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Everything posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. i really like what sather is building...drop jonsy's dead weight of a class and replace em with these guys. #daybyday
  2. flatten the curve i guess but when the curve starts to flatten shouldn't we go back to work? or wait til that curve goes down to zero in five months???
  3. best response to a dumb question....congrats Siouxphan27 how do you stop car accidents rednecksioux?
  4. i'm starting to think that wasmania is hadju
  5. so you get tested...it's negative...let's go see grandma but stop at happy harry's on the way...you get the 'rona at happy harrys from the guy working the till...your NEGATIVE test is as good as *&()*U
  6. just a guess but i'm thinking that a majority of community spread is from people being on either an airplane or the subway for extended periods of time whether its four hours to mexico on a plane or 20 minutes locked in a subway in nyc.
  7. "However, Gov. Doug Burgum has previously said that the cases are reported based on patients' mailing addresses rather than their actual location in the state, so it is unknown where infected patients are quarantining or seeking medical help." shouldn't the state at least know where the people that test positive are while they are quarantining?
  9. would be interesting to see how much more quicker we could have a vaccine if we did what dr.shiva says should happen..... universitys and research facilities that take government money have to upload their vaccine research to the cloud instead of hoarding their data so your school/ firm finds the cure and takes all the credit. shiva>fauci
  10. how many offers does he have?
  11. it will interesting to see if tennessee extends tomorrow, ends it, or just loosens a few things.
  12. seems impossible to find a chart saying which states have shelter in place AND when they are set to expire? any help.
  13. i just saw this the other day in downtown grand forks...guy on the corner across from sky's....not a damn car to be seen or heard anywhere....just standing there with his dog waiting forthe light to change...he didn't move even when i kept going.
  14. i guess he is a sodak kid...wish him well but only against the ndac.
  15. archembault to sodak someone posted?
  16. what town is keikla working in?
  17. phil and g....
  18. not sure..i talked to dae and he said he got his waiver but gave no hint moody was transferring.
  19. dae said they already granted it
  20. what?
  21. didn't see that one....june 11th is the mark now? just wondering when someone will jump right to dec 31st?
  22. connecticut gov...stay home until may 20th...which gov is gonna raise that one to may 21st.............
  23. it's official...u have tds...took a while to show but you got it bad..time to quarantine with the other orange man bad people.
  24. follow the money...maybe same reason puerto rico went from 63 hurricane deaths to 6300 over night...$$$
  25. if every gfrrhs hockey mom jumps on a plane to mexico to have their tacos by the ocean this could take a while.
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