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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. Tech puts one in. Might have been PP still.
  2. He's a senior, though he's only played two years at SCSU.
  3. Not a way to start this game.
  4. I've heard they have some of the best ice in the league, but damn do they have some issues with it. Remember the hole from a few years ago?
  5. But of we lose and CC wins, then we get 5th. Ok, I can't root for Denver either.
  6. The one team I do not want to face is UW. We just struggle with that type of defensive system and goaltending. Though, UW has been struggling. However winning the Final Five looks to be about the only way in.
  7. Ooooh, that's right. Sometimes I'm so forgetful.
  8. So playing (and losing) to Wisconsin wasn't a tough game at the Final Five? What about SCSU?
  9. I enjoyed the article a few weeks ago when they gave a new Holy Cross excuse that they had faced weak competition to end last year.
  10. Are you sure you're not just thinking that because the the bards combines all three? Musically they are drastically different. Plus, we are not the only school with Stand Up and Cheer as a school song.
  11. Maybe I got this backwards, but a pure hat trick is when all three are in a row and a natural hat trick is when all three are in the same period. Blake got the first two, then Hunter scored.
  12. He'll be with the team the rest of the season now. However, he is a free agent after the year and has stated that they should trade him if he wasn't signed long term by the deadline. He then said he'd test the waters this summer.
  13. I did the standing room a few years ago. Not sure if it is the same spot, but you used to stand at the back of the aisle that runs lengthwise through the middle of the arena. I hated it, because the morons at St. Cloud didn't know to stay seated during play and the ushers didn't stop them. So I saw very little of the game.
  14. Going to the games, but not sure where pre-gaming will be. Is Lazy Dog close to the arena?
  15. Yes it is his daughter as reported in the Strib this week. I had a couple comments on her looks, but decided to hold back.
  16. At this point, not without ripping up the entire floor and pipes. What I've heard is that they've had a big time NHL consultant come in and also had to fix the computer system that monitors the ice. IIRC, whoever laid the pipes didn't do the greatest of jobs and that is where the problem is. I believe it was last year or two years ago when they announced that the Ralph would be kept at a cooler temp to help the ice.
  17. Then we better not forget about metro populations either. You guys do claim to be a "big" city.
  18. Wonder if the Blackhawks are regretting making this trade and not giving Bochenski much of a chance.
  19. Is that an actual paying price of around 8,000? Or was stop-n-go doing the 3 for 1? I can never remember.
  20. The women are playing ugly. Lots of turnovers and not making outside shots.
  21. Smoggy

    NDSU Recruits

    There's that duplicating of degrees again. Where's Mplsbison?
  22. It would be nice if there was a size between there itty bitty one and the full screen.
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