade to the receiving corps. Offense is getting more and more explosive with skill position players. Now the focus goes on the offensive line and depth development (QB).

    • Upvote 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Siouxperfan7 said:

    You can't really have it both ways.  You can't take away student seats and move the student section and expect more students to show up.  Doing that would discourage them from showing up.  I don't think that UND students realize how lucky they are to haev seats as good as they do.  Look at the Fargodome.  Student section is from the 20 yd line to the end zone and then behind one of the end zones.  UND studenst have prime seats.  Need to take advantage of that.

    NDSU's student section location doesn't seem to deter attendance from both the regulars and the students at NDSU (they do tremendous in terms of attendance).

    Yes, UND students do have prime seats, but they don't take *full* advantage of it. Thus, the student section needs to be reduced and/or relocated so that more season ticket holders can be seated on the west side. 

  13. 8 hours ago, NoDakFan said:

    I know we've had a discussion like this before, but the general public isn't exactly out the door to take those seats anyways. And once they're gone, the University wont feel particularly pressured to give them back if they get money on it. Decreasing the student section size (or moving them) is not a fix for attendance problems. 

    To my understanding, people like standing over the end zones as well. 

    The general public that does attend would certainly redistribute to the midfield seats on the west side, though, if given the chance over the otherwise poor seats (20 yard line to goal line seats). 

    In theory, I agree that the students should be given a well located, good sized section; however, that is not the reality. For years now the students have shown up in less and less numbers as the season progresses and the west side seats at midfield are completely empty. It both looks horrible and is a waste of quality seating. 

    You're right that the overall attendance won't change by redistributing seating assignments, but the utilization of quality seats will. 

  14. 12 hours ago, jdub27 said:



    Here were the posts that I was thinking of in regards to the reasoning on why they quit turning the lights off coming from people with direct knowledge of why it was done. However, if true I'm very glad Bubba has pushed to go back to having them off during the intro. May take a little extra work but I agree with the many on here who have said it would be well worth it.

    Needs to be done. Alerus Center was just plain wrong to do this considering it was done in years past just fine.

    If Bubba has indeed had a talk with them about improving the atmosphere and they're on board with it, we should then expect the lights to be off this fall for team intro. Need to inject energy into the place for homefield advantage like back in the early 2000s.

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