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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. That break would be awfully late, but I get what you are saying. This break might actually be good as we would normally be worried about an emotional hangover.
  2. I watched the CSTV broadcast this morning and even they (with no allegiances) were questioning the officiating.
  3. This is what I've been saying that this team has lacked all year. They didn't hit. When we came out hitting Sat. night the Gophers tried to hit back and then gave up two goals. The rest of the game they didn't bother. The Gophers have a lot of size, but Bina was dropping them all over the ice. Okposo got dumped twice on Sat. and went to the bench slowly each time. Interesting coincidence that he was a non-factor.
  4. You mean you haven't been trying to pee when the band came running through the bathroom?
  5. I'm surprised you haven't brought this up. And maybe it's just me, but in the third Oshie had a great shortie breakaway chance at the blueline and was mugged trying to get across the line. He was being grabbed more than a two dollar hooker.
  6. Doubt they'd specifically design for each school. Back about 5 years teams like MN and BC were indistinguishable because their uniforms were the same f-ing thing. Even the gloves. Oh, and the maker was Nike.
  7. 4 minutes left in the first and a couple shows up for their seats. Try to kick four of us out when there was only two of them. I had some choice comments about showing up on time for them. I did have a seat elsewhere, but wanted to sit next to a friend. Now it's the third with about 12 left and another couple shows up for there seats. Then leaves with two left in the game and the woman even asked us how many quarters in the game.
  8. Held my tongue (for the most part) and didn't get kicked out. Looking forward to another good one. Sioux need to continue to crash the net and creating turnovers (led to two goals). We also need to have way fewer penalties. Yikes. Though you can't convince me that Kaip cross checked Briggs. Oh, and Briggs is 0 for his last 3.
  9. I don't mind the looks of them, but what I don't like is that many of teams will have the same design. Denver wore theirs tonight. Also, after getting shellacked at MN on Friday last year we came out with the black jerseys and won. We got a win tonight. All good.
  10. I'd lubed up and ready to be kicked out of the Giant Toilet. Damn, could hardly type this.
  11. Jeff Dubay. One half of the PA and Dubay show on The Fan radio network.
  12. Already been posted in this topic created here: http://siouxsports.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7741 and mentioned in this topic here: http://siouxsports.com/forums/index.php?sh...122&st=2480
  13. Don't think so, because I think about half (if not all) of Blake's salary would apply to this year's cap while a draft pick could wait for a couple of years.
  14. In case people missed it in the former players thread: Parise lead scorers with 2g and 4a. So he helped on 6 or his teams 9 goals.
  15. In case people missed it in the former players thread: Parise lead scorers with 2g and 4a.
  16. Absolutely nothing. I love that they show their ass to the fans. Just pointing out that it is more popular than the school song.
  17. I'll refer you guys to my post above about money. Hartman had a NHL insider on the radio today and even he said that the Wild is too close to the cap to make a trade for anybody without giving up big money.
  18. Doubt that, as every week of home games, emails float through my work environment of people dumping their season seats for the weekend. Except this one...
  19. Parise leads scoring with 2 g and 4 a.
  20. It's been that way since about '99 or '00, so this wasn't recently adopted like you think. Like Grey Ant said, we got asked to play it, so did so. Do you realize that more people stand for the beer song than the school song? Plus, if we only score one or two it might be played once a period. Oh, and BTW the UW fans used to pay/donate us money at the Final Five to play songs like the beer song. Wow are we picky as fans today. Have you listened to DI bands. They play two songs. School song when they score and the fight song the rest of the time (worse for USC and FSU). I recently went to UMTC - UI bball (cheered for UMTC to lose) and the UMTC band played maybe 5 songs the whole night. They played the song where the cheerleader shake their rumps in a circle more than the school song.
  21. Parise just had a great backhand spinning goal that banked off of the goalie Budaj.
  22. I'm hearing Parise, Eaves, Carle, Kessel, Vanek. Any WCHA'ers I'm missing?
  23. Actually one was Malkin in the first. Missed on two break-aways.
  24. After reading the many pages, thank goodness somebody brought up the topic of crappy the atmosphere is at the John. I've gone to a couple games a year the past few years. Let's see, the crowd arrives halfway through the first if not later. Leaves at the ten minute mark of the third and the arena always seems to be 1/3 to 1/4 empty seats. The spelling cheer??? are you kidding me! Every other school makes fun of you for that. And the that's debatable? As if every school doesn't do that. I've sat next to the student section and had UM-TC fans ask me what the hell the students are chanting to begin the period. To hell if I know, because no one can understand them. At the MSU game in December I brought my cousin from AZ and he commented on how one section was empty. I had to tell him it was the student section. Needless to say he was disappointed about his first college hockey experience. It might have hurt that no beer is served either.
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