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Everything posted by SIOUXFAN97



    wonder the same thing...he's a spas


    muss, luke, kotelnicki, rudy, knauff and the rest are somewhere laughing at us...


    time for BB at qb for the rest of the game?


    he just plain sucks
  5. 35-18 hawks...getting the run game going....dalton gee mvp
  6. ill give ketts some credit on the play where jj fumbled....he saw/knew that rooney had a better angle for the recovery so he blocked the davis guy instead of pig piling on top of rooney....heady play by ketts
  7. the same reason heidelbaugh got the start over zimm....just saying
  8. not many of ketts throws in this game were all that tough looking....maybe it would 70% but with about 100 yards of rpo yards?
  9. on the play where ketts puts his head down and gets tackled around the 10...BB zags a guy and goes in standing up on that play. i think that was the drive where rooney saved the day. with BB at qb we would/could have 500....
  10. lookin' forward to schmiddy dialin' up some hits on their qb in the 2nd half!
  11. fool me once shame on you...fool me twice shame on me.....BB would take this offense to a different level...his rpo's would be deadly.
  12. i like how st thomas is already exploring leaving the slummit before they have even joined it?
  13. SIOUXFAN97

    2019 Season

    we know bb isn't the answer bc....has he ever started a game? and if your saying he sucks at qb because those qb guru's out at und says he sucks?....then all i'll say is two words heidel baugh. (worst performance at qb i might have ever seen....ever.)
  14. SIOUXFAN97

    2019 Season

    could his throwing ability be worse than ketts...or heidelbaugh?
  15. SIOUXFAN97

    2019 Season

    still don't get why more people aren't calling for BB to be our starting qb.....EVEN if Ketts is healhty rpo's with him are garbage..
  16. were any of ketts int's under pressure? i don't recall any of them being bc he was being pressured. predetermined read before the snap...long crappy release allows db's to break on it and boom int number 1,2,3,4,5,.......
  17. hopefully kelly howe calls out bubba on this crap....6 to's!!!!!!!
  18. bb starts the ewu game....we win that game going away. one guy had 6 turnovers and we lost by two scores....imagine how much better our d could be if they had any faith in the o side the ball....3 and outs suck for morale
  19. does this surpise you by now.....he was going to that wr no matter the hell what.....kett sucks but what does that say about the guy that has been recruiting our qb's for the last six years!
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