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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. I didn't know if I should cheer or not. Parise from Vanek!?!
  2. I don't believe the Wild have much cap room left, because they had to sign a couple guys off the Aeros. I believe that they only have like 40k or 400k. So any trade they'd do would need to match salary.
  3. Funny everyone is talking about Blake, because this article appeared in the NHL email newsletter.
  4. Duncan is my favorite to watch. His wrister is something special and it's even better after he's skated around or under the opposing team.
  5. Fedoruk had his face broken and now has some plates and screws because of it. He now plays for Philly.
  6. This one seems to be out of the blue. I'm sure UM-TC fans aren't going to be pleased that a Minnesota guy wasn't hired.
  7. As for hockey, If another school or two join DI I think it's much more likely that we see a true West Coast conference involving the Alaska schools. It sure would save money for them and then you can see a school like BSU join the WCHA. OTOH, I'm sure the WCHA would be very interested in having a couple Canadian schools join. It gives the league a chance to showcase and market itself to Canada. It can only help with recruiting especially since I'd expect many Canadian kids planning on playing college hockey to then want to stay in Canada, which mean teams like UND and DU losing out on recruits.
  8. I had been having to log in a lot a few weeks ago, but it's rarer for me now.
  9. My understanding, though, is that you get bonus points when a player graduates. I think you are right about the football stuff.
  10. This year, but what about in future years? Consider that we lost five guys early last year and have a dang good chance of losing a few more this year.
  11. It seems that only UND and UAA have not met the NCAA's APR. Sounds like two years in a row for UND. Grad article from Strib Obviously players leaving for the pros early really hurt our rates. There is another article in the Strib on WCHA departures.
  12. I don't think you can blame the ref on this one. The bad blood was from the night before and maybe from last night. He was quick with the whistle when any wrestling was taking place on the boards, at least in the third but probably didn't call the cross checking quick enough that was happening on Fabian in the first. The linesman were quick to jump into any fray except for the Kaip fight.
  13. UAA were down big in shots going into the third. Also, they had a few more PP and with us having a four goal need there isn't as much of a need to get shots off.
  14. Great win and game tonight. The team was fired up and really showing the emotion. Hopefully it carries over to next weekend.
  15. UW loses to UM-TC. We move up to 5th in WCHA.
  16. C'mon guys. We don't need to lose anyone else for Friday.
  17. I think the ref could've called Porter for a hit to the head. Though the UAA player was on his knees trying to keep the puck in the zone when Porter ran over him.
  18. What is the name of this referee? Freesma? Is he new?
  19. We need to start hitting the net so that we can at least get a shot at a rebound.
  20. Not saying he's going to throw down, I just expect him to be in some more scrums.
  21. Anderson never had a chance as Kaips first shot nailed Anderson right in the face. A couple uppercuts were also landed by Kaip. And Kaip picked him back up by his jersey so that he could hit Anderson some more.
  22. Fabian has been pretty hot since getting kicked in the head. It wouldn't surprise me to see him mixing it up again tonight.
  23. A few scrums early in the game and Kaip was in them all. Also in the pregame words were exchanged. I hear from a source in the arena that it was Radke talking to the ref when Lawson came up and they started jawing so the other players left on the ice starting getting into it. I believe Kaip was included in that as well.
  24. I cheer for them to lose, but it's better for the Sioux if the evil ones win.
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