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Everything posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. what's the future for gamble hall with nistler coming on board in a year or so? demo?
  2. gershman hall? and where the steam plant used to be...completely gone.
  3. awesome job on the old carnegie library by the museum of art....
  4. arn't military people supposed to somewhat fearless? wtf armacost?...schloss...nothing left to say.
  5. haha...was gonna reference him...he amost kicked an extra point into lake bemidji!!!!!!!!!! iirc
  6. i see a billboard that says you specialize in DUI cases coming soon....
  7. where have you been the last few years....some people wait till they see the riot that is on the tv miles away out their front window before doing something....
  8. with the new federal legislation...."women's" sports is dead anyways they just don't know it yet.
  9. bring back ashley!
  10. total 180....it's a headscrather for sure....
  11. we were really really spoiled for years with specials teams..fromg rog to the moustache to muss....seemed like we had a legit kicker every year for 20 years...under kotelnicki it seemed like every opposing fg was going to be blocked. can't wait for next month to see some football every week!!!!
  12. it starts and ends with kostitch...how much longer are we gonna to have jv special teams and be ok with it?
  13. bubba and lefleur both have one thing in common....punting in playoff games when you should probably show some balls and go for it.
  14. kickers went 0-4 in practice today from around 40 yards....but kostitch is such a great motivator...come on!
  15. you would think the second he signed with a d2 school instead of a b12 school his "Dad/Mom" wouldn't post on here anymore considering the boasts of he extraordinary talents that any FBS schools should see with their eyes closed...but nope.
  16. when deciding on one more...ask yourself....what would gfhockey do? #wwgfhdo
  17. problem with using Schusters performance against SHSU as a marker of being an all american is that SHSU ended being a really bad team...i hope we have higher aspirations that beating bad schools like shsu.
  18. wonder if holden listens to the guy who replaced him on cbssc and just cringes like it did last night?
  19. who is our starting RB day one?
  20. where's hadju when you need him
  21. yes this interim stuff needs to be fixed....teams like usd and sdsu will/are using it against us...interim just doesn't look good.
  22. ben hits 10 3's tonight!
  23. ugly last possession ...wow.
  24. interviewed after the game and mallory said they practice that inbound play all the time...???? really?
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