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Everything posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. i was asking someone that actually has a medical degree...not you
  2. so would someone walking into a bakery and wanting a certain cake with a certain motif on it and the owner denied them their request you ok with that as long as their lives (or soul) aren't at risk....welcome...lp.org.
  3. bingo! gotta love the bandana wearing crowd...I think the WHO recommends bandanas actually per their chinese sources.
  4. point blank keikla...and this is for rednecksioux...if you are not wearing a N95 mask you are not protecting either yourself or the employee at hugo's from the 'rona?
  5. she is most definitely immunocompromised...she has TDS.
  6. we agree again...welcome to the libertarian party where its' "my business...my choice". you just need to be consistent on this going forward.
  7. that crazy cat lady that runs a frame shop next to sledsters has a sign on one side of her window that shows how to say "Hello" in a bunch of different languages...bonjour. Opposite of that sign says "usps ok, thrifty white ok, appointments ok, wearing mask ok otherwise......CLOSED
  8. more pics...is that a mini helmet?
  9. can't we all just be japan...business as usual...if you feel sick stay home...if you get really sick go to the doctor.
  10. did they really act responsibly or is it because they are not 300lbs and ride a subway for 2 hours everyday while drinking a 20oz mountain dew?
  11. exactly...if ND did 5000 common flu tests and 157 came back positive what would/should we do? Unlikethe rona where people probably are staying home for 2 weeks i can bet that half of those 157 are probably still going to work because "it's just the flu".
  12. talked to someone that works at altru on friday...she says altru is full of "sick" people..non-rona sick people ...wonder why
  13. i've kinda thought our "hawks eye or the iris" should or could've been pink?
  14. nice...you even know mark. classly post.
  15. define "almost"...and is that with or without a republican in the white house?
  16. hurricane in puerto rico..."well that went better than expected...only 67 people die....I'll call Washington and thank President Obama..Wait!!!!! he's not president anymore....when you call trump make sure it's 67,000 people!" yeah..politics.
  17. well said...you starve your immune system right now of the "good" germs who know what happens later this fall or winter...
  18. the reason most people refuse to wear a mask is bc the numbers aren't matching up to reality...
  19. with all the people that die each from car accidents i hope you are serious.
  20. put em on here so everyone can hold you accountable. remember we are a community and your actions could kill anyone of us on here if you drive recklessly.
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