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Posts posted by Feff

  1. Williams was losing playtime throughout this season, the last couple of games she is about the third guard in off the bench. Her decision making was suspect and had no outside shot, good on ball defense though.

    Mills I thought would develop given more time. She has great foot speed, is excellent at breaking a press by herself, and was probably out best on-ball defender. She didn't have much of an outside shot but was at least willing to put one up now and then.

    Not sure if declining playtime was a factor or if it was something else, but wish them both luck moving forward.

  2. Yes, the media is making a bigger story than what it is. A trio of high school kids being idiotic and wanting attention. It wasn't about racism, despite what it symbolized. They didn't go out there to intimidate anyone of color.

    From what I have heard from those with more knowledge than me, these three kids brought the hoods into the game and put them on. Shortly after the students around them forced them to remove the hoods. Unfortunately a UND student noticed and took a picture before the hoods came off, put it on twitter and thus it became a big story in the media.

  3. Strong win over Portland St., other than a few stretches in which the offense disappeared, this was probably the best that this team has been all season.

    What's the story on Evers? How severe is her injury?

  4. There are a few of us students that you'll see at most games, but yes, for the most part the student body is totally apathetic to just about anything not men's hockey related. It's disappointing but not really sure how it can be changed. They have offered free food, promotion specials, etc., and it still has not attracted students other than when priority seating is done for hockey games (and don't get me started on that...)

  5. Terrible game for UND. Could have been much worse of a score but Montana wasn't all that great on offense either, especially early on. I watched for 40 minutes and left the game confused as to what offense exactly we were trying to run. Judging by the way Brewster was yelling, he was confused as well. We set up screen and rolls, but we never give it on the roll. We move the ball to one half of the court and then set everyone up on the other half, stand around for 5 seconds, and then people start to move. Not sure if we're trying to clear out, but then we never drive it. There is just no flow to the offense. Defense wasn't completely terrible, we had some active hands. My biggest beef with the defense was the lack of weak-side help when the post defender is front, and then slow rotations down into the post from the weak wings. Too many easy layups for Montana due to slow rotations.

  6. Had this article been written last year, I might agree with it a bit more. This year not so much. Huff has shown his defensive abilities and his willingness to become a lockdown defender. He is getting better passing out of double/triple teams but still needs some improvement there. There is less selfish play this year and he seems more at ease with coaches, teammates, and within the offense.

  7. Front court depth has been an issue this year with Wall, Houdek, and now Evers all banged up. But the main issue has been turnovers. Our guards are careless with the ball and it has killed us in games this season.

  8. Yeah, they really suffer from lack of a strong point guard and their attempts at breaking the half-court were often ridiculous. When they actually got into their set offense, things went well. But then too many were slow-footed back in transition and they gave away far too many easy layups. Also too slow rotating either in zone or man defense and closing out on the three point shooter for Sac.

    I do have to say that out of the three point guards I saw last night (Williams, Mills, Burck), Burck was the one that gave us the most on the floor. She played good defense for the most part and actually presented an outside threat to shoot. Whenever Williams or Mills are in, I never think they will take a shot and neither does most defenses, allowing their defender to sag.

    Last night, Jones should take some notes from Brewster on how to get shooters open. The plays Brewster runs to get Lauck open shooting space are very nicely designed and run. Jones should take notes and start mirroring some of them for Schuler.

  9. Our offense, just as our defense, is going to live and die by the improvements of the line play. Last year we had senior quarterbacks, one who was incredibly quick on his reads, the other incredibly quick on his feet, and therefore they could help out the line. This next year we will have a freshman quarterback who will need that extra second or two to be able to make the reads. What will help Mollberg is his mobility, and I don't think Bartels is a stationary rock like Hanson was either. But we also need the line to move people on the LOS. That's why our running game failed (along with some questionable play-calling, i.e. running Miller between the tackles but Sutton off-tackle). We've seen how good our running game can be when our line actually creates gaps and moves the defense (Fresno State). As the line goes, so does Miller, he's not a guy that's going to create for himself like Northern Arizona's RB.

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