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Posts posted by Feff

  1. It was obvious und was missing players and the refs weren't calling anything against Minnesota, it was easy to see. UMN is a good enough team that the refs don't have to call things their way but it seems the refs call it one way. Plenty of blatant calls missed with Spivey and Lick looking right at it.

  2. I noticed a lot of the turnovers were directly related to the press. The girls got pressured and they would just cough it up. I think Brew needs to put more pressure into the practices that he runs, as they did not handle it well at all.

    One turnover on Buck in the second half looked like it was because someone had spilled water on the court in front of the Sac St. bench. Seriously?! Wipe that stuff up after a huddle!

  3. Definitely interesting to see how well this team is playing after the debacle that was last season. I have to say that I wasn't high on Brewster after his first year but he's starting to make me believe with how he has the girls performing right now.

  4. The player defections could also help the recruiting cause whenever the new coach is installed and into next season as there is the opportunity for early playing time which can be a big lure for some high school kids.

  5. What is missed in the Chappel vs. Miller argument is Chappel's vision was much, much better. More often than not his longer runs would be on a cut-back, either at the line or at the second level. Miller never had that vision and had to have the hole right in front of him. Chappel was the superior running back, too bad he lacked the mental strength of Miller.

  6. At this point, none of us know what Faison is or isn't doing. He might have the perfect candidate, a coach that's going to be amazing and blow us all away, or he might be twiddling his thumbs with all the bureacracy and red tape there seems to be in place. It's really anyone's guess and none of us know one way or the other. It's just funny to see the doom and gloom people vs. the "in Faison we trust" folk.

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