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Everything posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. didn't know she was dead....but...find the oldest person in the arena with a beer and make sure the second that beer is going down she's on the big screen.....beer gma 2.0 or grandpa....
  2. ticket prices aren't a factor in Grand Forks?....see the thread entitled "GF Economy".....
  3. point 1 join big10=increased attendance = more money point 2 get rid of no fun police=more students being allowed to be students and have fun=more attendance and with less food costs maybe they actually buy a hot dog or two=more money point 3 allow smoking=i think some people that leave early are smokers that need their fix in a bad way point 4 lower ticket prices=worked for food in atlanta why not try it....10 per seat is better than 2000 empty seats getting u zero point 5 lower food prices=seems to working well for atlanta point 6 no parking fees=didn't hae em in the past so why start now point 7 bring back beer gma=beer on the big screen means more people wanting a beer=more money
  4. just pointing out the different mindset by the falcons....referecing point 5 on my list.
  5. https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2019/03/06/were-evangelists-this-why-atlanta-falcons-are-selling-hot-dogs/
  6. nfl games don't have to worry about attendance....just saying that someone thinking outside the box or moving away from the old "this is how we have always done it" mentality is refreshing especially when it works as it is in atlanta.. family of 4 40 x 4 parking 20 bucks? food 50 remove some of these obstacles and it might help...or maybe it won't
  7. who would've thought that actually lowering prices on something might work..... https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2019/03/06/were-evangelists-this-why-atlanta-falcons-are-selling-hot-dogs/
  8. give out minors to students that even remotely look like they are drunk and having a good time....and took beer grandma off the big screen?
  9. kidding about what? a half empty ralph is lethal to our athletic department...things have to change
  10. 1. join big10 2. get rid of the no fun police (at the alerus too) 3. allow smoking in the olympic rink during the intermissions (hennessy approved) 4. lower ticket prices 5. lower food prices 6. eliminate parking fees 7. bring back beer grandma (part of the no fun police getting fired)
  11. agreed...thought u meant this year...both have 3 in the top 10.
  12. If this game was against Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Michigan State, Penn State, or Notre Dame the place would've been packed the rafters....just saying... think ralph would be happy that the sioux are in the nchc instead of the big10?
  13. i was shocked that brady was one of the first guys off the bench and he played that much...hazey and davids didn't even play? brady looked....okay.
  14. rebraca will be our best big man in a long long time...he just needs to grow into his game..find a mid-range jumper (he can actually hit the 3 from time to time)...upside on him is good...this new ubanvisou guy looks like he could be very very good...sneaky guy...reminds me of jokic in denver..can't wait to see this five on the floor at the same time!! stewart moody dea rebraca urbanvisouc
  15. most intriguing guy is new guy from overseas...gerbavidous? me might be our version of jokic in denver...he was hitting 3's with ease in warmups and looks like he can get off the ground like rebraca...he probably looks at the soft ass walters and laughs knowing that he will have his spot by game 3.
  16. wondering why everyone doesn't get into this game...ramsey maybe bc he might reshirt? but davids and hazey didn't even get in for one minute?
  17. dae looked really really good...but i will say that his shot style isn't very "smooth" looking....but they seem to go in.
  18. hes the reason im going tonight....
  19. assuming it will be a compliemnt to the building to the north?
  20. as long as Herr Brown keeps getting his "one to go" box of food complementary of the citizens of grand forks at all his meetings....he aint going anywhere...(by the sounds of it the city of GF could've paid off the Alerus Center with all the free food he's gotten over the years)
  21. have seen some reno going on on that little building by judy's...sounds like a microbrew is going in there??? would that building be the brew house and the beer is served at Judy's (or a differnen name) or would that small building be the "drinking room" too...if so how many people could actually fit in that crack shack?
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