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Everything posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. lots of rich people in la holed up in their mcmansions that don't need to get tested, lots of homeless people in la holed up in their cardboard boxes that don't want to be tested, and a few people in the middle.
  2. just a thought but now that it's warmer out should grand forks close all the north/south streets downtown and put tons of park bench (socially distantly enough tho) in the streets and allow restaurants to serve food and drink outside? close kittson for urban stampede and rhombus pizza/brewery? bonzers could use the alley behind their building? or make the city square park one large open air dining area. just a thought
  3. if it saves even one life.....
  4. two more weeks....
  5. gun slingers...nice.
  6. which is why his rallies had sold out arenas and hillary had to have jay z open for her (then they all left)
  7. "liberation protesting"...please explain
  8. u still haven't answered the question.
  9. you didn't answer the question.
  10. ask richard gere
  11. what's more dangerous...saying things like maybe hydroclorquine and z pac "maybe should be looked into" or giving iran 6 billion dollars......in cash? whose the moron here.
  12. how you give us your top 100...but all of them have to be in context...give two minutes of text before the ridiculous statement and two minutes after please.
  13. no...i keep asking people if the media would've done this exact same thing (woldometer, scare tactics, bad formulas) for the 2018 common flu (or 2017 not sure which was "worse") could they have scared people into locking themselves up for two months?
  14. if you were a business person looking to open a business of some sort I really hope they look at ND, SD, and Nebraska as potential sites to open/build bc our govenors didn't shut down entirely.
  15. subway lines....get on grab a hand rail...still tired so rubbing your eyes and mouth and yawning ...on there for 20,40, 60 minutes with people being replaced at every stop.
  16. https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2020/04/22/las-vegas-mayor-carolyn-goodman-reopen-coronavirus-entire-interview-anderson-cooper-sot-nr-vpx.cnn one of the grossest interviews i have ever seen.
  17. isn't that where most old people go right before they die?
  18. two things about this bottom photo...if you reshot this pic you should be right in the middle of columbia rd and is that person on the top of the bleachers in the background?
  19. define thriving?
  20. but you know it's true.
  21. how about this....if you feel fine go to work...stay back when talking, wash your hands... if you feel sick stay home for a few days....if you don't feel better after a couple of days call the hospital and tell them your coming in. simple plan whether or not the rona is around. seems like common damn sense to me. two more weeks tho...two more.
  22. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/apr/21/coronavirus-is-a-hospital-moneymaker-and-thats-wor/ true, half true, or mostly false keikla?
  23. resident or worker?
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