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Everything posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. how many of these "titles" were around fifty years ago and things seemed to go ok back then...what a bunch of waste especially this "title" http://und.edu/news/2014/04/sandra-mitchell.cfm
  2. Don't be coy... A year ago you posted swimming and diving would be cut and hyslop knocked down... You know more than most of the heraldo writers know
  3. trust me i did!! and to top it off you gotta love it for guys like colten st clair and colent sanderson...can you imagine what st clair felt when brad told him he was suiting up for his last game of his career for a national title? and guys like sanderson who could've quit many times (like tambellini) but stuck around and played a big part in winning a national championship...and the classiest move that didn't get a lot of pub but when brad brought gino along on this trip...winning begets winning and gino is a winner (unlike hak).
  4. that pic sums up the ten year reign of hak at und...the death stare and 78% winning percentage but no natty's
  5. probably not a happier guy out there than colten st clair...classy move by brad to put him in the lineup for his last game and he played a pretty good game too...
  6. if most people had their way hak still would be coach and you would be saying there is always next year...
  7. not with me... 1-0 northeastern...hot goalie excuse rinse repeat
  8. for taking your curse, middle finger, and ego to philly so we could hang number eight!!
  9. because that picture sums up our whole identity as an athletic department...
  10. i sometimes think our whole ad department should just be fired and start over.
  11. over/under on 2 state uni's or colleges in the state of illinois CLOSING in the next year...
  12. still no word from faison on how to pay for coa?
  13. after watching that video i agree with that writer that said that the big10 getting north dakota would "be a coup"...adding notre dame and north dakota fixes a lot of problems with big10 hockey almost overnight...instead of like he said where waiting for nebraska or iowa to add hockey is years down the road and with that you have to add years and years to build those programs and attendance and rivalries...add the evil university of north dakota and the equally evil notre dame and you solve a lot of problems quickly.
  14. i've met mr. carroll (probably a major or lt not sure) who is charge of the rotc a few times and he is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet...can't wait to bump into him and ask him a few questions about this libtard and get a copy of that voicemail
  15. so if all rumors work out we lose Miami and western and big10 gets notre dame and asu?? not a good swap
  16. if anyone is bored it would be fun to put will's numbers against Zach Thomas from years ago...height, weight, vertical and strength ...he reminds me so much of Zach and Zach turned out pretty well for the dolphins for years.
  17. I would love to be one booth over if miss gwerciz and Professor Jack Russell Weinstein were ever to have lunch at dell's café...
  18. considering there is about 22 security guards/police at the betty for 2200 fans they have eyes everywhere...i even saw freund being warned for getting to close to the court??? absolute joke.
  19. checking out instagram photos from the big sky t and f championships....a lot of pictures of athletes in the athletic gear and i'll admit that nau def has the most consistent and easily identifiable gear out there...the colors and the logos and easy to see and look nice. hope sme does as well with us as they did with nau. kinda like the gridiron logo (even on the helmet) and surprisingly didn't like bbriens logo...
  20. siouxvolley, altho nmsu is about as far away from gf as you can get do you think the bigsky/wac has a shot at them joining um, msu, idah, und, cal poly and such or do you see them staying a little more south? and speaking of affiliates do you see hawaii and the mwc staying with their affiliate only status for the forseeable future? and total long shot but with the split coming soon wonder if schools like usu and wyoming which are very similar to um msu idaho and und leaving the mwc to save money, build more regional rivalries and whatnot...the mwc seems to have a few high budget schools (south) and a few lower budget schools(north)...must make some conference members a little nervous with the split coming soon?
  21. walked by the hpc tonight around eight and the women's soccer team was in there practicing...i wish the ad would put an old fashioned "we need this much" and "we have raised this much" sign outside the northwest corner to get people to donate to finish that monster off.
  22. its time for julie evans to shut her mouth and find something else to "educate" us on...
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