any pics of what the road/parking lot will look like in front of the MOA and Twamley bc it looks like they are kicking that road back behind the Armory and MOA..assuming it will link back up with the road that runs in front of Merrifield?
are we ever going to schedule some nsic teams...bemidji>black hills state
moorhead state>presbysterian college?
can't wait for some bball this winter!!!
common sense went out the window a long time ago when a 22 year old person with no symptoms goes to get a covid test (hoping to win a giftcard or get a 10-14 day vacation from work)....tests positive and on his way home on his bike gets hit by a car and killed and our Gov has a press conference stating that a perfectly healthy 22 year old died "of or with" Covid.
making some big assumptions ira by saying anyone that doesn't get the vaccine is "refusing" it....there are lots and lots of reason why people are not getting the vaccine...whether it be medical, religious, or historical reasons.
the average age of someone dying from covid is/was around 80 with multiple health problems.....all the more reason for kids in the prime of their lives to live in a bubble and not play a baseball game.
name me one professional athlete in the last 18 months that even came close to won't find one because 85 year people with diabetes and high blood pressure aren't first basemen for the yankees....
get real ira
und is fighting for students (and athletes) from the region and beyond....pretty sure that gov noem wont' require it...really really curious where weeping gov burgum falls on this issue.