i just saw this the other day in downtown grand forks...guy on the corner across from sky's....not a damn car to be seen or heard anywhere....just standing there with his dog waiting forthe light to change...he didn't move even when i kept going.
i got another friend that says his mom knows a lady that has it in gf and she went to mexico roughly about that time..just wondering if the two people were on same flight?
not sure...i heard about people coming back from mexico on the 23rd and testing positive...while a majority of us have stopped doing stuff and even avoiding the grocery store there are still people jumping on planes and going to mexico and bringing the 'rona back to the forks...I did hear about a "high school party" ...is that what your referencing?
what's the over/under for the acceptable date in March for international travel for recreation to where you are stupid for doing so?
ex: flying to mexico on the 17th from grand forks and coming back on the 23rd so you can get drunk on a beach after all your friends said not to go?
i agree this was/is the proper move with everything going on...not ideal but give her a year and see what's she's got...brew had to go. hope she knocks it out of the park...plus she's a neighbor of mine!
if we wait to "reopen" the country and supply chains for oxygen machines, heart medication, liver medication, drugs in general go bad and 2 million people die will we look back at the shelter in place as a dumb move?