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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. Tells me there were grade issues.
  2. But, Russia and China had nothing to do with this election. They just wanted him to win once is what I have learned.
  3. Pretty much everyone I see in public is wearing a mask. Maybe not in restaurants while eating but other than that its about 95/5 when it comes to out and about in a public setting. Gas stations are where it could be improved. Other than that I believe most every store requires them, no? Which leads me to me my next question - why does everybody think masks are the answer? I asked yesterday and used examples of other states having mandates and still surging...and got nothing.
  4. Most sane people figured that out by April. That guy.....
  5. If it's the same virus then it has nothing to do with geography. Not sure how to explain it, you were pretty close earlier. Look at the charts of every state. Remarkably similar. Why are all the midwest states getting hit at once?
  6. Everyone has had one wave now that midwest is finally getting whacked. Almost seems like it has very little to do with mitigation techniques.
  7. The virus doesn't kill differently according to its geographic location...or does it?
  8. Trying to figure out what those top states on the list all have in common...and maybe the bottom of the list too, hmmm?
  9. Thats your answer? So essentially it's all Republicans who are spreading the virus. Take another 2 months off from this board, please.
  10. If mask mandates work why are these outbreaks happening in some states and not others that have them. Why is Minnesota spiking just like their neighbors are st the exact same time, even though they have had a mandate for over 3 months?
  11. Why aren't masks working for Minnesota?
  12. The timing of the press release is certainly nothing to think about. They didn't know any of this 10 days ago, I am sure.
  13. CNN before Trump arrived and they lost their A game.
  14. How many of them went woke over the summer? IMO that was a real factor.
  15. Mods, can you guys do something? Have some respect for this website. The money has been made.
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