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Everything posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/COVID19/index.htm closing in on Obama's swine flu debacle...60k covid deaths and counting. 59,837
  2. but it hasn't been done right/correctly.
  3. so a "young female" wouldn't work...plus how can you tell if it's a female...lots of assuming going on there. young? maybe female? who knows? Caucasian? could have two black parents....
  4. love how they have to have a descriptor under the photo? gotta love identity politics.. Portrait of a young Caucasian girl wearing a white medical mask on a background of nature and cityscape, coronavirus, air pollution concept
  5. any outlet that spent 3 years reporting fake news every night about "russia, russia, russia" and then don't admit they were lying=fake news
  6. you normally don't ask questions...you tell us what is going to happen...ask around?
  7. bye bye muddy rivers what's going on withthe Kegs?
  8. npr=fake news lol npr
  9. good...now those NATO countries can actually pay their NATO bills? dawhoops. lol
  10. Fox has HAS gotten a few stories right but on the other hand if u watch CNN know that the truth is 100% opposite of what they are telling you...if you don't agree just ask George Papadosoulous or Carter Page.
  11. no it's not. lol
  12. how do we know it "vanished" in these areas if these said areas were never highly tested lol
  13. doesn't malik obama say the same thing about barak lol
  14. what was obmama's plan for the swine flu again.
  15. sad part is all these small businesses that could make it right now if allowed have to put up with 90 some more days of this crap...build it up your whole life to watch it crash down in months over a virus....
  16. so the liberty and storm walked off the court during the national anthem....reminds me of the old saying ....if a tree falls in the woods.....
  17. first part of november...not a day earlier.
  18. now if UND can just get ugly alternating colored seating like the above pic and i think Holt Arena we might be on to something!
  19. Interesting that Walowack will be the GM? bc Matt owns the Ground Round i think....
  20. what are the odds the the mcfc updates that old ass crappy logo and we will have to change those out in the next couple of years....that is one hideous logo...everthing else is good..can't believe we have a logo at midfield...somewhere in las vegas kris mecgreery is fuming.
  21. this is what i love about people like duker...they took a nap for 8 years (heck 16) and then wake up and literally get "woke" and think nothing bad/nefarious has happened at the federal level for the last two decades. lol
  22. tom miller wants numbers!! how about this....what if all 400 student athletes at und were tested and all 400 came back as postive for the chinese flu...wouldn't that be "outing" them?
  23. so cuomo says the covid got into the nursing homes from visitors most likely...NOT from Covid positive old people that WERE symptomatic that were forced into nursing homes...interesting take mr cuomo
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