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Everything posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. i think dan bongino on his podcast jokingly mentioning that story as a good way of offing your other half last week or so.
  2. https://www.foxnews.com/us/minneapolis-tightens-coronavirus-restrictions there are over 5.5 million people in minnesota and about 43 people not living in nursing homes/assisted living have died from the virus and they are still doubling down on dumb...this is crazy.
  3. exactly...when a guy named named wilshaun boxley ran thru my backyard last summer and then across the street and broke into the house and barricaded himself in that house with the family upstairs it was only on inews that i found out what happened. he was kinda a good boxer back in the day
  4. hope they do an "open house" before the demo for the general public with kaulker as the tour guide
  5. stop being positive...more doom and gloom please.
  6. BREAKING NEWS...two men in their 80's with underlying health issues died today.
  7. that's the one i was referencing...that area (skater and swingset area) is normally kinda busy.
  8. foles still should be in philly, wentz in minny, and washington should have been the sucker to pay cousins millions
  9. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/apr/27/bill-gates-slams-us-coronavirus-response-says-chin/ china got a lot of things right? like lying for weeks. unbelievable.
  10. i normally don't bike on the south end...i normally go past the skater park and that playground i've seen plenty of people using that park over the last few weeks but i biked past the pond by king walk and there were signs and then the park a few blocks south of happy harrys had a sign and like all good nodaks both of those parks were 100% empty
  11. is ours a rhino and theirs a rhido? on my bike ride on saturday night i noticed signs up at a few playgrounds around town saying they were closed? wtf?
  12. there was a group of about 12 walking down behind the toasted frog...wouldn't say all of them looked homeless but the few i saw face to fact while biking by looking high or drunk...one guy on the corner with the sign gave up after a bit and was walking back to town square park where the other half dozen were sitting
  13. the homeless people downtown are outnumbering cars parked on demers...quite a few tonight with one man on the corner of 3rd and demers holding a sign asking for help.
  14. https://www.foxnews.com/food-drink/crowds-return-restaurants-texas-coronavirus come on dougie!!!!!!
  15. remember in north dakota we measure time in two week periods now....fixed your post.
  16. has he gone yet? any bizons or mvfc ?
  17. good questions but you can't shut down the entire world trying to answer these questions. you just can't
  18. biked thru campus the other day...can't tell if they will be traffic stop lights on univeristy or if they will just be flashing lights for pedestrians to cross university...looks to be quite a few between the union and the coulee (they are covered with bags and non-functioning which is why i can't tell what they are)
  19. sorry didn't say you...just maybe some of the govs that have lockdowns til mid june based on faulty numbers...
  20. thats fine but why should darnell who is 35 and owns his own barber shop(s) and is 6'0 175lbs and walks an hour every day of the week not be able to give a haircut to a customer because darrell who is 48 and 5'8 275lbs and watches romcoms everynight after work is "at risk"
  21. in a country where school is canceled bc its "too cold"...not snowing or blizzarding...."too cold" i can see it yeah.
  22. if the state retested those same 1901 people tomorrow what would the results be? 56? 59? 51? 66 positives?
  23. what is hell is doug waiting for?
  24. is the death of a 90 plus year old from any ailment worthy of breaking news on the the heraldo webpage anymore...is it time to report the mosquito trap count yet?
  25. to clarify this is cuomo's (cnn cuomo) wife christina.
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